Ed Sheeran – Make It Rain (From Sons Of Anarchy) 英语 歌詞 中文 翻譯

– 哦
When the sins of my father
– 当我父亲的罪孽
Weigh down in my soul
– 权衡在我的灵魂
And the pain of my mother
– 还有我母亲的痛苦
Will not let me go
– 不会放过我
Well, I know there can come fire from the sky
– 我知道天上会有火
To refine the purest of kings
– 提炼最纯洁的国王
And even though
– 尽管如此
I know this fire brings me pain
– 我知道这火给我带来痛苦
Even so
– 即便如此
And just the same
– 和一样

Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Make it rain down, Lord
– 主啊,让雨降下来吧
Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Oh, make it rain
– 哦,下雨吧
Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Make it rain down, Lord
– 主啊,让雨降下来吧
Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Make it rain
– 让它下雨

Oh, the seed needs the water
– 哦,种子需要水
‘Fore it grows out of the ground
– 它是从地上长出来的
But it just keeps on getting hard
– 但它只是不断变得困难
And hunger more profound
– 和饥饿更加深刻
Well, I know they can’t count tears from the eye
– 好吧,我知道他们数不出眼里的眼泪
But they may as well all be in vain
– 但他们也可能都是徒劳的
And even though I know these tears come with pain
– 即使我知道这些眼泪是伴随着痛苦而来的
Even so
– 即便如此
And just the same
– 和一样

Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Make it rain down, Lord
– 主啊,让雨降下来吧
Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Oh, make it rain
– 哦,下雨吧
Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Make it rain down, Lord
– 主啊,让雨降下来吧
Just make it rain
– 只要让它下雨
Make it rain
– 让它下雨

Well, the seas are full of water
– 海洋里充满了水
Stops by the shore
– 停在岸边
Just like the riches of grandeur
– 就像伟大的财富
Oh, no, no
– 哦,不,不
That never reach the poor
– 穷人永远得不到

And let the clouds fill with thunderous applause
– 让云彩充满雷鸣般的掌声
And let lightning be the veins
– 让闪电成为血管
And fill the sky, with all that they can draw
– 让天空充满他们所能画的一切
When it’s time, to make a change
– 当它的时间,做出改变

Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Make it rain down, Lord
– 主啊,让雨降下来吧
Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Make it rain down, Lord
– 主啊,让雨降下来吧
Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Oh, make it rain
– 哦,下雨吧

Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Oh, make it rain
– 哦,下雨吧
Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Make it rain down, Lord
– 主啊,让雨降下来吧
Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Oh, make it rain
– 哦,下雨吧

Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Make it rain
– 让它下雨
Oh, make it rain
– 哦,下雨吧






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