Younha – Oort Cloud Korean Lyrics English Translations

어둠만이 나의 전부였던 동안
– While darkness was all of me
숨이 벅차도록 달려왔잖아
– You ran for your breath.
Never say “time’s up”
– Never say “time’s up”
경계의 끝자락
– End of boundary
내 끝은 아니니까
– It’s not my end.

울타리 밖에 일렁이는 무언가
– Something hanging outside the fence
그 아무도 모르는 별 일지 몰라
– Maybe that’s a star no one knows.
I wanna wanna be there
– I wanna wanna be there
I’m gonna gonna be there
– I’m gonna gonna be there
벅찬 맘으로 이 궤도를 벗어나
– Get out of this orbit with a big heart.

Let’s go!
– Let’s go!
새로운 길의 탐험가
– Explorers of New Paths
Beyond the road
– Beyond the road
껍질을 깨뜨려버리자
– Let’s break the shell.
두려움은 이제 거둬
– Fear now.
오로지 나를 믿어
– Only trust me.
지금이 바로 time to fly
– Time to fly

두 눈앞의 끝 사뿐 넘어가
– It’s just the end of your eyes.
한계 밖의 trip, 짜릿하잖아
– Trip outside the limit, it’s exhilarating.
녹이 슨 심장에 쉼 없이 피는 꿈
– A dream blooming without a break in a rusty heart
무모 하대도 믿어 난
– I believe in recklessness.

누구도 본 적 없는 낯선 우주 속에
– In a strange universe that no one has ever seen
겁 없이 뛰어들어 fall (fall) fall (fall)
– Jump in without fear fall (fall) fall (fall)
답답한 가슴 안에 불꽃을 피워낼래
– I want a spark in my stuffy chest.
Shine and bright
– Shine and bright

곧 잡힐 듯이 반짝이던 무언가
– Something that sparkled as soon as it caught on
꼭 달릴수록 멀어져도 난 좋아
– The more you run, the farther you get, the better I’ll be.
I never never give up
– I never never give up
I’m getting getting better
– I’m getting getting better
여정은 이미 시작된 지 오래야
– It’s been a long time since the journey started.

Let’s go!
– Let’s go!
끝이라 생각한 순간
– The moment I thought it was the end
Beyond the road
– Beyond the road
넓은 세상이 날 감싸 안아
– The wide world hugs me.
때로는 느릿해도 가끔은 지친대도
– Sometimes it’s slow, sometimes it’s exhausting.
멈추지 않고 let me fly
– let me fly without stopping

두 눈앞의 끝 사뿐 넘어가
– It’s just the end of your eyes.
한계 밖의 trip, 짜릿하잖아
– Trip outside the limit, it’s exhilarating.
녹이 슨 심장에 쉼 없이 피는 꿈
– A dream blooming without a break in a rusty heart
무모 하대도 믿어 난
– I believe in recklessness.
Woah woah woah
– Woah woah woah

누가 뭐래도 믿어 난
– I trust anyone to say anything.

Go, 다치고 망가져 버거워진 항해
– Go, Hurt, broken, burgled voyage
Go, 숨 한 번 고르고 이어가면 okey
– Go, take a breath and follow okey
구름 너머 세상을 내 품에 안을래
– I want to take the world beyond the clouds in my arms.

두 눈앞의 끝 사뿐 넘어가
– It’s just the end of your eyes.
한계 밖의 trip, 짜릿하잖아
– Trip outside the limit, it’s exhilarating.
녹이 슨 심장에 쉼 없이 피는 꿈
– A dream blooming without a break in a rusty heart
무모 하대도 믿어 난
– I believe in recklessness.
Woah woah woah
– Woah woah woah

나의 여정을 믿어 난
– I believe in my journey.






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