毛不易 – 《無名的人(電影《雄獅少年》主題曲)》 Chinese Lyrics English Translations

我是這路上 沒名字的人
– I am a person with no name on this road
我沒有新聞 沒有人評論
– I have no news, no one comments
要拼盡所有 換得普通的劇本
– You have to do everything you can to get an ordinary script
曲折輾轉 不過謀生
– Twists and turns can’t make a living

我是離開 小鎮上的人
– I am the one who left the town
是哭笑著 吃過飯的人
– Someone who has eaten crying and laughing
是趕路的人 是養家的人
– People who are on the go, people who support their families
是城市背景的 無聲
– It’s the silence of the city background

我不過 想親手觸摸
– I just want to touch it with my own hands
– Every moment you bend over
留下的 濕透的腳印 是不是值得
– Is the drenched footprints left worth it?
這哽咽 若你也相同
– This choking is the same if you are the same
– Just a friend from the same road
致所有 頂天立地卻 平凡普通的
– To all those who stand on the top of the world but are ordinary and ordinary

無名的人啊 我敬你一杯酒
– Nameless person, I would like to toast you with a glass of wine
敬你的沉默 和每一聲怒吼
– Respect your silence and every roar
敬你彎著腰 上山往高處走
– Respect you for bending your waist up the mountain and walking high
頭頂 蒼穹 努力地生活
– Live hard in the sky above your head

– You come from a southern village
– From rough hands
你站在 樓宇的縫隙 可你沒有退縮
– You stood in the gap between the buildings but you didn’t flinch

我來自於 北方的春天
– I come from the spring in the north
– From step by step
背後有 告別的路口 溫暖每個日落
– There is a farewell intersection behind to warm every sunset

當家鄉入冬 的時候
– When it’s winter in my hometown
列車到站 以後
– After the train arrives at the station
小時候的風 再吹過
– When I was a kid, the wind blew again
回憶起單純 的快樂
– Recalling simple happiness
在熟悉的 街頭
– On the familiar streets
有人 會用所有的溫柔 喊出你的 名字
– Someone will call out your name with all gentleness

離家的人啊 我敬你一杯酒
– People who leave home, I would like to toast you with a glass of wine
敬你的沉默 和每一聲怒吼
– Respect your silence and every roar
敬你彎著腰 上山往高處走
– Respect you for bending your waist up the mountain and walking high
頭頂 蒼穹 努力地生活
– Live hard in the sky above your head

無名的人啊 我敬你一杯酒
– Nameless person, I would like to toast you with a glass of wine
敬你的沉默 和每一聲怒吼
– Respect your silence and every roar
敬你彎著腰 上山往高處走
– Respect you for bending your waist up the mountain and walking high
頭頂 蒼穹 努力地生活
– Live hard in the sky above your head

– An unknown person

– An unknown person

無名的人啊 車來啦
– Nameless person, here comes the car
太多牽掛就 別回頭啊
– Don’t look back if you worry too much
無名的人啊 車開啦
– Nameless person, the car is driving
往前吧 帶著你的夢
– Go ahead with your dreams






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