人皆尋夢 夢裡不分西東
– Everyone is looking for dreams, regardless of west and east in their dreams
片刻春風得意 未知景物矇矓
– For a moment, the spring breeze is triumphant, the unknown scenery is blurred
人生如夢 夢裡輾轉吉凶
– Life is like a dream, tossing good and bad in a dream
尋樂不堪苦困 未識苦與樂同
– Looking for fun, unbearable, suffering, not knowing that suffering and joy are the same
天造之才 皆有其用
– Talents made in heaven have their uses
振翅高飛 無須在夢中
– Fluttering wings and flying high, in a dream
南柯長夢 夢去不知所蹤
– Nan Ke Changmengmeng went without a trace
醉翁他朝醒覺 是否跨鳳乘龍
– The drunk man, did he wake up and cross the phoenix and ride the dragon?
天造之才 皆有其用
– Talents made in heaven have their uses
振翅高飛 無須在夢中
– Fluttering wings and flying high, in a dream
何必尋夢 夢裡甘苦皆空
– Why bother to look for dreams, dreams are empty of hardships and hardships
勸君珍惜此際 自當欣慰無窮
– Advise you to cherish this moment and be gratified
– Why bother to dream
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