Lidia Buble – Draga mea Romanian Lyrics English Translations

Draga mea, jur ca regret ca iti vreau raul
– My dear, I swear I regret that I want your harm
Draga mea, ce sa fac, m-apasa doru’
– My dear, what should I do, my longing presses
Draga mea, vreau sa plangi cum am plans si eu…
– Honey, I want you to cry like I cried…
Sa plangi cum am plans eu
– Cry like I cried

Draga mea, sa ti se rupa inima-n bucati
– My dear, let your heart break to pieces
Draga mea, sa vrei sa-l ai si sa nu poti
– My dear, to want to have it and not to be able to
Vreau sa te minta in fata,
– I want to lie to your face,
Ca te vrea in timp ce te lasa
– He wants you while he leaves you

Spune-mi, o sa faci la fel cu ea
– Tell me, you’ll do the same with her
Spune-mi, o s-o doara inima
– Tell me, her heart will hurt
M-as bucura chiar de-i gresit
– I would even enjoy it’s wrong
Sa o ranesti cum m-ai ranit
– To hurt her like you hurt me

Spune-mi, o sa faci la fel cu ea
– Tell me, you’ll do the same with her
Spune-mi, o s-o doara inima
– Tell me, her heart will hurt
M-as bucura chiar de-i gresit
– I would even enjoy it’s wrong
Sa o ranesti cum m-ai ranit
– To hurt her like you hurt me

Dragul meu, cat crezi c-o sa mai tina rolul
– Darling, how long do you think the role will last
Dragul meu, soarta-i regizor, tu actorul
– My dear, fate is the director, you the actor
Dragul meu, o sa plangi tu odata
– My dear, you’ll cry once
Iubirea-i desteapta si karma nu iarta
– Love is smart and karma does not forgive
Tu stii c-ai ranit mult prea multe femei
– You know you’ve hurt too many women
Acum ea te raneste, dar de-asta o vrei
– Now she’s hurting you, but that’s why you want her
Cu inima franta, cu mintea bolnava
– With a broken heart, with a sick mind
Orgoliul meu te roaga
– My pride begs you
Sa-i mai faci rau inc-o data
– Hurt him again

Spune-mi, o sa faci la fel cu ea
– Tell me, you’ll do the same with her
Spune-mi, o s-o doara inima
– Tell me, her heart will hurt
M-as bucura chiar de-i gresit
– I would even enjoy it’s wrong
Sa o ranesti cum m-ai ranit
– To hurt her like you hurt me

Spune-mi, o sa faci la fel cu ea
– Tell me, you’ll do the same with her
Spune-mi, o s-o doara inima
– Tell me, her heart will hurt
M-as bucura chiar de-i gresit
– I would even enjoy it’s wrong
Sa o ranesti cum m-ai ranit
– To hurt her like you hurt me

Te rog sa ma ierti, sa ma ierti draga mea
– Please forgive me, forgive me my dear
Ca vreau sa te-neci si tu-n lacrima ta
– That I want you to tear yourself away
Te rog sa ma ierti, sa ma ierti draga mea
– Please forgive me, forgive me my dear

Spune-mi, o sa faci la fel cu ea
– Tell me, you’ll do the same with her
Spune-mi, o s-o doara inima
– Tell me, her heart will hurt
M-as bucura chiar de-i gresit
– I would even enjoy it’s wrong
Sa o ranesti cum m-ai ranit
– To hurt her like you hurt me






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