La bomba
– Pump
Es una bebida
– It’s a drink
Que va cambiando tu vida
– That’s changing your life
Una gotita de nada
– A drop of nothing
Te vuelve loca
– It drives you crazy
Loca divertida
– Crazy funny
Agua de risa
– Laughing water
Con unas gotas de rosa
– With a few drops of rose
Y una aceituna sabrosa
– And a tasty olive
Y en lo caliente (súbelo, súbelo)
– And in the hot (turn it up, turn it up)
Esa es la bomba
– That’s the bomb
Muévete, mamita que me vuelvo loco
– Move, mommy, I’m going crazy
Emborrachadita de la bomba estás
– Drunk from the bomb you are
Cosa linda, cosa mona
– Cute thing, cute thing
Sube, sube que la bomba va
– Go up, go up the bomb goes
Bum bum, dando media vuelta
– Boom boom, turning around
Bum bum, otra vuelta más
– Boom boom, another round
Bum bum, en cada esquina
– Boom boom, on every corner
Nena, dame más (a la bin bum va)
– Baby, give me more (to the bin bum goes)
(Muévelo, muévelo), dando media vuelta
– (Move it, move it), turning around
Bum bum, otra vuelta más (muévelo, muévelo)
– Boom boom, one more turn (move it, move it)
Bum bum, en cada esquina
– Boom boom, on every corner
Nena, dame más (bum bum, a la bin bum va)
– Baby, give me more (boom boom, to the bin bum goes)
Que noche movida
– What a busy night
Intensamente vivida
– Intensely lived
Te vas quedando colgada
– You’re getting hung up
– Harmless
Pura enamorada
– Pure in love
Mira, guapa
– Look, pretty
Sale volando la ropa
– Clothes fly out
Sigue bailando la luna (menéalo, menéalo)
– Keep dancing the moon (shake it, shake it)
Luna gatuna (súbelo, súbelo)
– Catmoon (turn it up, turn it up)
Esa es la bomba
– That’s the bomb
Muévete, mamita que me vuelvo loco
– Move, mommy, I’m going crazy
Emborrachadita de la bomba estás
– Drunk from the bomb you are
Cosa linda, cosa mona
– Cute thing, cute thing
Sube, sube que la bomba va (muévelo, muévelo)
– Go up, go up the pump goes (move it, move it)
Bum bum, dando media vuelta
– Boom boom, turning around
Bum bum, otra vuelta más (muévelo, muévelo)
– Boom boom, one more turn (move it, move it)
Bum bum, y en cada esquina
– Boom boom, and on every corner
Nena, dame más (bum bum, a la bin bum va)
– Baby, give me more (boom boom, to the bin bum goes)
(Muévelo, muévelo), dando media vuelta
– (Move it, move it), turning around
Bum bum, otra vuelta más (muévelo, muévelo)
– Boom boom, one more turn (move it, move it)
Bum bum, y en cada esquina
– Boom boom, and on every corner
Nena, dame más (bum bum, a la bin bum va)
– Baby, give me more (boom boom, to the bin bum goes)
– Paquito
Muévete, mamita que me vuelvo loco
– Move, mommy, I’m going crazy
Emborrachadita de la bomba estás
– Drunk from the bomb you are
Cosa linda, cosa mona
– Cute thing, cute thing
Sube, sube que la bomba va
– Go up, go up the bomb goes
Que noche movida
– What a busy night
Intensamente vivida
– Intensely lived
Te vas quedando colgada
– You’re getting hung up
– Harmless
Pura enamorada
– Pure in love
Mira, guapa
– Look, pretty
Sale volando la ropa
– Clothes fly out
Sigue bailando la luna
– Keep dancing the moon
Luna gatuna
– Cat moon
Esa es la bomba
– That’s the bomb
(Muévelo, muévelo), dando media vuelta
– (Move it, move it), turning around
Bum bum, otra vuelta más (muévelo, muévelo)
– Boom boom, one more turn (move it, move it)
Bum bum, y en cada esquina
– Boom boom, and on every corner
Nena, dame más (bum bum, a la bin bum va)
– Baby, give me more (boom boom, to the bin bum goes)
(Muévelo, muévelo), dando media vuelta
– (Move it, move it), turning around
Bum bum, otra vuelta más (muévelo, muévelo)
– Boom boom, one more turn (move it, move it)
Bum bum, y en cada esquina
– Boom boom, and on every corner
Nena, dame más (bum bum, a la bin bum va)
– Baby, give me more (boom boom, to the bin bum goes)
(Muévelo, muévelo)
– (Move it, move it)
(Muévelo, muévelo)
– (Move it, move it)
(Muévelo, muévelo)
– (Move it, move it)
(Bum, bum)
– (Boom, boom)
(Muévelo, muévelo)
– (Move it, move it)
(Muévelo, muévelo)
– (Move it, move it)
Dando media vuelta (muévelo, muévelo)
– Turning around (move it, move it)
Otra vuelta más (bum, bum)
– One more turn (boom, boom)
En cada esquina (muévelo, muévelo)
– At every corner (move it, move it)
Llena la bomba
– Fill the pump
Dando media vuelta (muévelo, muévelo)
– Turning around (move it, move it)
Otra vuelta más (bum, bum)
– One more turn (boom, boom)
En cada esquina (muévelo, muévelo)
– At every corner (move it, move it)
Llena la bomba
– Fill the pump
(Muévelo, muévelo)
– (Move it, move it)

Ricky Martin – La Bomba Spanish Lyrics English Translations
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