KAZKA – I AM NOT OK Ukrainian Lyrics English Translations

Заспіваю тобі пісню я
– I’ll sing you a song
Про життя між до і після
– About life between before and after
Зранку і в годину пізню я
– In the morning and at a late hour I
Ніжна, сильна, твоя
– Gentle, strong, yours

Вдих, видих
– Inhale, exhale
Спалах, вибух
– Flash, explosion
Серце палає
– My heart is burning
Приймаю бій
– I accept the fight
Боже, зможу
– God, I can do it
Бо тут кожен свій
– Because here everyone is different

No, I am not okay
– No, I am not okay
It’s four in the morning and I’m wide awake
– It’s four in the morning and I’m wide awake
Sister I’m just tryna take it day by day
– Sister I’m just tryna take it day by day
Grateful for the fact that I still see your face, ay
– Grateful for the fact that I still see your face, ay
No, I am not okay
– No, I am not okay
It’s four in the morning, I ain’t get no rest
– It’s four in the morning, I ain’t get no rest
Sister I’m just doing everything I can
– Sister I’m just doing everything I can
Yeah, I’m on my way
– Yeah, I’m on my way
I’m gonna see your face, ay
– I’m gonna see your face, ay

Заспіваю тобі пісню я
– I’ll sing you a song
Про розірване намисто
– About the torn necklace
Береже молитва місто
– Prayer protects the city
Ніжна, сильна, моя
– Gentle, strong, my

Вдих, видих
– Inhale, exhale
Був, вибув
– Was, dropped out
Швидкі обійми
– Quick hugs
Не час для мрій
– This is not the time to dream
Але ж зможу
– But I can
Бо тут кожен свій
– Because here everyone is different

No, I am not okay
– No, I am not okay
It’s four in the morning and I’m wide awake
– It’s four in the morning and I’m wide awake
Sister I’m just tryna take it day by day
– Sister I’m just tryna take it day by day
Grateful for the fact that I still see your face, ay
– Grateful for the fact that I still see your face, ay
No, I am not okay
– No, I am not okay
It’s four in the morning, I ain’t get no rest
– It’s four in the morning, I ain’t get no rest
Sister I’m just doing everything I can
– Sister I’m just doing everything I can
Yeah, I’m on my way
– Yeah, I’m on my way
I’m gonna see your face, ay
– I’m gonna see your face, ay

Pray for Ukraine (pray for Ukraine)
– Pray for Ukraine (pray for Ukraine)

Pray for Ukraine now (Ukraine now)
– Pray for Ukraine now (Ukraine now)






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