毛不易 – 如你所想 (電視劇《與君初相識》愛情主題曲) Chinese Lyrics English Translations

嘿 如果你不是你 我不是我
– Hey if you are not you i am not me
嘿 多想 多想
– Hey, think more, think more
嘿 你要去哪
– Hey where are you going
– Ren Zhanxin looked up
– Can’t keep the light
嘿 随它流浪
– Hey, let it wander

愿你得所偿 去光艳地方
– May you get what you pay for and go to a glorious place
– Stay away from me, stay away from sadness
从此无虚妄 忘却凡生
– From then on, there will be no falsehood and forget all life.
让遗憾 不生长
– Let regrets not grow

愿你从此无所怕 无匮也无华
– May you have nothing to fear, no shortage, and no glory from now on
– Chasing the waves like a firefly
捉不住的光 任由我
– Let me catch the light that I can’t catch
一人 回想
– Think back to one person

愿你似月光 无痛也无伤
– May you be painless and injury-free like moonlight
– Have a pair of white wings
不经历严霜 再也不用
– Don’t experience severe frost, never use it again
把自己 都封藏
– Seal yourself away

愿你永不落迷网 赏日月未央
– May you never fall into the net to reward the sun and the moon Weiyang
– Engraved time in the palm of your hand
任美梦滋养 告别这
– Ren Meimeng, say goodbye to this
黑夜 漫长
– The night is long

风卷卷落花 雨淘淘飞沙
– The wind is rolling, the flowers are falling, the rain is Taotao, the sand is flying
– I think you are somewhere else
自由的欢唱 别再想起
– Sing freely, don’t think of it again
关于我 的过往
– About my past

这里繁花又盛放 如你般明朗
– The flowers here are blooming as bright as you
– Tens of thousands of light years passed in a blink of an eye
你可曾看见 这世间
– Have you ever seen this world
如你 所想
– As you think






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