NCT 127 – 0 Mile Korean Lyrics English Translations

너와 난 Zero mile
– You and I are Zero mile
Girl you’re just mine mine
– Girl you’re just mine mine
너와 난 Zero mile
– You and I are Zero mile
Girl you don’t mind
– Girl you don’t mind
You don’t mind at all
– You don’t mind at all

I feel the beat up all night
– I feel the beat up all night
지금 우린 마치 거짓말 같아
– Right now, we’re like lies.
We don’t speak That’s all right
– We don’t speak That’s all right
모든 걸 다 느낄 수가 있잖아
– You can feel everything.

요즘 네가 듣는
– What you hear these days
음악을 따라 난
– Follow the music I
걸음걸이를 맞춰 가 oh yeah
– Step by step oh yeah
함께 할 수록 난
– The more I do it together, the more I do it.
숫자로 정해 놓은 거리감을
– A sense of distance set by numbers
더 좁혀 가
– Narrow it further.
지금 달려갈게 yeah
– I’m running right now, yeah.

손 끝 하나로도 너와 나
– You and me with the end of your hand
하나되는 걸 느껴
– I feel like I’m one.
연결고리 alright 둘의 비밀 yeah
– Hookup alright two secrets yeah
손 끝 하나로도 난 지구 반대편
– I’m on the other side of the Earth with one end of my hand.
너에게 끌려
– Drawn to you
더 가까이 ah-yeah
– Closer ah-yeah
좁혀 우리 거리
– Narrow our distance

너와 난 Zero mile
– You and I are Zero mile
Girl you’re just mine mine
– Girl you’re just mine mine
너와 난 Zero mile
– You and I are Zero mile
Just like mine mine
– Just like mine mine

– Just the sound of footsteps.
어떤 기분인지 알 수 있어 다
– I can see how it feels.
숨김없이 털어놔
– Tell me without hiding.
항상 네 얘기를
– Always talk to you
듣고 싶어 난 ah yeah
– I want to hear ah yeah

매일 네가 찾는
– Every day you find
카페를 스쳐 난 너와 취향을 맞춰 가
– I’ve grazed the cafe, and I’m going to suit your tastes.
네 사진 속 latte에
– Four pics cheat latte on
꼭 어울릴 만 한 컵 케이크에
– On a cupcake that will suit you
입 맞춰 난
– I guess my mouth.
너무 달콤해 넌
– It’s so sweet. You’re so sweet.

손 끝 하나로도 너와 나
– You and me with the end of your hand
하나되는 걸 느껴
– I feel like I’m one.
연결고리 alright 둘의 비밀
– The secret of the hookup alright two
– Yeah
손 끝 하나로도 난 지구 반대편
– I’m on the other side of the Earth with one end of my hand.
너에게 끌려
– Drawn to you
더 가까이 ah-yeah
– Closer ah-yeah
좁혀 우리 거리
– Narrow our distance

Come on yeah
– Come on yeah
언제든 언제나 나와 같이 해
– Always be with me at any time.
하늘 별 시간 날 그리고 같은 해
– Sky stars time day and the same year
아래서 너와 나의 사이들을 다 좁혀
– Narrow down everything between you and me from the bottom.
심장도 똑같이 뛰는걸 느껴
– I feel my heart beating the same way.
Figure it figure
– Figure it figure
And figure figure it out
– And figure figure it out
널 보기만 하는건 이건 명백한 crime
– All I see is you, this is obvious crime.
하루 하루 둘만의 비밀을 만들어가
– Make your own secrets day in and day out.
널 알아가고 싶어
– I want to get to know you.
Just seconds apart
– Just seconds apart
Just seconds apart
– Just seconds apart

Touch and figure it out
– Touch and figure it out
똑같은 화면 속을 벗어 나
– Take off the same screen.
딱 네 앞에 alright
– Just in front of you alright
네 눈 앞에 yeah
– yeah before your eyes
Touch and figure it out
– Touch and figure it out
모든 걸 뛰어 넘은 그 순간
– That moment that went beyond everything
펼쳐지는 ah-yeah
– ah-yeah unfolding
우리의 이야기
– Our Story
Oh yeah
– Oh yeah

손 끝 하나로도 너와 나
– You and me with the end of your hand
하나되는 걸 느껴
– I feel like I’m one.
연결고리 alright 둘의 비밀
– The secret of the hookup alright two
손 끝 하나로도 난 지구 반대편
– I’m on the other side of the Earth with one end of my hand.
너에게 끌려
– Drawn to you
더 가까이 ah-yeah
– Closer ah-yeah
좁혀 우리 거리 yeah
– Narrow our streets yeah

너와 난 Zero mile
– You and I are Zero mile
Girl you’re just mine mine
– Girl you’re just mine mine
너와 난 Zero mile
– You and I are Zero mile
Just like mine mine
– Just like mine mine






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