Robert Plant – Big Log 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

I hear your far-away voice on the telephone line
– 我在电话线上听到你遥远的声音
Tell me what you think, we’ll tear it apart
– 告诉我你的想法,我们会把它撕碎的
Said how about 4, 000 miles, and 21 years
– 说4000英里,21年怎么样?
Do ya think that’s enough for a start
– 你觉得这就够了吗?

I’m up to fifteen thousand and holding
– 我高达一万五千,并持有
Passing time just admiring the view
– 消磨时光只是欣赏风景
But this seat belt is kind of exposin’
– 但这个安全带有点暴露
Putting pressure on my big love for you
– 给我对你的大爱施加压力

My big love for you, my big love for you
– 我对你的大爱,我对你的大爱
My big, my big, my big (big)
– 我的大,我的大,我的大(大)
My big love for you, my big love for you
– 我对你的大爱,我对你的大爱
My big, my big, my big
– 我的大,我的大,我的大

Umm, gonna let the hostess think I’m explodin’
– 让女主人以为我在爆炸
Must have finally got this bird on the ground
– 一定是把这只鸟放在地上了
Girl, oh girl, if the tank’s overloadin’
– 女孩,哦,女孩,如果坦克超载
She’s weighted and she loves to go down
– 她体重很重,她喜欢下去

She loves to go down, she loves to go down
– 她喜欢下去,她喜欢下去
She loves, she loves, she loves (down)
– 她爱,她爱,她爱(向下)
She loves to go down, she loves to go down
– 她喜欢下去,她喜欢下去
She loves, she loves, she loves (down)
– 她爱,她爱,她爱(向下)

When I fly her friendly skies
– 当我飞向她友好的天空
How I love her big surprise
– 我多么爱她的大惊喜
I will fill your corporate file
– 我来填写你的公司档案
Just give me your free air miles
– 给我你的免费飞行里程

When I fly the friendly skies
– 当我飞向友好的天空
How I love her big surprise
– 我多么爱她的大惊喜
I will fill your corporate file
– 我来填写你的公司档案
Just give me your free air miles, oh
– 给我你的免费飞行里程,哦

I take myself down the aisle to the bathroom
– 我沿着过道走到浴室
Are you sure that there’s room here for two?
– 你确定这里有两个人的地方吗?
She says fifteen thousand and holding
– 她说一万五千,拿着
As we talk about my big love for you
– 当我们谈论我对你的大爱

Yes we talk about my big, we talk about my big
– 是的,我们谈论我的大,我们谈论我的大
We talk about my big love for you
– 我们谈论我对你的大爱

How I love your friendly skies
– 我多么爱你友好的天空
I will fill your corporate file
– 我来填写你的公司档案
My big, my big, my big, (big love)
– 我的大,我的大,我的大,(大爱)

When I fly the friendly skies
– 当我飞向友好的天空
How I love her big surprise
– 我多么爱她的大惊喜
I will fill your corporate file
– 我来填写你的公司档案
She loves, she loves, she loves (Big love!)
– 她爱,她爱,她爱(大爱!)

Hello baby, I just love to fly, fly, fly
– 你好宝贝,我只是喜欢飞,飞,飞
I been five days, I been standin’ up
– 我已经五天了,我一直在站起来
Out on my free air miles. (Big love!)
– 在我的自由飞行里程上。 (大爱!)

I got nylon stockings,
– 我得到了尼龙丝袜,
I got chocolate bars
– 我有巧克力棒
I got nautilus equipment,
– 我有鹦鹉螺设备,
I’ve got a new Lincoln car, I got oooh.
– 我有一辆新的林肯车,我有哦。

One time I saw Las Vegas.
– 有一次我看到拉斯维加斯。
She loves my big, she loves
– 她爱我的大,她爱
I stopped in a motel I stopped in the same room as Jimmy Page, whoo!
– 我在一家汽车旅馆停了下来,我和吉米*佩奇停在同一个房间,哇!

They just finished remodelling it from the ’75 tour
– 他们刚从75年的巡回演出中改造完它
I got my free air miles She loves, she loves my big
– 我得到了我的自由飞行里程她爱,她爱我的大

When I fly the friendly skies
– 当我飞向友好的天空
How I love her big surprise
– 我多么爱她的大惊喜
I will fill your corporate file
– 我来填写你的公司档案
She loves, my big, she loves … (big love)!
– 她爱,我的大,她爱。.. (大爱)!

Free air miles, (big love)!
– 免费航空里程,(大爱)!
Free air miles, (big love)!
– 免费航空里程,(大爱)!
Free air miles, (big love)!
– 免费航空里程,(大爱)!






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