AKA – Sim Dope 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

Mama Africa
– 非洲妈妈
Mama Africa
– 非洲妈妈
Hands in the air
– 举起手来
If you been broke
– 如果你破产了
I see millionaires
– 我看到百万富翁
Making bread that’s the angle
– 做面包就是这个角度
Private jet -Benzo, can’t see through the window
– 私人飞机-Benzo,无法透过窗户看到
So if I die I pray to God
– 所以如果我死了,我向上帝祈祷
He brings me back to Sim Dope
– 他把我带回了Sim Dope
Sim Dope
– Sim毒品
911 rims spokes
– 911轮辋辐条
Back when it was college I would’ve came out with crib notes
– 回到大学的时候,我会带着婴儿床的便条出来的
Teachers say he got a problem dealing with the temple
– 老师说他在处理寺庙方面遇到了问题
But you ain’t even fucking with his gym clothes
– 但你连他的运动服都没穿
Don’t see the roof
– 看不到屋顶
That’s German auto
– 那是德国汽车
JC Le Roux, 1000 bottles
– JC Le Roux,1000瓶
I see the truth, it’s the land of promise
– 我看到了真相,这是应许之地
Call me the proof, I’m just being honest
– 叫我证据吧,我只是说实话
Mama Africa
– 非洲妈妈
Mama Africa
– 非洲妈妈
Mama Africa
– 非洲妈妈
Hands in the air, if you been broke
– 举起手来,如果你破产了
I see millionaires, making bread that’s the angle
– 我看到百万富翁,做面包这就是角度
Private jet -Benzo, can’t see through the window
– 私人飞机-Benzo,无法透过窗户看到
So if I die I pray to God
– 所以如果我死了,我向上帝祈祷
He brings me back to Sim Dope
– 他把我带回了Sim Dope
Sometimes I look at my mother
– 有时我看着我的母亲
I think of what could’ve been
– 我在想可能是什么
Imagine building a palace that’s only fit for a queen
– 想象一下,建造一座只适合女王的宫殿
My daddy climbed up the ladder
– 我爸爸爬上梯子
Until he ran out of steam
– 直到他失去动力
Reputation was damaged but never ran out of dreams
– 名誉受损却从未跑出梦想
That’s why I talk in my sleep
– 这就是为什么我在睡梦中说话
Fortunately my esteem
– 幸运的是我的尊敬
Is all for people who awfully talk it even if it is cheap
– 这一切都是为了那些胡说八道的人,即使它很便宜
Especially if all of the talking is cheap
– 特别是如果所有的谈话都很便宜
I got the recipe making beats with my enemies my conscious is clean
– 我得到了与我的敌人节拍的食谱我的意识是干净的
Don’t see the roof
– 看不到屋顶
That’s German auto
– 那是德国汽车
JC Le Roux, 1000 bottles
– JC Le Roux,1000瓶
I see the truth, it’s the land of promise
– 我看到了真相,这是应许之地
Call me the proof, I’m just being honest
– 叫我证据吧,我只是说实话
Mama Africa
– 非洲妈妈
Mama Africa
– 非洲妈妈
Mama Africa
– 非洲妈妈
Hands in the air, if you been broke
– 举起手来,如果你破产了
I see millionaires, making bread that’s the angle
– 我看到百万富翁,做面包这就是角度
Private jet -Benzo, can’t see through the window
– 私人飞机-Benzo,无法透过窗户看到
So if I die I pray to god he brings me back to Sim Dope
– 所以,如果我死了,我向上帝祈祷,他把我带回Sim Dope
I’m in this bitch with mandela
– 我和曼德拉在这婊子里
They put my name in the envelope you should fuck with the winners
– 他们把我的名字放在信封里,你应该和胜利者上床
You got some buzz from your single but that’s just luck for beginners
– 你从你的单曲中得到了一些嗡嗡声,但这对初学者来说只是运气
I’m coming back in another life just to stunt on your children
– 我会在另一种生活中回来,只是为了欺骗你的孩子
Uh, drop top for the summer time
– 夏天去吧
Proposing this toast focused on goals like I’m number 9
– 提出这个祝酒词的重点是像我是9号这样的目标
Every one of these flows my
– 每一个都流向我的
Foes gone analyse
– 敌人走了分析
Eyes closed while I fantasies
– 当我幻想时,闭上眼睛
Nice clothes in my jewellery ice cold like savannah dry
– 漂亮的衣服在我的珠宝冰凉像大草原干
Power moves being strategized
– 权力移动正在制定战略
So if I die I’m leaving behind some read dope
– 所以如果我死了,我会留下一些阅读毒品
Bring me back to sim dope there’s still hope
– 把我带回sim dope还有希望
Hands in the air, if you been broke
– 举起手来,如果你破产了
I see millionaires, making bread that’s the angle
– 我看到百万富翁,做面包这就是角度
Private jet -Benzo, can’t see through the window
– 私人飞机-Benzo,无法透过窗户看到
So if I die I pray to god
– 所以如果我死了,我向上帝祈祷
He brings me back to Sim Dope
– 他把我带回了Sim Dope






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