Sinéad O’Connor – Troy 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

I’ll remember it
– 我会记住的
And Dublin in a rainstorm
– 还有暴风雨中的都柏林
And sitting in the long grass in summer
– 夏天坐在长长的草丛里
Keeping warm
– 保暖
I’ll remember it
– 我会记住的
Every restless night
– 每个不安的夜晚
We were so young then
– 那时我们还很年轻
We thought that everything
– 我们以为一切
We could possibly do were the right
– 我们可能做的是正确的
Then we moved
– 然后我们搬走了
Stolen from our very eyes
– 从我们的眼睛里偷走了
And I wondered where you went to
– 我还在想你去哪了
Tell me when did the light die
– 告诉我光什么时候死的
You will rise
– 你会起来的
You’ll return
– 你会回来的
The phoenix from the flame
– 火焰中的凤凰
You will learn
– 你会学到的
You will rise
– 你会起来的
You’ll return
– 你会回来的
Being what you are
– 做你自己
There is no other Troy
– 没有其他的特洛伊
For you to burn
– 让你燃烧

And I never meant to hurt you
– 我从没想过要伤害你
I swear I didn’t mean
– 我发誓我不是故意的
Those things I said
– 我说的那些话
I never meant to do that to you
– 我从没想过要那样对你
Next time I’ll keep my hands to myself instead
– 下次我会把我的手留给自己
Oh, does she love you
– 哦,她爱你吗?
What do you want to do?
– 你想做什么?
Does she need you like I do?
– 她像我一样需要你吗?
Do you love her?
– 你爱她吗?
Is she good for you?
– 她对你有好处吗?
Does she hold you like I do?
– 她像我一样抱着你吗?

Do you want me?
– 你需要我吗?
Should I leave?
– 我该走了吗?
I know you’re always telling me
– 我知道你总是告诉我
That you love me
– 你爱我
Just sometimes I wonder
– 只是有时候我在想
If I should believe
– 如果我相信
Oh, I love you
– 哦,我爱你
God, I love you
– 上帝,我爱你
I’d kill a dragon for you
– 我会为你杀一条龙
I’ll die
– 我会死的
But I will rise
– 但我会站起来
And I will return
– 我会回来的
The Phoenix from the flame
– 火焰中的凤凰
I have learned
– 我已经学会了
I will rise
– 我要起来
And you’ll see me return
– 你会看到我回来
Being what I am
– 做我自己
There is no other Troy
– 没有其他的特洛伊
For me to burn
– 让我燃烧

And you should’ve left the light on
– 你应该把灯开着
You should’ve left the light on
– 你应该把灯开着的
Then I wouldn’t have tried
– 那我就不会试过了
And you’d never have known
– 你永远不会知道
And I wouldn’t have pulled you tighter
– 我也不会把你拉得更紧
No I wouldn’t have pulled you close
– 不,我不会把你拉近的
I wouldn’t have screamed
– 我不会尖叫的
No I can’t let you go
– 不,我不能让你走
And the door wasn’t closed
– 门没关
No I wouldn’t have pulled you to me
– 不,我不会把你拉到我身边的
No I wouldn’t have kissed your face
– 不,我不会吻你的脸
You wouldn’t have begged me to hold you
– 你不会求我抱着你的
If we hadn’t been there in the first place
– 如果我们一开始没有去过那里
Ah but I know you wanted me to be there oh oh
– 啊,但我知道你想让我在那里哦哦
Every look that you threw told me so
– 你的每一个眼神都告诉我
But you should’ve left the light on
– 但你应该把灯开着
You should’ve left the light on
– 你应该把灯开着的
And the flames burned away
– 火焰燃烧殆尽
But you’re still spitting fire
– 但你还在吐火
Make no difference what you say
– 你说什么都无所谓
You’re still a liar
– 你还是个骗子
You’re still a liar
– 你还是个骗子
You’re still a liar
– 你还是个骗子






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