Dr. Dre – Keep Their Heads Ringin’ 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

Yeah, what up, this is Dr. Dre
– 是啊,怎么了,这是德瑞医生
The party’s goin’ on
– 派对开始了
Thank God it’s Friday
– 谢天谢地今天是星期五

Buck, buck, buck, buck, booyakasha
– 巴克,巴克,巴克,巴克,巴克
Buck, buck, buck, buck, booyakasha
– 巴克,巴克,巴克,巴克,巴克
Buck, buck, buck, buck, booyakasha
– 巴克,巴克,巴克,巴克,巴克
Buck, buck, buck, buck, booyakasha
– 巴克,巴克,巴克,巴克,巴克

Keep their heads ringin’
– 让他们的头响起来
Ring, ding, dong
– 环,丁,东
– Ring-a-ding-ding-ding-dong
Keep their heads ringin’
– 让他们的头响起来
Ring, ding, dong
– 环,丁,东
– Ring-a-ding-ding-ding-dong

Hey you! Sittin’ over there (say what?)
– 嘿,你! 坐在那边(说什么?)
You better get up out of your chair (that’s right)
– 你最好从椅子上站起来(没错)
And work your body down (yeah)
– 和工作你的身体下来(是的)
No time to funk around, ’cause we gon’
– 没时间胡闹了,因为我们要去

Funk you right on up
– 让你振作起来
So get up, get a move on and get your groove on
– 所以起来,继续前进,保持最佳状态
It’s the D-R-E the spectacular
– 这是d-R-E的壮观
In a party I go for your neck, so call me “Blacula”
– 在一个聚会上,我喜欢你的脖子,所以叫我”布拉库拉””
As I drain a nigga’s jugular vein
– 当我抽干黑鬼的颈静脉时
And maintain to leave blood stains, so don’t complain
– 并保持留下血迹,所以不要抱怨
Just chill, listen to the beats I spill
– 冷静点,听听我洒出来的节拍
Keeping it real enables me to make another mil’
– 保持真实使我能够再赚一笔钱

Still, niggas run up and try to kill at will
– 尽管如此,黑鬼还是跑上来想随意杀人
But get popped like a pimple: so call me Clearasil
– 但得到弹出像一个疙瘩:所以叫我Clearasil
I wipe niggas off the face of the Earth since birth
– 我从出生起就把黑鬼从地球上擦掉
I’ve been a bad nigga, now let me tell you what I’m worth
– 我是个坏黑鬼,现在让我告诉你我的价值
More than a stealth bomber, I cause drama
– 不仅仅是一个隐形轰炸机,我还引起了戏剧性
The enforcer, music floats like a flying saucer
– 执法者,音乐像飞碟一样飘荡
Or a 747 jet, never forget
– 或者是747喷气式飞机,永远不要忘记
I’m that nigga that keeps the hoes’ panties wet
– 我就是那个让锄头内裤湿透的黑鬼

The mic gets smoked once you hear the beat kick
– 一旦你听到节拍踢,麦克风就会被熏
With grooves so funky, they come with a Speed Stick
– 凹槽如此时髦,他们来了一个速度棒
So check the flavor that I’m bringin’
– 所以检查一下我带来的味道
The motherfuckin’ D-R-E will keep they motherfuckin’ heads ringin’
– 该死的D-R-E会让他们的头响个不停

Ring, ding, dong
– 环,丁,东
– Ring-a-ding-ding-ding-dong
Keep their heads ringin’
– 让他们的头响起来
Ring, ding, dong
– 环,丁,东
– Ring-a-ding-ding-ding-dong

One, two for the crew, three, four for the dough
– 一个,两个给船员,三个,四个给面团
Five for the hoes (hoes) six, seven, eight for Death Row
– 五为锄头(锄头)六,七,八为死囚
Mad niggas about to feel the full effect of intellect
– 疯狂的黑鬼即将感受到智力的全部作用
So I can collect respect, plus a check
– 这样我就能得到尊重,再加上一张支票

Now I’m fin’ to get into my mental
– 现在我要进入我的精神状态了
Will take care of this business I need to attend to ’cause my rent’s due
– 我会处理这件事的,因为我的房租已经到期了
And this rap shit’s my meal ticket
– 这是我的饭票
So you goddamn right I’ma kick it or get evicted
– 所以你说得对,我要么踢它,要么被驱逐
I bring terror like Stephen King
– 我带来的恐怖像斯蒂芬*金
A black Casanova, running niggas over like Christine
– 一个黑色的卡萨诺瓦,像克里斯汀一样跑过来的黑鬼
When I rock the spot with the flavor I got
– 当我用我得到的味道摇滚现场
I get plenty of ass, so call me an ass-tronaut
– 我有很多屁股,所以叫我屁股-tronaut

As I blast past another nigga’s ass that thought he was strong
– 当我经过另一个认为他很强壮的黑鬼的屁股时
But I smoke him like grass, just like Cheech and Chong
– 但我像草一样抽他,就像Cheech和Chong一样
When I flow, niggas know it’s time to take a hike
– 当我流动时,黑鬼知道是时候徒步旅行了
‘Cause I grab the mic and flip my tongue like a dyke
– 因为我抓住麦克风,像堤坝一样翻动舌头
I got rhymes to keep you enchanted
– 我有押韵让你陶醉
Produce a smokescreen with the funky green to keep your eyes slanted
– 制作一个带有时髦绿色的烟幕,让你的眼睛保持倾斜
So check the flavor that I’m bringin’
– 所以检查一下我带来的味道
The motherfuckin’ D-R-E will keep they motherfuckin’ heads ringin’
– 该死的D-R-E会让他们的头响个不停

Ring, ding, dong
– 环,丁,东
– Ring-a-ding-ding-ding-dong
Keep their heads ringin’
– 让他们的头响起来
Ring, ding, dong
– 环,丁,东
– Ring-a-ding-ding-ding-dong

If you want to get on down
– 如果你想下去
You gotta get on down
– 你得下去
Just get on down
– 下去吧

Debonair with flair, I scare wear and tear
– 带着天赋,我吓得耗损
Without a care, running shit as if I was a mayor
– 不小心,就像我是市长一样乱跑
But I ain’t no politician, no competition
– 但我不是政客,不是竞争对手
Sending all opposition to see a mortician
– 派所有反对意见去看殡仪馆
I’m up front, never in the backdrop
– 我在前面,从不在背景中
Step on stage and get faded just like a flat-top
– 踏上舞台,就像平顶一样褪色
Your rhyme sounds like you bought em at Stop ‘n Go
– 你的韵律听起来像是你在停着买的
Dre came to wax you, so just call me Mop ‘n Glow
– Dre是来给你打蜡的,所以叫我Mop’n Glow就行了

Many tried to, but just can’t rock with
– 许多人试图,但就是不能摇滚
I’m 6’1″, 225, I’m pure chocolate
– 我是6英尺1英寸,225英寸,我是纯巧克力
Your chances of jacking me are slim, G
– 你打我的机会很小,G
‘Cause I rock from summer until Santa comes down the chimney
– 因为我从夏天开始摇滚,直到圣诞老人从烟囱下来
Ho ho ho, and so, as I continue to flow
– 何何何,等等,当我继续流动
‘Cause yo, I’m just a fly negro, so
– 因为哟,我只是一个苍蝇黑人,所以
Check the flavor that I’m bringin’
– 检查一下我带来的味道
The motherfuckin’ D-R-E will keep they motherfuckin’ heads ringin’
– 该死的D-R-E会让他们的头响个不停

Ring, ding, dong
– 环,丁,东
– Ring-a-ding-ding-ding-dong
Keep their heads ringin’
– 让他们的头响起来
Ring, ding, dong
– 环,丁,东
– Ring-a-ding-ding-ding-dong
Keep their heads ringin’
– 让他们的头响起来

Ring, ding, dong
– 环,丁,东
– Ring-a-ding-ding-ding-dong
Keep their heads ringin’
– 让他们的头响起来
Ring, ding, dong
– 环,丁,东
– Ring-a-ding-ding-ding-dong
Yeah, uh, come on
– 是啊,来吧

If you want to get on down
– 如果你想下去
You gotta get on down
– 你得下去
Just get on down
– 下去吧
If you want to get on down
– 如果你想下去
You gotta get on down
– 你得下去
Just get on down
– 下去吧

I know you’re bobbin’ your head
– 我知道你在绕脑袋
‘Cause I can see you
– 因为我能看见你
You can’t see me
– 你看不见我
– 是的
Death Row, let me know you in the house (biatch!)
– 死囚,让我知道你在房子里(biatch!)
Yeah, that’s right, we out
– 是的,没错,我们出去了






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