Frank Sinatra – My Way 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

And now the end is near
– 而现在末日即将来临
And so I face the final curtain
– 所以我面对着最后的帷幕
My friend, I’ll say it clear
– 我的朋友,我会说清楚的
I’ll state my case, of which I’m certain
– 我会陈述我的情况,我敢肯定

I’ve lived, a life that’s full
– 我过着充实的生活
I travelled each and every highway
– 我走遍了每一条公路
And more, much more than this
– 还有更多,远不止这些
I did it my way
– 我按我的方式做的

Regrets, I’ve had a few
– 遗憾的是,我有过一些
But then again, too few to mention
– 但话说回来,太少了
I did what I had to do
– 我做了我该做的
I saw it through, without exemption
– 我看透了,没有豁免

I planned each chartered course
– 我计划了每个特许课程
Each careful step along the by-way
– 一路上每走一步都很小心
And more, much more than this
– 还有更多,远不止这些
I did it, my way
– 我做到了,我的方式

Yes, there were times
– 是的,有些时候
I’m sure you knew
– 我相信你知道
When I bit off, more than I could chew
– 当我咬掉的时候,我无法咀嚼的东西
But through it all, when there was doubt
– 但通过这一切,当有疑问
I ate it up and spit it out
– 我把它吃了,然后吐了出来
I faced it all, and I stood tall
– 我面对这一切,我站得高高的
And did it my way
– 按我的方式做的

I’ve loved, I’ve laughed and cried
– 我爱过,我笑过,哭过
I’ve had my fill, my share of losing
– 我已经吃饱了,失去了我的份额
And now, as tears subside
– 而现在,随着眼泪的消退
I find it all so amusing
– 我觉得这一切都很有趣

To think I did all that
– 以为是我干的
And may I say, not in a shy way
– 我可以说,不要害羞
Oh no, oh no not me
– 哦,不,不,不是我
I did it my way
– 我按我的方式做的

For what is a man, what has he got?
– 因为男人是什么,他得到了什么?
If not himself, then he has naught
– 如果不是他自己,那么他就一无所有
To say the things he truly feels
– 说出他真正感受到的事情
And not the words of one who kneels
– 而不是跪下的人的话
The record shows, I took the blows
– 记录显示,我接受了打击
And did it my way
– 按我的方式做的

Yes, it was my way
– 是的,这是我的方式






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