Freddie Dredd – Limbo Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

Walk around the world, it feel like every place the same
– Álemdi aralańyz, sonda siz barlyq jerde birdeı bolyp kórinesiz
I look into your eyes and see that you are in some pain
– Men seniń kózińe qarap, seniń azdap aýyrǵanyńdy kóremin
Freddie gonna help the business, help a rope around your neck
– Freddı bızneske kómektesedi, moınyńyzdaǵy arqandy qataıtýǵa kómektesedi
Gonna help you make a choice, let it sit, don’t let it rest
– Men sizge tańdaý jasaýǵa kómektesemin, ony keıinirek qaldyryńyz, oǵan tynyshtyq bermeńiz.
You a pest, what the fuck, you left a mess
– Siz zıansyz, qandaı jelkek, siz tártipsizdik qaldyrdyńyz
It’s okay, I’ll just say that your body’s gone today
– Bári jaqsy, men seniń deneń búgin joq dep aıtamyn
You in Hell, I don’t think you failed, you just made some bail
– Siz tozaqtasyz, meniń oıymsha, siz sátsizdikke ushyradyńyz dep oılamaımyn, siz jaı ǵana kepil qostyńyz
Come that day, it gets worse, and I hope you fucking hurt
– Sol kún keledi jáne odan da jaman bolady, Men sizge qatty aýyrady dep úmittenemin

Now what’s the word, captain?
– Endi ne aıtasyz, kapıtan?
I think I caught you lackin’
– Meniń oıymsha, Men seni saǵynǵanyńda Ustadym
There are nine more layers than this hell’s packin’
– Bul tozaqqa qaraǵanda toǵyz qabat kóp.
No tippy tappin’, bitch I come in rippy rappin’
– Aıaqtyń ushymen urý joq, qanshyq, men jyrtylǵan repke kiremin.
I feel lucky I’m not you
– Men sen emes ekenime baqyttymyn
At the top I do the do
– Joǵaryda men ne istesem, sony isteımin
Stuck in the fuckin’ darkness, and it’s cold, and hot
– Qarańǵyda turyp qaldy, ol sýyq jáne ystyq
Haven’t felt sun in some days, bitch, where do I start?
– Men birneshe kún boıy kúndi sezbedim, qanshyq, men neden bastaımyn?
Start from the top, and the next stop the bottom
– Joǵarydan bastańyz, al kelesi aıaldama tómennen bastalady
Rock bottom baby, I swear I already got ’em
– Salqyn túbi, balaqaı, ant etemin, mende olar bar.

Close your eyes and think of something for me
– Kózińizdi jumyp, men úshin bir nárse týraly oılanyńyz
Think of all the times that you’ve been feeling kinda lonely
– Ózińizdi jalǵyz sezingen barlyq ýaqyttar týraly oılanyńyz
What could you do with your time instead?
– Onyń ornyna ýaqytyńyzben ne isteı alasyz?
What? You smoking weed, you fuck your bitch and go to bed
– Ne? Sen temeki shegesiń, sen ózińniń qanshyǵyńdy trahaetsiń jáne tósekke barasyń
Notice all the colors that you seeing in your head
– Basyńyzda kórgen barlyq tústerge nazar aýdaryńyz
Now strip away that shit and feel the darkness, feel it spread
– Endi bul boqtan arylyńyz jáne qarańǵylyqty sezinińiz, onyń taralýyn sezinińiz
This is what is like to be known as dead
– Bul óli dep atalý degendi bildiredi
Now open up your eyes, you see the world it is red
– Endi kózińdi ash, álemdi qyzyl túspen kóresiń.

Now what’s the word, captain?
– Endi ne aıtasyz, kapıtan?
I think I caught you lackin’
– Meniń oıymsha, Men seni saǵynǵanyńda Ustadym
There are nine more layers than this hell’s packin’
– Bul tozaqqa qaraǵanda toǵyz qabat kóp.
No tippy tappin’, bitch I come in rippy rappin’
– Aıaqtyń ushymen urý joq, qanshyq, men jyrtylǵan repke kiremin.
I feel lucky I’m not you
– Men sen emes ekenime baqyttymyn
At the top I do the do
– Joǵaryda men ne istesem, sony isteımin
Stuck in the fuckin’ darkness, and it’s cold, and hot
– Qarańǵyda turyp qaldy, ol sýyq jáne ystyq
Haven’t felt sun in some days, bitch, where do I start?
– Men birneshe kún boıy kúndi sezbedim, qanshyq, men neden bastaımyn?
Start from the top, and the next stop the bottom
– Joǵarydan bastańyz, al kelesi aıaldama tómennen bastalady
Rock bottom baby, I swear I already got ’em
– Salqyn túbi, balaqaı, ant etemin, mende olar bar.

Now what’s the word, captain?
– Endi ne aıtasyz, kapıtan?
I think I caught you lackin’
– Meniń oıymsha, Men seni saǵynǵanyńda Ustadym
There are nine more layers than this hell’s packin’
– Bul tozaqqa qaraǵanda toǵyz qabat kóp.
No tippy tappin’, bitch I come in rippy rappin’
– Aıaqtyń ushymen urý joq, qanshyq, men jyrtylǵan repke kiremin.
I feel lucky I’m not you
– Men sen emes ekenime baqyttymyn
At the top I do the do
– Joǵaryda men ne istesem, sony isteımin
Stuck in the fuckin’ darkness, and it’s cold, and hot
– Qarańǵyda turyp qaldy, ol sýyq jáne ystyq
Haven’t felt sun in some days, bitch, where do I start?
– Men birneshe kún boıy kúndi sezbedim, qanshyq, men neden bastaımyn?
Start from the top, and the next stop the bottom
– Joǵarydan bastańyz, al kelesi aıaldama tómennen bastalady
Rock bottom baby, I swear I already got ’em
– Salqyn túbi, balaqaı, ant etemin, mende olar bar.

Freddie Dredd



