Harry Styles – As It Was Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

Come on, Harry, we wanna say “good night” to you!
– Júr, Garrı, biz saǵan “qaıyrly tún” dep aıtqymyz keledi!

Holding me back
– Meni ustap tur
Gravity’s holding me back
– Aýyrlyq kúshi meni ustap tur
I want you to hold out the palm of your hand
– Men seniń alaqanyńdy sozǵanyńdy qalaımyn
Why don’t we leave it at that?
– Nelikten biz bárin sol kúıinde qaldyrmaımyz?

Nothing to say
– Aıtýǵa eshteńe joq
When everything gets in the way
– Barlyǵy jolda bolǵan kezde
Seems you cannot be replaced
– Sizdi aýystyrýǵa bolmaıtyn sıaqty
And I’m the one who will stay
– Men qalatyn adammyn
– Oý-oý-oý

In this world
– Bul álemde
It’s just us
– Bul tek biz
You know it’s not the same as it was
– Siz bári burynǵydaı emes ekenin bilesiz

In this world
– Bul álemde
It’s just us
– Bul tek biz
You know it’s not the same as it was
– Siz bári burynǵydaı emes ekenin bilesiz

As it was
– Bul qalaı boldy
As it was
– Bul qalaı boldy
You know it’s not the same
– Siz bul birdeı emes ekenin bilesiz

Answer the phone
– Qońyraýǵa jaýap berińiz
Harry, you’re no good alone
– Garrı, sen jalǵyz eshqaıda bara almaısyń
Why are you sitting at home on the floor?
– Nelikten úıde edende otyrsyń?
What kind of pills are you on?
– Siz qandaı tabletka ishesiz?

Ringing the bell
– Qońyraý soǵý
And nobody’s coming to help
– Jáne eshkim kómekke kelmeıdi
Your daddy lives by himself
– Sizdiń ákeńiz jalǵyz turady
He just wants to know that you’re well
– Ol sizge bári jaqsy ekenin bilgisi keledi
– Oý-oý-oý

In this world
– Bul álemde
It’s just us
– Bul tek biz
You know it’s not the same as it was
– Siz bári burynǵydaı emes ekenin bilesiz

In this world
– Bul álemde
It’s just us
– Bul tek biz
You know it’s not the same as it was
– Siz bári burynǵydaı emes ekenin bilesiz

As it was
– Bul qalaı boldy
As it was
– Bul qalaı boldy
You know it’s not the same
– Siz bul birdeı emes ekenin bilesiz

Go home, get ahead, light-speed internet
– Úıge baryńyz, alǵa umtylyńyz, joǵary jyldamdyqty ınternet
I don’t wanna talk about the way that it was
– Men onyń qalaı bolǵandyǵy týraly aıtqym kelmeıdi
Leave America, two kids follow her
– Amerıkadan ketedi, eki bala onyń sońynan eredi
I don’t wanna talk about who’s doing it first
– Men Muny kim birinshi jasaıtyny týraly aıtqym kelmeıdi

– Sálem!

As it was
– Bul qalaı boldy
You know it’s not the same as it was
– Siz bári burynǵydaı emes ekenin bilesiz
As it was
– Bul qalaı boldy
As it was
– Bul qalaı boldy

Harry Styles



