Foreigner – Urgent 英语 歌詞 中文 翻譯

You’re not shy, you get around
– 你不害羞,你到处走走
You wanna fly, don’t want your feet on the ground
– 你想飞,不想你的脚在地上
You stay up, you won’t come down
– 你熬夜,你不会下来的
You wanna live, wanna move to the sound
– 你想活下去,想搬到声音里去

Got fire in your veins
– 你的血管里有火
Burnin’ hot but you don’t feel the pain
– 燃烧热,但你不觉得疼痛
Your desire is insane
– 你的欲望是疯狂的
You can’t stop until you do it again
– 你不能停止,直到你再做一次

But sometimes I wonder as I look in your eyes
– 但有时当我看着你的眼睛时,我在想
Maybe you’re thinking of some other guy
– 也许你在想其他人
But I know, yes I know, how to treat you right
– 但我知道,是的,我知道,如何对待你的权利
That’s why you call me in the middle of the night
– 所以你半夜给我打电话

You say it’s urgent
– 你说有急事
So urgent
– 如此紧急
So, oh-oh, urgent
– 所以,哦,哦,紧急
Just wait and see
– 就等着瞧吧
How urgent my love can be
– 我的爱能有多急
It’s urgent
– 很紧急

You play tricks on my mind
– 你在我脑子里耍花招
You’re everywhere but you’re so hard to find
– 你到处都是,但你很难找到
You’re not warm or sentimental
– 你不温暖也不多愁善感
You’re so extreme, you can be so temperamental
– 你太极端了,你可以很有气质

But I’m not looking for a love that will last
– 但我不是在寻找一个爱会持续下去
I know what I need and I need it fast
– 我知道我需要什么,我很快就需要它
Yes, it’s one thing in common that we both share
– 是的,我们都有一个共同点
That’s a need for each other anytime, anywhere
– 那是彼此随时随地的需要

It gets so urgent
– 事情变得如此紧急
So urgent
– 如此紧急
You know it’s urgent
– 你知道这很紧急
I wanna tell you it’s the same for me (oh-oh)
– 我想告诉你我也一样(哦-哦)
So, oh-oh, urgent
– 所以,哦,哦,紧急
Just you wait and see
– 你就等着瞧吧
How urgent our love can be
– 我们的爱能有多迫切
It’s urgent
– 很紧急

– 是的
You know, it’s urgent
– 你知道,这很紧急
Do it quick, do it urgent
– 快做,急做
Make it fast, make it urgent
– 快点,快点
Gotta rush, make it urgent
– 我得快点,快点
Want it quick, want it
– 要快,要快

Urgent, urgent, emergency
– 紧急,紧急
Urgent, urgent, emergency
– 紧急,紧急
Urgent (urgent), urgent (urgent), emergency
– 紧急(紧急),紧急(紧急),紧急
Urgent (urgent), urgent (urgent), emergency
– 紧急(紧急),紧急(紧急),紧急
So urgent, emergency
– 如此紧急,紧急
Let me tell you now
– 现在让我告诉你
You know that’s urgent, baby
– 你知道这很紧急,宝贝
Oh, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon, c’monm, c’mon
– 哦,来吧,来吧,来吧,来吧,来吧,来吧
Uh, urgent, urgent, urgent, urgent
– 紧急,紧急,紧急






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