Nipsey Hussle – Last Time That I Checc’d (feat. YG) Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim
It was 5 chains on my neck
– Meniń moınymda 5 tizbek boldy
It was no smut on my rep
– Bul meniń bedelim úshin kir emes edi
Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim
I was sellin’ in the set
– Men túsirilim alańynda sattym
Make a quarter mill no sweat
– Terlemeı shırek mıllımetr jasańyz
Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim

I’m the street’s voice out West
– Men Batystaǵy kóshe daýysymyn
Legendary self-made progress
– Ańyzǵa aınalǵan progres
Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim
First get the money then respect
– Aldymen aqsha alyńyz, sodan keıin qurmet
Then the power, and the hoes come next
– Sodan keıin kúsh keledi, al Ketmen kezekte tur
Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim

I been self-made from the dribble
– Men drıblıngten ózim jasadym
I was been sayin’ I’m a killer
– Men óltirýshi ekenimdi aıttym
Playin’ no games with you
– Men Senimen eshqandaı oıyn oınamaımyn
Pop clutch, switch lanes on you
– Men ilinisti qysyp, jolaqty saǵan aýystyramyn
I laid down the game for you
– Men sen úshin oıyn oılap taptym
Taught you how to charge more than what they pay for you
– Olar siz úshin tólegennen kóp aqsha alýdy úıretti
Own the whole thing for you
– Munyń bárin siz úshin ıelený
Re-invest, double up, then explained for you
– Biz qaıta ınvestısıalaımyz, eki ese kóbeıtemiz, sodan keıin siz úshin túsindiremiz
It gotta be love
– Bul mahabbat bolýy kerek
Who run the whole city, it gotta be ‘cuz
– Búkil qalany kim basqarady, sebebi
This for the pieces I took off the monopoly board
– Bul men Monopolıa taqtasynan alyp tastaǵan fıgýralar úshin
And ya’ll niggas false claims, it gotta be fraud
– Siz, nıggerler, jalǵan shaǵymdar jasaısyz, bul alaıaqtyq bolýy kerek
Just keep the hood up out of your mouth, and you gotta be charged
– Sorǵyshty aýzyńyzdan alys ustańyz, sonda siz zarádtalasyz.
I doubled up, tripled up, what
– Men eki ese, úsh ese, bul
Banged on the whole game, I ain’t give a
– Oıyn boıy burap aldym, maǵan báribir
Nobody trippin, had no business, got my digits up
– Eshkim súrinbedi, mende eshteńe bolǵan joq, men sandarymdy kóterdim
And when I drop, you know I’m ’bout to the whole city up
– Men qulap bara jatqanda, men búkil qalany aıaǵyma kóteretinimdi bilesiń.

Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim
It was 5 chains on my neck
– Meniń moınymda 5 tizbek boldy
It was no smut on my rep
– Bul meniń bedelim úshin kir emes edi
Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim
I was sellin’ in the set
– Men túsirilim alańynda sattym
Make a quarter mill no sweat
– Terlemeı shırek mıllımetr jasańyz
Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim
I’m the street’s voice out West
– Men Batystaǵy kóshe daýysymyn
Legendary self-made progress
– Ańyzǵa aınalǵan progres
Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim
First get the money then respect
– Aldymen aqsha alyńyz, sodan keıin qurmet
Then the power, and the hoes come next
– Sodan keıin kúsh keledi, al Ketmen kezekte tur
Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim

And I come through fly, no co-sign
– Men fly arqyly kelemin, qoltańba joq
I ain’t need radio to do mine, I done fine
– Ózimdi jasaý úshin maǵan radıonyń qajeti joq, mende bári jaqsy
And I take my time, and take my tribe
– Men asyqpaımyn jáne óz taıpamdy alamyn
Every level that I crossed in this game like state lines
– Bul oıynda men kesip ótken árbir deńgeı memlekettik shekaralarǵa uqsaıdy
It was visionary, either I’m genius or you scary
– Bul provıdensıa boldy, ne men danyshpanmyn, ne sen qorqynyshtysyń
Maybe it’s both and this balance I deliver daily
– Múmkin, bul ekeýi de, men kúndelikti osy tepe-teńdikti qamtamasyz etemin
For every in the streets trying to feed the babies
– Kóshede sábılerdi tamaqtandyrýǵa tyrysatyndardyń árqaısysy úshin
The single mama’s workin’ hard not to miss a payment
– Jalǵyzbasty ana tólemdi jiberip almaýǵa tyrysady.
And dirty money get washed on royalty statements
– Al las aqsha roıaltı týraly málimdemelerde jylystatylady
Black owners in this game are powerful racists
– Bul oıyndaǵy qara ıeler – kúshti násilshilder
Young in the set that’s doing it makeshift
– Túsirilim alańynda jas, ol muny ımprovızasıalanǵan túrde jasaıdy
Out the garage is how you end up in charge
– Garajdan shyǵý-osylaısha siz basty orynǵa aınalasyz
It’s how you end up in penthouses
– Osylaısha siz penthaýstarda bolasyz
End up in cars, it’s how you
– Siz kólikterde bolasyz, mine siz
Start off a curb servin’, end up a boss
– Siz qarapaıym qyzmetkerden bastaısyz, Bastyqpen aıaqtaısyz
It’s how you win the whole thing and lift up a cigar
– Bul siz búkil isti jeńip, temekini qalaı kóteresiz
With sweat drippin’ down your face cause the mission was hard
– Sizdiń betińizde ter tamshylary bar, óıtkeni mısıa qıyn boldy

Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim
It was 5 chains on my neck
– Meniń moınymda 5 tizbek boldy
It was no smut on my rep
– Bul meniń bedelim úshin kir emes edi
Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim
I was sellin’ zones in the set
– Men túsirilim alańynda aımaqtardy sattym
Make a quarter mill no sweat
– Terlemeı shırek mıllımetr jasańyz
Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim
I’m the street’s voice out West
– Men Batystaǵy kóshe daýysymyn
Legendary self-made progress
– Ańyzǵa aınalǵan progres
Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim
First get the money then respect
– Aldymen aqsha alyńyz, sodan keıin qurmet
Then the power, and the h… come next
– Sodan keıin kúsh, jáne H… ári qaraı júrińiz
Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim

Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim
I got the front end and the back
– Mende aldyńǵy jáne artqy jaǵy bar
We on the way and that’s a fact
– Biz joldamyz jáne bul fakt
This real, this ain’t rap
– Bul shynaıy, bul rep emes
Where everybody wanna act pro-black
– Barlyǵy qara násildiler úshin sóılegisi keletin jerde
(They don’t really wanna fuck with us)
– (Olar bizben baılanysqysy kelmeıdi)
The last lie you heard, this ain’t that
– Siz estigen sońǵy ótirik olaı emes
This that, “I done made it out the gutter” s…
– Bul” men aryqtan shyqtym ” s…
Nip told you ” f the middle man”, I said “f… a b.”
– Nı saǵan “deldalǵa” dedi, Men “v-ǵa” dedim.
Wearin’ their clothes, I wear my own
– Men olardyń kıimderin kıemin, men óz kıimimdi kıemin
Ya’ll can own ya’ll label, I own my own,!
– Siz ózińizdiń etıketkańyzǵa ıe bola alasyz, mende ózim bar,!
Aye Nip, I remember all that game you taught me
– IA, nı, sen maǵan úıretken barlyq oıyn esimde
Don’t around and get played by these label owners
– Iá aınalasynda júrmeńiz jáne bul japsyrma ıelerine sizben oınaýǵa ruqsat bermeńiz
Talk that shit to these n…, Adrien Broner
– Osy P – men sóılesińiz…, Adrıen Broner
But secure the win though, don’t let that game fold you
– Biraq báribir jeńisti qamtamasyz etińiz, bul oıyn sizdi shatastyrýǵa jol bermeńiz
‘Cause when this game over, it’s really game over
– Óıtkeni bul oıyn aıaqtalǵannan keıin ol shynymen aıaqtalady
And all they do is play the game till this game over
– Jáne olar bul oıyn aıaqtalǵanǵa deıin oıyn oınaıdy
And you be givin’ game like a big brother
– Al sen oıyndy aǵa sıaqty júrgizesiń.
Mission, never let em take it from us
– Mısıa, olardy eshqashan bizden tartyp alýǵa jol bermeńiz

Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim
It was 5 chains on my neck
– Meniń moınymda 5 tizbek boldy
It was no smut on my rep
– Bul meniń bedelim úshin kir emes edi
Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim
I was sellin’ zones in the set
– Men túsirilim alańynda aımaqtardy sattym
Make a quarter mill no sweat
– Terlemeı shırek mıllımetr jasańyz
Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim
I’m the street’s voice out West
– Men Batystaǵy kóshe daýysymyn
Legendary self-made progress
– Ańyzǵa aınalǵan progres
Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim
First get the money then respect
– Aldymen aqsha alyńyz, sodan keıin qurmet
Then the power, and the come next
– Sodan keıin kúsh jáne kelesi
Last time that I checked
– Men sońǵy ret tekserdim

Nipsey Hussle



