أيان و كيان – نفسية تعبانة Arabic Lyrics & English Translations

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النَّفْسِيَّة تعبانة مدري مَيْن اتلكاهة
– The psychology of the Maine teachers
مِن شُغْلِي مِن ضيمي والعيشة حِرْت وياهة هاي
– From my job, from my conscience, and living is free and oh hey
الدَّنِيَّة مَا تفهمني وَلَا أَنِّي أَفْهَم معناهة
– The world does not understand me, nor do I understand its meaning
كَلِمَة عَيْشُه أُرِد الفظهة بِـ الگوة اتهجاهة عَطالَة
– The word ‘live’ is a response to the verbal abuse of power, the accusation of idleness
بطالة ماكو غَيْر الْعِمَالَة
– Non-employment Mako unemployment
مِن زغري لِحَدّ كُبْرِي وَإِنِّي عِلَّةٌ هاي الْحَالَة
– From my age to my age, and I am the cause of the condition
حَدَب ظَهْرِي وَخَلَص عُمْرِي وَمَا ظَلَّت غَيْر وشالة
– Humping my back and concluded my age and what remained was immobilized
إنِّي شَابٌّ وچني شايِب حَتَّه اللَّه مايرضاهة
– I am a young man and I am happy with God
شُوف الْعَالِم وين وصلو بِس إحْنَة حظنة لاطش
– Show the world and they arrived with a happy-go-lucky lash
كُلّ الْغُرْبَة يَمْنَة عاشو وَإِنِّي ابلدي
– All the strangeness of the right-hander
وَمَا عَايِش الْمَطَاعِم والمصانع ترسوهن بنگلادش
– What restaurants and factories are doing in Bangladesh
بنگلادش دُبُرِ نَفْسِهِ واحنة مادبرناهة كلهة
– Bangladesh has managed itself once and for all
تعاني كلهة أَتَانِي الْعَاطِل والمتخرج هُوَّة الاعزب
– Both the unemployed and the single graduate suffer
مادبرهة اللَّه يُعَيِّن الْمُتَزَوِّج صَار اسنين أَضْحَك
– As long as God helps the married man, he has become a laughing tooth
عِلَّةٌ رُوحِي يَوْمَيْه بِأَجْر تَفَرَّج اجيهة يَمْنَة تَرُوح
– A daily soul bug with a wage frees a Yemeni woman
يَسْرَة ماترهم مدري شجاهة
– Ysra matrahm Madri Shuja’ah
النَّفْسِيَّة تعبانة مدري مَيْن اتلكاهة
– The psychology of the Maine teachers
مِن شُغْلِي مِن ضيمي والعيشة حِرْت وياهة هاي
– From my job, from my conscience, and living is free and oh hey
الدَّنِيَّة مَا تفهمني وَلَا أَنِّي أَفْهَم معناهة
– The world does not understand me, nor do I understand its meaning
كَلِمَة عَيْشُه أُرِد الفظهة بِـ الگوة اتهجاهة عَطالَة
– The word ‘live’ is a response to the verbal abuse of power, the accusation of idleness
بطالة ماكو غَيْر الْعِمَالَة
– Non-employment Mako unemployment
مِن زغري لِحَدّ كُبْرِي وَإِنِّي عِلَّةٌ هاي الْحَالَة
– From my age to my age, and I am the cause of the condition
حَدَب ظَهْرِي وَخَلَص عُمْرِي وَمَا ظَلَّت غَيْر وشالة
– Humping my back and concluded my age and what remained immobilized
إنِّي شَابٌّ وچني شايِب حَتَّه اللَّه مايرضاهة
– I am a young man and I am happy with God
شُوف الْعَالِم وين وصلو بِس إحْنَة حظنة لاطش
– Show the world and they arrived with a happy-go-lucky lash
كُلّ الْغُرْبَة يَمْنَة عاشو وَإِنِّي ابلدي
– All the strangeness of the right-hander
وَمَا عَايِش الْمَطَاعِم والمصانع ترسوهن بنگلادش
– What restaurants and factories are doing in Bangladesh
بنگلادش دُبُرِ نَفْسِهِ واحنة مادبرناهة كلهة
– Bangladesh has managed itself once and for all
تعاني كلهة أَتَانِي الْعَاطِل والمتخرج هُوَّة الاعزب
– Both the unemployed and the single graduate suffer
مادبرهة اللَّه يُعَيِّن الْمُتَزَوِّج صَار اسنين أَضْحَك
– As long as God helps the married man, he has become a laughing tooth
عِلَّةٌ رُوحِي يَوْمَيْه بِأَجْر تَفَرَّج اجيهة يَمْنَة تَرُوح
– A daily soul bug with a wage frees a Yemeni woman
يَسْرَة ماترهم مدري شجاهة
– Ysra matrahm Madri Shuja’ah

أيان و كيان



