Electric Light Orchestra – Mr. Blue Sky Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

Morning! Today’s forecast calls for blue skies
– Qaıyrly tań! Búgingi boljam boıynsha aspan kók bolady

The sun is shining in the sky
– Aspanda kún jarqyraıdy
There ain’t a cloud in sight
– Kórý órisinde bult joq
It’s stopped raining
– Jańbyr toqtady
Everybody’s in the play
– Pesaǵa barlyǵy qatysady
And don’t you know, it’s a beautiful new day
– Bul keremet jańa kún ekenin bilmeısiz be
Hey, hey, hey!
– Eı, eı, eı!

Running down the avenue
– Dańǵyl boıymen júgirý
See how the sun shines brightly in the city
– Qalada kúnniń qalaı jarqyrap turǵanyn qarańyz
All the streets where once was pity
– Bir kezderi aıaýshylyq bolǵan barlyq kósheler
Mr. Blue Sky is living here today!
– . kók aspan myrza búgin osynda turady!
Hey, hey, hey!
– Eı, eı, eı!

Mr. Blue Sky
– Kók aspan myrza
Please tell us why
– Nelikten bizge aıtyńyz
You had to hide away for so long (so long)
– Sizge uzaq ýaqyt boıy jasyrynýǵa týra keldi (sonshalyqty uzaq)
Where did we go wrong?
– Biz qaıda qatelestik?
Mr. Blue Sky
– Kók aspan myrza
Please tell us why
– Nelikten bizge aıtyńyz
You had to hide away for so long (so long)
– Sizge uzaq ýaqyt boıy jasyrynýǵa týra keldi (sonshalyqty uzaq)
Where did we go wrong?
– Biz qaıda qatelestik?

Hey, you with the pretty face
– Eı, sen, súıkimdi júzińmen
Welcome to the human race!
– Adamzat balasyna qosh keldińiz!
A celebration
– Mereke
Mr. Blue Sky’s up there waiting
– . kók aspan myrza sol jerde kútedi.
And today is the day we’ve waited for
– Búgin biz kópten kútken kún
Ah, ah, ah
– Ah, ah, ah

Oh, Mr. Blue Sky
– O, kók aspan myrza
Please tell us why
– Nelikten bizge aıtyńyz
You had to hide away for so long (so long)
– Sizge uzaq ýaqyt boıy jasyrynýǵa týra keldi (sonshalyqty uzaq)
Where did we go wrong?
– Biz qaıda qatelestik?
Hey there Mr. Blue!
– Sálem, Blý myrza!
We’re so pleased to be with you
– Biz Sizben birge bolǵanymyzǵa óte qýanyshtymyz
Look around, see what you do
– Aınalańyzǵa qarańyz, ne istep jatqanyńyzdy qarańyz
Everybody smiles at you
– Barlyǵy sizge kúledi

Hey there Mr. Blue!
– Sálem, Blý myrza!
We’re so pleased to be with you
– Biz Sizben birge bolǵanymyzǵa óte qýanyshtymyz
Look around, see what you do
– Aınalańyzǵa qarańyz, ne istep jatqanyńyzdy qarańyz
Everybody smiles at you!
– Barlyǵy sizge kúledi!

Mr. Blue Sky
– Kók aspan myrza
Mr. Blue Sky
– Kók aspan myrza
Mr. Blue Sky
– Kók aspan myrza

Mr. Blue, you did it right
– Blý myrza, siz bárin durys jasadyńyz
But soon comes Mr. Night
– Biraq kóp uzamaı Naıt myrza keledi
Creeping over, now his hand is on your shoulder
– Jasyrynyp jatyrsyń, endi onyń qoly seniń ıyǵyńda
Never mind, I’ll remember you this
– Oılanbańyz, men muny esimde saqtaımyn
I’ll remember you this way!
– Men seni osylaı esimde saqtaımyn!

Mr. Blue Sky
– Kók aspan myrza
Please tell us why
– Nelikten bizge aıtyńyz
You had to hide away for so long (so long)
– Sizge uzaq ýaqyt boıy jasyrynýǵa týra keldi (sonshalyqty uzaq)
Where did we go wrong?
– Biz qaıda qatelestik?
Hey there Mr. Blue (sky)
– Sálem, Kók myrza (aspan)
We’re so pleased to be with you (sky)
– Biz Sizben birge bolǵanymyzǵa óte qýanyshtymyz (aspan)
Look around see what you do (blue)
– Aınalańyzǵa qarańyz, ne istep jatqanyńyzdy qarańyz (kók)
Everybody smiles at you
– Barlyǵy sizge kúledi

Please turn me over
– Ótinemin, meni aýdaryńyz

Electric Light Orchestra



