Lil Durk – All My Life (feat. J. Cole) Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

Durkio told me he been on some positive shit, yeah, yeah
– Dýrkıo maǵan pozıtıvti boqtyqty qabyldaǵanyn aıtty, Iá, ıá
Lately, I just wanna show up and body some shit, yeah, yeah
– Sońǵy kezderi Men jaı ǵana paıda bolyp, qandaı da bir aqymaqtyq jasaǵym keledi, ıá, ıá
Always been a lil’ mathematician, lately, it’s cash I’m gettin’
– Men árqashan kishkentaı matematık boldym, biraq men sońǵy ýaqytta qolma-qol aqsha alamyn.
Got me losin’ count of these bags, I’ve been movin’ too fast
– Men bul sómkelerdi sanamadym, men tym jyldam qozǵalatynmyn
Hard times don’t last, ‘member when cops harassed
– Qıyn kezeńder uzaqqa sozylmaıdy”, – dedi polıseıler qýdalanǵan kezde qatysýshy
Talkin’ out my ass, boy, you ain’t shit but a bitch with a badge
– Men únsiz sóılesemin, jigit, sen aqymaq emessiń, biraq belgishesi bar aqymaq.

All my life (all my life)
– Meniń búkil ómirim(búkil ómirim)
They been tryin’ to keep me down (they been tryin’ to keep me down)
– Olar meni basýǵa tyrysty (Olar meni basýǵa tyrysty)
All this time (all this time)
– Barlyq ýaqyt (barlyq ýaqyt)
Never thought I would make it out (never thought I’d make it out)
– Men eshqashan jetistikke jetemin dep oılaǵan emespin (Men eshqashan jetistikke jetemin dep oılaǵan emespin)
They couldn’t break me, they couldn’t break me (no, no)
– Olar meni syndyra almady, meni syndyra almady (joq, joq)
They couldn’t take me, they couldn’t take me (no)
– Olar meni ala almady, meni ala almady (joq)
All my life (all my life)
– Meniń búkil ómirim(búkil ómirim)
They been tryin’ to keep me down (they been tryin’ to keep me down)
– Olar meni basýǵa tyrysty (Olar meni basýǵa tyrysty)

I decided I had to finish, but the media called me a menace
– Men aıaqtaýym kerek dep sheshtim, biraq BAQ meni qaýip dep atady
I done sat with the mayor and politicians, I’m tryna change the image
– Men ákimmen jáne saıasatkerlermen kezdestim, ımıjdi ózgertýge tyrysamyn
You can’t blame my past no more, I come from the trenches
– Siz endi meniń ótkenimdi kinálaı almaısyz, Men transheıalardan keldim.
Some said I’d never be a superstar
– Keıbireýler men eshqashan sýperjuldyz bolmaımyn dep aıtty
But I know I’m different (no, no, no)
– Biraq men basqasha ekenimdi bilemin (joq, joq, joq)
I’m The Voice, but the system ain’t give me a choice
– Men Daýyspyn, biraq júıe maǵan tańdaý qaldyrmaıdy
Know some people that’s still undeployed
– Áli jumys istemeıtin keıbir adamdardy bilińiz

I know a felon who tryna get FOID
– Men jasyrynýǵa tyrysatyn qylmyskerdi bilemin
Child support, your only support
– Balany qoldaý, sizdiń jalǵyz qoldaýyńyz
For a visit, I’m goin’ through courts
– Oǵan barý úshin men kemelerge baramyn
Went to jail, they was chainin’ me up
– Túrmege tústi, olar meni shynjyrǵa otyrǵyzdy
And you know that I’m famous as fuck
– Al sen meniń ataqty ekenimdi bilesiń
See, how you gon’ joke about stimulus?
– Siz yntalandyrý týraly qalaı ázildeıtinińizdi kóresiz be?
But they really had came in the clutch
– Biraq olar shynymen de iliniske tústi
I know some kids wanna hurt theyself
– Men keıbir balalardyń ózderine zıan tıgizgisi keletinin bilemin
Stop tryna take drugs, I refer to myself
– Esirtki qabyldaýdy doǵaryńyz, men ózimdi aıtamyn
Tryna better myself, tryna better my health, but
– Men ózimdi jaqsartýǵa tyrysamyn, densaýlyǵymdy jaqsartýǵa tyrysamyn, biraq

All my life (all my life)
– Meniń búkil ómirim(búkil ómirim)
They been tryin’ to keep me down (they been tryin’ to keep me down)
– Olar meni basýǵa tyrysty (Olar meni basýǵa tyrysty)
All this time (all this time)
– Barlyq ýaqyt (barlyq ýaqyt)
Never thought I would make it out (never thought I’d make it out)
– Men eshqashan jetistikke jetemin dep oılaǵan emespin (Men eshqashan jetistikke jetemin dep oılaǵan emespin)
They couldn’t break me, they couldn’t break me (no, no)
– Olar meni syndyra almady, meni syndyra almady (joq, joq)
They couldn’t take me, they couldn’t take me (no)
– Olar meni ala almady, meni ala almady (joq)
All my life (all my life)
– Meniń búkil ómirim(búkil ómirim)
They been tryin’ to keep me down (they been tryin’ to keep me down)
– Olar meni basýǵa tyrysty (Olar meni basýǵa tyrysty)

Yeah, first generation, ghetto nigga
– IA, birinshi býyn, gettodan shyqqan nıgga
Cole World, hello niggas
– Koýl álemi, Sálem, nıggerler
Made it out the city with my head on straight
– Baısaldy basy bar qaladan shyqty
Niggas keep shootin’ up the lead out
– Nıggerler oq atýdy jalǵastyrýda.
Young Jordan Peele, gotta get out
– Jas Djordan Pıl, bul jerden ketý kerek
But the shit that I spit out
– Biraq men túkirgen aqymaq
Is a cheat code like I’m facin’ a RICO and how a nigga put a hit out
– Bul aldaý kody, men RIKOMEN kezdesip júrgendeı jáne nıgger qalaı soqqy berdi.
And another one, and, and another one
– Taǵy bireýi jáne ekinshisi

I got like a hundred of ’em
– Mende júzge jýyq bar
‘Bout to lap niggas so they think
– , olar oılaný úshin nıggerlerdi qýyp shyǵady
They ahead of me, but I’m really in front of them
– Olar menen ozyp ketti, biraq men olardyń aldyndamyn
Now, some of them fumblin’ they bags
– Sonymen, olardyń keıbireýleri sómkelerin qazyp jatyr
Fuckin’ up the little crumbs that they had
– Olarda bolǵan úgindiler buzyldy
A reminder to humble yourself, this shit could be gone in an instant
– Kishipeıildilik týraly eskertý, bul bir sátte joǵalyp ketýi múmkin
Me, I’m runnin’ long distance
– Maǵan keletin bolsaq, men uzaq qashyqtyqqa júgiremin
All pistons firin’
– Barlyq porshender jumys isteıdi’

I be stuck between maybe retirin’
– Men zeınetke shyǵýdyń arasynda qalyp qoıdym.’
And feelin’ like I’m just not hittin’ my prime
– Men ózimniń gúldenýime jete almaǵandaı sezinemin.
These days seein’ rappers be dyin’
– Bul kúnderi biz reperlerdiń ólip jatqanyn kóremiz.
Way before they even gettin’ they shine
– Olar jarqyraı bastaǵanǵa deıin
I never even heard of lil’ buddy
– Men kishkentaı Baddı týraly eshqashan estigen emespin
‘Til somebody murdered lil’ buddy
– Bireý kishkentaı dosyn óltirgenshe
Now, I’m on the phone, searchin’ lil’ buddy name
– Men qazir telefonmen sóılesip jatyrmyn, kishkentaı dosymnyń atyn izdep júrmin
Got ’em playin’ his tunes, all day in my room
– Olardy kúni boıy meniń bólmemde onyń áýenderin oınaýǵa májbúrleý

Thinkin’, “Damn, this shit is wicked
– Meniń oıymsha: “qarǵys atsyn, bul sumdyq
To get they name buzzin’ some niggas
– Olar qandaı da bir nıggerlerdi qalaı ataıtynyn bilý úshin
Just gotta go lay in a tomb”
– Tek qabirge jatý kerek”
And media thirsty for clicks
– Jáne basýdy ańsaıtyn BAQ
I got a new rule
– Mende jańa ereje bar
If you ain’t never posted a rapper when he was alive
– Eger siz reperdi tiri kezinde eshqashan jarıalamaǵan bolsańyz
You can’t post about him after he get hit
– Siz ony urǵannan keıin ol týraly jaza almaısyz
It’s simple, it’s the principle
– Bul qarapaıym, bul prınsıp

On any tempo, I’m invincible
– Kez kelgen qarqynmen men jeńilmeımin
Don’t even rap, I just vent to you
– Tipti rep oqymańyz, men sizge júginemin
I rather that than an interview
– Men muny suhbattan góri jaqsy kóremin
Most days
– Kóptegen kúnder
Fuck ’em all like I’m goin’ through a ho’ phase
– Men shlúha kezeńinen ótip bara jatqandaı, olardyń barlyǵyn tozaqqa salyńyz.
Young nigga shoot out the whip like road rage
– Jas nıgger jolda ashýlanǵandaı qamshyny atyp tastaıdy
I pray all of my dawgs stay so paid
– Men barlyq dostarymnyń birdeı joǵary jalaqy alýyn suraımyn
And the only thing that kill ’em is old age
– Olardy óltiretin jalǵyz nárse-Kárilik

All my life (all my life)
– Meniń búkil ómirim(búkil ómirim)
They been tryin’ to keep me down (they been tryin’ to keep me down)
– Olar meni basýǵa tyrysty (Olar meni basýǵa tyrysty)
All this time (all this time)
– Barlyq ýaqyt (barlyq ýaqyt)
Never thought I would make it out (never thought I’d make it out)
– Men eshqashan jetistikke jetemin dep oılaǵan emespin (Men eshqashan jetistikke jetemin dep oılaǵan emespin)
They couldn’t break me, they couldn’t break me (no, no)
– Olar meni syndyra almady, meni syndyra almady (joq, joq)
They couldn’t take me, they couldn’t take me (no)
– Olar meni ala almady, meni ala almady (joq)
All my life (all my life)
– Meniń búkil ómirim(búkil ómirim)
They been tryin’ to keep me down (they been tryin’ to keep me down)
– Olar meni basýǵa tyrysty (Olar meni basýǵa tyrysty)

Lil Durk



