Dr. Dre – The Next Episode (feat. Snoop Dogg) Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

Da, da, da, da, da
– Iá, ıá, ıá, ıá, ıá, ıá
It’s the motherfuckin’ D-O-double-G (Snoop Dogg!)
– Bul D-O-double-G (Snoop Dogg!)
Da, da, da, da, da
– Iá, ıá, ıá, ıá, ıá, ıá
You know I’m mobbin’ with the D.R.E. (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
– Siz meniń D. R. E.-men aralasatynymdy bilesiz (ıá, ıá, ıá)
You know who’s back up in this motherfucker! (What, what, what, what?)
– Siz bul beıbaqqa kim oralǵanyn bilesiz! (Ne, ne, ne, ne?)
So blaze the weed up then! (Blaze it up, blaze it up!)
– Sonymen, aramshópti órtep jiberińiz! (Ot, ot!)
Blaze that shit up, nigga… yeah ‘Sup Snoop?
– Bul nıggerdi órtep jiberińiz… IA, baqylaý týraly ne deýge bolady?

Top Dogg, bite ’em all, nigga, burn that shit up
– Joǵarǵy Dogg, olardyń barlyǵyn tistep al, nıgga, bul boqtyqty órtep jiber
D-P-G-C, my nigga, turn that shit up
– Dı-Pı-Djı-Sı, meniń nıggerim, bul sumdyqty kúsheıtińiz
C-P-T, L-B-C, yeah, we hookin’ back up
– C-P-T, L-B-K, ıá, biz qaıtadan kezdesemiz
And when they bang this in the club, baby, you got to get up
– Olar muny klýbta jasaǵanda, Balam, sen turýyń kerek
Thug niggas, drug dealers, yeah, they givin’ it up
– Nıggerler-buzaqylar, esirtki satýshylar, ıá, olar odan bas tartady
Lowlife, yo’ life, boy, we livin’ it up
– Aqymaq, seniń ómiriń, jigit, biz tolyq ómir súrip jatyrmyz.
Takin’ chances while we dancin’ in the party fo’ sho’
– Biz shoýǵa arnalǵan keshte bılep jatqanda táýekelge baramyz’
Slip my hoe a 44 when she got in the back do’
– Meniń ketmendi artqy oryndyqqa otyrǵanda 44 kalıbrli etip salyńyz.’
Bitches lookin’ at me strange but you know I don’t care
– Qanshyqtar maǵan birtúrli qaraıdy, biraq sen maǵan báribir ekenin bilesiń.
Step up in this motherfucker just a-swingin’ my hair
– Bul beıbaqqa kirińiz, tek shashymdy shaıqańyz.
Bitch quit talkin’, crip-walk if you’re down with the set
– Sýchka, sóılesýdi toqtatyńyz, eger siz túsirilim alańyn unatpasańyz, ketińiz.
Take a bullet with some dick and take this dope on this jet
– Qandaı da bir aqymaqpen oq alyńyz jáne osy ushaqta aqymaq bolyńyz
Out o’ town, put it down for the Father of Rap
– Qala syrtynda, ony reptiń ákesi úshin jazyńyz
And if yo’ ass get cracked, bitch, shut your trap
– Al eger sizdiń bókseńiz jarylyp ketse, qanshyq, aýzyńyzdy tars et.
Come back, get back, that’s the part of success
– Qaıta oralyńyz, óz jolyńyzdy alyńyz, bul sáttiliktiń bir bóligi

If you believe in the S, you’ll be relievin’ your stress
– Eger Siz “S” árpine senseńiz, siz stressten arylasyz

Da, da, da, da, da
– Iá, ıá, ıá, ıá, ıá, ıá
It’s the motherfuckin’ D.R.E. (Dr. Dre, motherfucker!)
– Bul grebanyı d. r. e. (doktor Dre, beıbaq!)
Da, da, da, da, da
– Iá, ıá, ıá, ıá, ıá, ıá
You know I’m mobbin’ with the D-O-double-G
– Siz meniń D-O-double-G-men aralasatynymdy bilesiz be
Straight off the fuckin’ streets of C-P-T
– Tikeleı Sı-Pı – Tı kóshelerinen
King of the beats—you ride to ’em in your Fleet- (Fleetwood!)
– Bıt patshasy – siz olarǵa flotyńyzben barasyz – (Flıtvýd!)
Wood Coupe DeVille rollin’ on dubs
– DeVille aǵash kýpesi dýblájben júredi
How you feel—whoopty-whoop—nigga what?
– Siz ózińizdi qalaı sezinesiz — ýra-ýra-ýra-nıgga, ne?
Dre and Snoop chronic’d out in the ‘lac (In the ‘lac!)
– Dre men Snýp “lakta” (“lakta!)
With Doc in the back, sippin’ on ‘gnac (Yeah)
– Artqy oryndyqtaǵy DOK gnac-ty jutyp qoıǵan kezde (Iá)
Clip in the strap, dippin’ through ‘hoods (What ‘hoods?)
– Baýdy sorǵyshtar arqyly syrǵytý arqyly bekitińiz (qandaı sorǵyshtar?)
Compton, Long Beach, Inglewood!
– Kompton, Long-Bıch, Inglvýd!
South Central out to the Westside (Westside)
– Westside-ge Ońtústik Ortalyq shyǵý (Westside)
It’s California Love, this California bud got a nigga gang o’ pub
– Bul kalıfornıalyq mahabbat, bul kalıfornıalyq dosynyń pabynda nıggerler toby bar.
I’m on one, I might bail up in the Century Club
– Men Senchýrı klýbynda qaýipsiz oınaı alamyn.
With my jeans on and my team strong
– Djınsy kıip, myqty komandamen
Get my drink on and my smoke on
– Maǵan sýsyn quıyp, temeki shegińiz.
Then go home wit’ somethin’ to poke on (Wha’sup bitch?)
– Sodan keıin úıge qol tıgizetin nársemen baryńyz (qalaısyń, qanshyq?)

Loc’, it’s on for the two-triple-oh
– Lok, bul eki-úsh-o
Comin’ real, it’s the next episode
– Barlyǵy shyndyqqa aınalady, bul kelesi epızod

Hold up, hey
– Kúte turyńyz, eı
For my niggas who be thinkin’ we soft
– Bizdi jumsaq deneli dep sanaıtyn meniń nıggerlerim úshin
We don’t play
– Biz oınamaımyz
We gon’ rock it ’til the wheels fall off
– Biz dóńgelekter qulap ketkenshe janamyz
Hold up, hey
– Kúte turyńyz, eı
For my niggas who be actin’ too bold
– Tym batyl áreket etetin Meniń nıggerlerim úshin
Take a seat
– Otyryńyz
Hope you ready for the next episode—
– Siz kelesi epızodqa daıynsyz dep úmittenemin—
– Eı
Smoke weed everday
– Men kún saıyn aramshóp shegemin

Dr. Dre



