Vidéo Klip
There’ll be no strings to bind your hands
– Teu aya tali pikeun ngabeungkeut leungeun anjeun
Not if my love can’t bind your heart.
– Bukan jika cinta ku tak bisa mengikat hati mu
And there’s no need to take a stand
– Jeung teu perlu nangtung
For it was I who chose to start.
– Pikeun ieu mah anu milih pikeun ngamimitian.
I see no need to take me home,
– Kuring teu ningali kudu mawa kuring imah,
I’m old enough to face the dawn.
– Saya dah cukup usia untuk menghadapi fajar.
Just call me angel of the morning ANGEL
– Ngan nelepon kuring malaikat malaikat isuk
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby.
– Ngan noél pipi mah samemeh ninggalkeun kuring, orok.
Just call me angel of the morning ANGEL
– Ngan nelepon kuring malaikat malaikat isuk
Then slowly turn away from me.
– Lalaunan ngahurungkeun jauh ti kuring.
Maybe the sun’s light will be dim
– Meureun cahaya panonpoe bakal surem
And it won’t matter anyhow.
– Jeung eta moal masalah kumaha bae.
If morning’s echo says we ve sinned,
– Lamun morningo isuk nyebutkeun urang ve dosa,
Well, it was what I wanted now.
– Éta naon atuh hayang ayeuna.
And if we’re the victims of the night,
– Tapi kalau kita jadi korban malam,
I won’t be blinded by light.
– Abdi moal buta ku cahaya.
Just call me angel of the morning ANGEL
– Ngan nelepon kuring malaikat malaikat isuk
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby.
– Ngan noél pipi mah samemeh ninggalkeun kuring, orok.
Just call me angel of the morning ANGEL
– Ngan nelepon kuring malaikat malaikat isuk
Then slowly turn away,
– Lajeng lalaunan ngahurungkeun jauh,
I won’t beg you to stay with me
– Abdi moal nyuhunkeun anjeun cicing sareng kuring
Through the tears of the day,
– Ngaliwatan lawon poé,
Of the years, baby baby baby.
– Taun-taun, baby baby baby.
Just call me angel of the morning ANGEL
– Ngan nelepon kuring malaikat malaikat isuk
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby.
– Ngan noél pipi mah samemeh ninggalkeun kuring, orok.