Vidéo Klip
Feel it comin’ in the air (yeah)
– Jadi ngerasa di air (ya)
Hear the screams from everywhere (yeah)
– Dengekeun screams ti madhab (hehehehe)
I’m addicted to the thrill (I’m ready)
– Abdi bogoh ka thrill (abdi siap)
It’s a dangerous love affair (come on)
– Ieu hiji hubungan cinta bahaya (datang dina)
Can’t be scared when it goes down
– Tak takut bila dah kawen
Got a problem, tell me now
– Meunang masalah, ngabejaan ka kuring ayeuna
Only thing that’s on my mind
– Ngan hal anu aya dina pikiran kuring
Is who’s gonna run this town tonight
– Saha nu bakal ngajalankeun kota ieu peuting
Is who’s gonna run this town tonight
– Saha nu bakal ngajalankeun kota ieu peuting
We gon’ run this town
– Urang bakal ngajalankeun kota ieu
We are, yeah, I said it, we are
– Urang, enya, ceuk kuring, urang
This is Roc Nation, pledge your allegiance
– Ieu Roc Bangsa, jangji kasatiaan anjeun
Get your fatigues on, all black everything
– Meunangkeun fatigues anjeun dina, sadaya hideung sagalana
Black cards, black cars, all black everything
– Kartu hideung, mobil hideung, sadaya hideung sagalana
And our girls are blackbirds ridin’ with they Dillingers
– Jeung katresna urang téh blackbirds ridin ‘ kalawan Aranjeunna Dillingers
I get more in depth if you boys really real enough
– Kuring meunang leuwih jero lamun budak bener cukup nyata
This is la Familia, I’ll explain later
– Ieu La Familia, kuring bakal ngajelaskeun engké
But for now, let me get back to this paper
– Tapi buat masa ni biarlah aku kembali ke kertas ni
I’m a couple bands down and I’m tryin’ to get back
– Kuring sababaraha band handap jeung kuring nyoba meunang deui
I gave Doug a grip and lost a flip for five stacks
– Kuring méré doug hiji cecekelan jeung leungit hiji flip pikeun lima tumpukan
Yeah, I’m talkin’ five comma, six zeros, dot zero, here Doug
– Enya, kuring keur ngawangkong lima koma, genep nol, titik nol, di dieu Doug
Back to runnin’ circles ’round n-, now we squared up
– Balik deui ka runnin ‘lingkaran’ buleud n -, ayeuna urang kuadrat nepi
Hold up
– Tahan
Life’s a game but it’s not fair
– Hidup tak adil tapi tak adil
I break the rules so I don’t care
– Saya menghindari aturan jadi saya tidak peduli
So I keep doin’ my own thing
– Jadi kuring terus ngalakukeun hal sorangan
Walkin’ tall against the rain
– Walkin ‘ tinggi ngalawan hujan
Victory’s within the mile
– Kemenangan dina mil
Almost there, don’t give up now
– Ampir di dinya, ulah nyerah ayeuna
Only thing that’s on my mind
– Ngan hal anu aya dina pikiran kuring
Is who’s gonna run this town tonight
– Saha nu bakal ngajalankeun kota ieu peuting
– Hei-hey-hey-hey-hey
– Hei-hey-hey-hey-hey
– Hei-hey-hey-hey-hey
Is who’s gonna run this town tonight (hey-hey-hey-hey-hey)
– Siapa nih yang mau nginep di kota ini???????????
We are, yeah, I said it, we are
– Urang, enya, ceuk kuring, urang
You can call me Caesar, in a dark Caesar
– Anjeun bisa nelepon kuring Caesar, dina caesar poék
Please follow the leader, so Eric B we are
– Mangga nuturkeun pamingpin, Jadi Eric B urang
Microphone fiend, this the return of the God
– Mikropon iblis, ieu balikna Allah
Peace, God, ah, ah, it ain’t no nobody fresher
– Damai, Allah, ah, ah, éta teu taya sahijieun fresher
I’m in Maison, ah, Martin Margiela
– Abdi Di Maison, Ah, Martin Margiela
On the table, screamin’
– Dina méja, screamin’
“F- the other side, they’re jealous”
– “F-sisi séjén, aranjeunna jealous”
We got a banquette full of broads
– Urang meunang hiji banquette pinuh ku broads
They got a table full of fellas (eww)
– Maranéhanana meunang méja pinuh ku fellas (ew)
And they ain’t spendin’ no cake
– Jeung maranéhna teu méakkeun ‘ euweuh jajan
They should throw their hand in
– Maranéhanana kudu maledog leungeun maranéhanana di
‘Cause they ain’t got no spades (eww)
– Karena mereka tidak punya kacamata (ww)
My whole team got dough
– Sakabéh tim kuring meunang adonan
So my banquette is lookin’ like millionaires’ row (eww)
– Jadi banquette mah kasampak ‘kawas millionaires’ baris (ww)
Life’s a game but it’s not fair
– Hidup tak adil tapi tak adil
I break the rules so I don’t care
– Saya menghindari aturan jadi saya tidak peduli
So I keep doin’ my own thing
– Jadi kuring terus ngalakukeun hal sorangan
Walkin’ tall against the rain
– Walkin ‘ tinggi ngalawan hujan
Victory’s within the mile
– Kemenangan dina mil
Almost there, don’t give up now
– Ampir di dinya, ulah nyerah ayeuna
Only thing that’s on my mind
– Ngan hal anu aya dina pikiran kuring
Is who’s gonna run this town tonight
– Saha nu bakal ngajalankeun kota ieu peuting
– Hei-hey-hey-hey-hey
– Hei-hey-hey-hey-hey
– Hei-hey-hey-hey-hey
Is who’s gonna run this town tonight (hey-hey-hey-hey-hey)
– Siapa nih yang mau nginep di kota ini???????????
It’s crazy how you can go from bein’ Joe Blow
– Ieu gélo kumaha anjeun bisa balik ti Bein ‘ Joe Blow
To everybody on your d-, no h-
– Pikeun dulur dina d-anjeun, no h-
I bought my whole family whips, no Volvos
– Kuring meuli sakabéh whips kulawarga kuring, euweuh Volvos
Next time I’m in church, please, no photos
– Lain kali aku kat umah tapi takde gambar
Police escorts, everybody passports
– Polisi escorts, dulur paspor
This the life that everybody ask for
– Ieu kahirupan anu dipénta ku sarerea
This the fast life, we are on a crash course
– Ieu kahirupan gancang, urang aya dina kursus kacilakaan
What you think I rap for, to push a f- RAV4?
– Naon anu anjeun pikirkeun kuring rap pikeun, pikeun nyorong f-rav4?
But I know that if I stay stunting
– Tapi aku tahu jika aku tetap bertahan
All these girls only gon’ want one thing
– Kabéh katresna ieu ngan gon ‘ hayang hiji hal
I can spend my whole life goodwill hunting
– Kuring bisa méakkeun sakabéh hirup mah goodwill moro
Only good gon’ come is this good when I’m c-
– Wahhhhhhhhhhhh cantik banget nih kalau saya jadi c-
She got a ass that’ll swallow up a G-string
– Dia dah kawen nnti Nnti Dapat G-string
And up top, uh, two bee stings
– Jeung luhur luhur ,h, dua stings lebah
And I’m beasting off the Riesling
– Dan aku menghindari Riesling
And my n- just made it out the precinct
– Hahaha … baru je lepas masuk tadika
We give a damn about the drama that your dude bring
– Urang méré damn ngeunaan drama nu dude anjeun mawa
I’m just tryin’ to change the color on your mood ring
– Saya cuma mencoba mengubah warna di cincin suasana hatimu
Reebok, baby, you need to try some new things
– Reebok, orok, anjeun kudu nyoba sababaraha hal anyar
Have you ever had shoes without shoe strings?
– Dupi anjeun kantos kagungan sapatu tanpa tali sapatu?
“What’s that, Ye?”, “Baby, these heels”
– “Naon éta, Ye?”, “Baby, ieu heels”
“Is that a May- what?”, “Baby, these wheels”
– “Naha Éta Bisa-naon?”, “Baby, roda ieu”
You trippin’ when you ain’t sippin’, have a refill
– Anjeun trippin’ lamun anjeun teu sippin’, boga refill a
You feelin’ like you runnin’, huh? Now you know how we feel
– Anjeun ngarasa’ kawas anjeun ngajalankeun’, huh? Ayeuna anjeun terang kumaha urang ngarasa
What’s up?
– Naon up?
– Hei-hey-hey-hey-hey
– Hei-hey-hey-hey-hey
– Hei-hey-hey-hey-hey
– Hei-hey-hey-hey-hey
What’s up?
– Naon up?
– Hei-hey-hey-hey-hey
– Hei-hey-hey-hey-hey
– Hei-hey-hey-hey-hey
We gon’ run this town tonight
– Urang gon ‘ ngajalankeun kota ieu peuting
What’s up?
– Naon up?