Doe Boy – Way Too Long Anglès Lletres & Català Traduccions



At night, I remember when you and I were inseparable
– A la nit, recordo quan tu i jo érem inseparables
We, we had pure energy
– Nosaltres, teníem energia pura
We had that chemistry, we were inseparable
– Teníem aquesta química, érem inseparables

Why we takin’ so long? (Why?)
– Per què triguem tant? (Per què?)
I’ve been geekin’, I can’t sleep, waitin’ for you to come back home (come home)
– He estat friquis, no puc dormir, esperant que tornis a casa (torna a casa)
You the one, I’m in love, I feel like it been way too long (way too long)
– Tu, estic enamorat, sento que ha passat massa temps (massa temps)
Way too long, and I’m missin’, I’m missin’ you
– Massa temps, i et trobo a faltar, et trobo a faltar

Way too long, and I’m missin’, wish I was kissin’ you
– Massa temps, i m’estic perdent, m’agradaria estar besant-te
Way too long, went without kissin’ you, unblock me, I’m hittin’ you
– Massa temps, sense besar – te, desbloqueja’m, t’estic pegant
Money showers, hope you appreciate flowers I send to you
– Dutxes de diners, espero que aprecieu les flors que us envio
We talk for hours and I don’t bring up one thing that I did for you (come here, baby)
– Parlem durant hores i no et plantejo una cosa que vaig fer per tu (vine aquí, nena)
Ain’t want this girl, it wasn’t my fault, she was choosin’, I had to do it
– No vull aquesta noia, no va ser culpa meva, estava triant, ho havia de fer
Yeah, I laugh, and now she look stupid, I’m all on her Apple Music (Doe Beezy)
– Sí, em riu, i ara sembla estúpida, estic a La Seva Música D’Apple (Doe Beezy)
Never been the man, where he was from, he never had a movement
– Mai va ser l’home, d’on era, mai va tenir un moviment
I’m from the trenches and everything I ever did, I had to do it
– Sóc de les trinxeres i tot el que he fet, ho havia de fer

Why we takin’ so long? (Why?)
– Per què triguem tant? (Per què?)
I’ve been geekin’, I can’t sleep, waitin’ for you to come back home (come home)
– He estat friquis, no puc dormir, esperant que tornis a casa (torna a casa)
You the one, I’m in love, I feel like it been way too long (way too long)
– Tu, estic enamorat, sento que ha passat massa temps (massa temps)
Way too long, and I’m missin’, I’m missin’ you
– Massa temps, i et trobo a faltar, et trobo a faltar

(I’m missin’ you) I’m missin’ you
– (Et trobo a faltar) et trobo a faltar
(Come home, Doe Beezy) I’m missin’ you
– (Vine a casa, Doe Beezy) et trobo a faltar
(Ooh, I’m missin’ you) I’m missin’ you
– Et trobo a faltar
(Missin’ you, missin’ you) huh
– (Missin’ you, missin’ you) eh

Missin’ you, I miss you so much, I might go buy you a Bentley coupe
– Missin’t, et trobo molt a faltar, potser et compraré un coupé Bentley
Want it, can have that, send me your CashApp, baby, you want it, I’ll send it through
– Vull – ho, puc tenir-ho, envia’m El Teu CashApp, nena, ho vols, ho enviaré
I got her ready to recharge her battery, goin’ so long, I’m finished too
– La vaig preparar per recarregar la bateria, tant de temps, jo també he acabat
I’m goin’ hard, I win or lose, girl, I’ma buy you a Benzi too
– Vaig dur, guanyo o perdo, noia, també et compraré Un Benzi
Please, don’t lie and say you love me, bae, don’t take my heart from me (let’s go)
– Si us plau, no menteixis i digues que m’estimes, bae, no em prenguis el cor (anem)
I ain’t never had nothin’, why they wanna take it all from me? (Doe Beezy)
– No he tingut mai res, per què m’ho volen prendre tot? (Doe Beezy)
My battery full, now why they wanna take it all from me (Doe Beezy)
– La meva bateria plena, ara per què m’ho volen treure tot (Doe Beezy)
Oh, oh, oh (oh, really?)
– Oh, oh, de debò?)

Why we takin’ so long? (Why?)
– Per què triguem tant? (Per què?)
I’ve been geekin’, I can’t sleep, waitin’ for you to come back home (come home)
– He estat friquis, no puc dormir, esperant que tornis a casa (torna a casa)
You the one, I’m in love, I feel like it been way too long (way too long)
– Tu, estic enamorat, sento que ha passat massa temps (massa temps)
Way too long, and I’m missin’, I’m missin’ you
– Massa temps, i et trobo a faltar, et trobo a faltar

(Missin’ you) I’m missin’ you
– Et trobo a faltar
(Come home, Doe Beezy) I’m missin’ you
– (Vine a casa, Doe Beezy) et trobo a faltar
(Ooh, I’m missin’ you) I’m missin’ you
– Et trobo a faltar
Way too long, and I’m missin’, I’m missin’ you
– Massa temps, i et trobo a faltar, et trobo a faltar

And I’m missin’ you
– I et trobo a faltar
Baby girl, I’m missin’ you
– Nena, et trobo a faltar
And I’m missin’ you
– I et trobo a faltar
Baby girl, I’m missin’ you
– Nena, et trobo a faltar

Doe Boy



