Boa – Duvet Anglès Lletres & Català Traduccions



And you don’t seem to understand
– I sembla que no ho entens
A shame, you seemed an honest man
– Una llàstima, semblava un home honest
And all the fears you hold so dear
– I totes les pors que tens tan estimades
Will turn to whisper in your ear
– Es tornarà a xiuxiuejar a l’orella

And you know what they say might hurt you
– I saps el que diuen et pot fer mal
And you know that it means so much
– I saps que significa tant
And you don’t even feel a thing
– I ni tan sols sents res

I am falling
– Estic caient
I am fading
– Estic esvaint
I have lost it all
– Ho he perdut tot

And you don’t seem the lying kind
– I no sembla el tipus mentider
A shame that I can read your mind
– Una llàstima poder llegir la teva ment
And all the things that I read there
– I tot el que he llegit allà
Candle lit smile that we both share
– Somriure encès amb espelmes que tots dos compartim

And you know I don’t mean to hurt you
– I saps que no vull fer te mal
But you know that it means so much
– Però saps que significa tant
And you don’t even feel a thing
– I ni tan sols sents res

I am falling
– Estic caient
I am fading
– Estic esvaint
I am drowning
– M’estic ofegant
Help me to breathe
– Ajuda’m a respirar
I am hurting
– Estic fent mal
I have lost it all
– Ho he perdut tot
I am losing
– Estic perdent
Help me to breathe
– Ajuda’m a respirar

I am falling
– Estic caient
I am failing
– Estic fallant
I am drowning
– M’estic ofegant
Help me to breathe
– Ajuda’m a respirar
I am hurting
– Estic fent mal
I have lost it all
– Ho he perdut tot
I am losing
– Estic perdent
Help me to breathe
– Ajuda’m a respirar

Ah-oh-oh, yeah
– Ah-oh-oh, sí

Ah-oh-oh, yeah
– Ah-oh-oh, sí

I am falling
– Estic caient
I am failing
– Estic fallant
I am drowning
– M’estic ofegant
Help me to breathe
– Ajuda’m a respirar
I am hurting
– Estic fent mal
I have lost it all
– Ho he perdut tot
I am losing
– Estic perdent
Help me to breathe
– Ajuda’m a respirar




