Lana Del Rey – Chemtrails Over the Country Club Slovenščina Besedila & Slovenski Prevodi

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I’m on the run with you, my sweet love
– Na begu sem s tabo, moja sladka ljubezen
There’s nothing wrong contemplating God
– Nič ni narobe razmišljati o Bogu
Under the chemtrails over the country club
– Pod chemtrails nad podeželskim klubom
Wearing our jewels in the swimming pool
– Nošenje naših draguljev v bazenu
Me and my sister just playin’ it cool
– Jaz in moja sestra samo poigravanje je kul
Under the chemtrails over the country club
– Pod chemtrails nad podeželskim klubom

Take out your turquoise and all of your jewels
– Vzemite svojo turkizno in vse svoje dragulje
Go to the market, the kids’ swimming pools
– Pojdite na tržnico, otroške bazene
Baby, what’s your sign?
– Srček, kakšen znak imaš?
My moon’s in Leo, my Cancer is sun
– Moja luna je v Levu, moj rak je sonce

You won’t play, you’re no fun
– Ne boste igrali, niste zabavni
Well, I don’t care what they think
– No, vseeno mi je, kaj mislijo
Drag racing my little red sports car
– Drag racing moj mali rdeči športni avto
I’m not unhinged or unhappy, I’m just wild
– Nisem razburjen ali nesrečen, samo divji sem

I’m on the run with you, my sweet love
– Na begu sem s tabo, moja sladka ljubezen
There’s nothing wrong contemplating God
– Nič ni narobe razmišljati o Bogu
Under the chemtrails over the country club
– Pod chemtrails nad podeželskim klubom
Wearing our jewels in the swimming pool
– Nošenje naših draguljev v bazenu
Me and my sister just playin’ it cool
– Jaz in moja sestra samo poigravanje je kul
Under the chemtrails over the country club
– Pod chemtrails nad podeželskim klubom

Meet you for coffee
– Se dobiva na kavi
At the elementary schools
– V osnovnih šolah
We laugh about nothing
– Nič se ne smejimo
As the summer gets cool
– Ko se poletje ohladi
It’s beautiful, how this deep
– Lepo je, kako globoko
Normality settles down over me
– Normalnost se umiri nad mano
I’m not bored or unhappy
– Nisem dolgčas ali nesrečen
I’m still so strange and wild
– Še vedno sem tako čuden in divji

You’re in the wind, I’m in the water
– Ti si v vetru, jaz sem v vodi
Nobody’s son, nobody’s daughter
– Nikogaršnji sin, Nikogaršnja hči
Watching the chemtrails over the country club
– Gledanje chemtrails nad podeželskim klubom
Suburbia, The Brentwood Market
– Predmestje, Trg Brentvoda
What to do next? Maybe we’ll love it
– Kaj storiti naprej? Mogoče nam bo všeč
White picket, chemtrails over the country club
– Beli piket, chemtrails nad podeželskim klubom

My love, my love
– Moja ljubezen, moja ljubezen
Washing my hair, doing the laundry
– Umivanje las, pranje perila
Late night TV, I want you on me
– Pozno ponoči TV, želim si na mene
Like when we were kids
– Kot takrat, ko smo bili otroci
Under chemtrails and country clubs
– Pod chemtrailsom in podeželskimi klubi
It’s never too late, baby, so don’t give up
– Nikoli ni prepozno, srček, zato ne obupaj

It’s never too late, baby, so don’t give up
– Nikoli ni prepozno, srček, zato ne obupaj
Under the chemtrails over the country club
– Pod chemtrails nad podeželskim klubom
(You’re born in the December, I’m born in June)
– (Ti si rojen v decembru, jaz sem rojen v juniju)
– Ja
Under the chemtrails over the country club
– Pod chemtrails nad podeželskim klubom
(You’re born in the December, I’m born in June)
– (Ti si rojen v decembru, jaz sem rojen v juniju)

Yeah, my Cancer is sun and my Leo is moon
– Ja, moj rak je sonce in moj Lev je luna
My Cancer is sun and my Leo is moon
– Moj rak je sonce in moj Lev je luna

Lana Del Rey



