Harry Styles – Sign of the Times Inglés Letras & Galego Traducións



Just stop your cryin’, it’s a sign of the times
– Só para de chorar, é un sinal dos tempos
Welcome to the final show
– Benvidos ao espectáculo final
Hope you’re wearin’ your best clothes
– Espero que esteas a usar a túa mellor roupa
You can’t bribe the door on your way to the sky
– Non podes subornar a porta no teu camiño cara ao ceo
You look pretty good down here
– Mira moi ben aquí abaixo
But you ain’t really good
– Pero non es moi bo

We never learn, we’ve been here before
– Nunca aprendemos, xa estivemos aquí antes
Why are we always stuck and running from
– Por que estamos sempre atascados e fuxindo
The bullets? The bullets?
– As balas? As balas?
We never learn, we’ve been here before
– Nunca aprendemos, xa estivemos aquí antes
Why are we always stuck and running from
– Por que estamos sempre atascados e fuxindo
Your bullets? The bullets?
– As túas balas? As balas?

Just stop your crying, it’s a sign of the times
– Deixade de chorar, é un sinal dos tempos
We gotta get away from here
– Temos que afastarnos de aquí
We gotta get away from here
– Temos que afastarnos de aquí
Just stop your crying, it’ll be alright
– Deixa de chorar, vai estar ben
They told me that the end is near
– Dixéronme que o final estaba preto
We gotta get away from here
– Temos que afastarnos de aquí

Just stop your crying, have the time of your life
– Deixa de chorar, ten o tempo da túa vida
Breaking through the atmosphere
– Romper a atmosfera
And things are pretty good from here
– E as cousas son moi boas desde aquí
Remember everything will be alright
– Lembra que todo vai estar ben
We can meet again somewhere
– Podemos volver a encontrarnos nalgún lugar
Somewhere far away from here
– Nalgún lugar lonxe de aquí

We never learn, we’ve been here before
– Nunca aprendemos, xa estivemos aquí antes
Why are we always stuck and running from
– Por que estamos sempre atascados e fuxindo
The bullets? The bullets?
– As balas? As balas?
We never learn, we’ve been here before
– Nunca aprendemos, xa estivemos aquí antes
Why are we always stuck and running from
– Por que estamos sempre atascados e fuxindo
The bullets? The bullets?
– As balas? As balas?

Just stop your crying, it’s a sign of the times
– Deixade de chorar, é un sinal dos tempos
We gotta get away from here
– Temos que afastarnos de aquí
We gotta get away from here
– Temos que afastarnos de aquí
Stop your crying, baby, it will be alright
– Deixa de chorar, nena, estará ben
They told me that the end is near
– Dixéronme que o final estaba preto
We gotta get away from here
– Temos que afastarnos de aquí

We never learn, we’ve been here before
– Nunca aprendemos, xa estivemos aquí antes
Why are we always stuck and running from
– Por que estamos sempre atascados e fuxindo
The bullets? The bullets?
– As balas? As balas?

We never learn, we’ve been here before
– Nunca aprendemos, xa estivemos aquí antes
Why are we always stuck and running from
– Por que estamos sempre atascados e fuxindo
The bullets? Your bullets?
– As balas? As túas balas?

We don’t talk enough, we should open up
– Non falamos o suficiente, debemos abrirnos
Before it’s all too much
– Antes de que sexa demasiado
Will we ever learn? We’ve been here before
– Aprenderemos algunha vez? Estivemos aquí antes
It’s just what we know
– É o que sabemos

Stop your crying, baby, it’s a sign of the times
– Deixade de chorar, nena, é un sinal dos tempos
We gotta get away, we got to get away
– Temos que fuxir, temos que fuxir
We got to get away, we got to get away
– Temos que fuxir, temos que fuxir
We got to get away
– Temos que fuxir
We got to, we got to, away
– Chegamos, chegamos, lonxe
We got to, we got to, away
– Chegamos, chegamos, lonxe
We got to, we got to, away
– Chegamos, chegamos, lonxe

Harry Styles



