Popopportunity – Desire Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar



I wonder if you know
– Bilasizmi, hayronman
I can’t let you go
– Men sizni qo’yib yuborolmayman
Does it really show
– Bu haqiqatan ham ko’rsatadimi
Boy you’re looking good
– Bola siz yaxshi ko’rinasiz
I followed you around
– Men sizga ergashdim
You know I would
– Bilasizmi, men

Would you like to dance
– Raqsga tushishni xohlaysizmi
Come along with me
– Men bilan birga keling
It’s my only chance
– Bu mening yagona imkoniyatim
I’m gonna make my move
– Men harakat qilaman
And really gonna prove
– Va haqiqatan ham isbotlayman
We’re much more than friends
– Biz do’stlardan ancha ko’pmiz

Come over here and let me see
– Bu erga keling va ko’ray
Take me in your arms
– Meni qo’llaringga ol
There’s no harm
– Zarari yo’q
In desire
– Istakda

Please take control all over me
– Iltimos, meni nazorat qiling
Come over here I’ll make you see
– Bu erga keling, men sizni ko’rishga majbur qilaman
Hold you in my arms
– Sizni quchog’imda ushlang
Use my charms
– Mening jozibalarimdan foydalaning
Feel desire
– Istakni his eting

Tonight is the night
– Bu kecha tun
We celebrate our love the love of my life
– Biz sevgimizni nishonlaymiz hayotimning sevgisi
I’m gonna stay with you
– Men siz bilan qolaman
Forever in my heart and never be blue
– Abadiy yuragimda va hech qachon ko’k bo’lmang

Come over here and let me see
– Bu erga keling va ko’ray
Take me in your arms
– Meni qo’llaringga ol
There’s no harm
– Zarari yo’q
In desire
– Istakda
Please take control all over me
– Iltimos, meni nazorat qiling
Come over here I’ll make you see
– Bu erga keling, men sizni ko’rishga majbur qilaman
Hold you in my arms
– Sizni quchog’imda ushlang
Use my charms
– Mening jozibalarimdan foydalaning
Feel desire
– Istakni his eting

Please take control all over me
– Iltimos, meni nazorat qiling
Come over here I’ll make you see
– Bu erga keling, men sizni ko’rishga majbur qilaman
Hold you in my arms
– Sizni quchog’imda ushlang
Use my charms
– Mening jozibalarimdan foydalaning
Feel desire
– Istakni his eting




