Radiohead – Creep Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar



When you were here before
– Siz ilgari bu erda bo’lganingizda
Couldn’t look you in the eye
– Ko’zingizga qaray olmadim
You’re just like an angel
– Siz xuddi farishtaga o’xshaysiz
Your skin makes me cry
– Sizning teringiz meni yig’latadi
You float like a feather
– Siz tuklar kabi suzasiz
In a beautiful world
– Chiroyli dunyoda
I wish I was special
– Men alohida bo’lishni xohlardim
You’re so fuckin’ special
– Siz juda o’ziga xossiz

But I’m a creep, I’m a weirdo
– Lekin men sudraluvchiman, men g’alati odamman
What the hell am I doin’ here?
– Men bu erda nima qilyapman?
I don’t belong here
– Men bu erga tegishli emasman

I don’t care if it hurts
– Bu og’riyaptimi, menga farqi yo’q
I wanna have control
– Men nazorat qilishni xohlayman
I want a perfect body
– Men mukammal tanani xohlayman
I want a perfect soul
– Men mukammal qalbni xohlayman
I want you to notice
– Sizni payqashingizni istayman
When I’m not around
– Men yo’qligimda
You’re so fuckin’ special
– Siz juda o’ziga xossiz
I wish I was special
– Men alohida bo’lishni xohlardim

But I’m a creep, I’m a weirdo
– Lekin men sudraluvchiman, men g’alati odamman
What the hell am I doin’ here?
– Men bu erda nima qilyapman?
I don’t belong here
– Men bu erga tegishli emasman
Oh-oh, oh-oh
– Oh-oh, oh-oh

She’s runnin’ out the door
– U eshikdan yugurib chiqdi
She’s runnin’ out
– U yugurib chiqdi
She run, run, run, run
– U yuguradi, yuguradi, yuguradi, yuguradi
– Yugurish

Whatever makes you happy
– Sizni baxtli qiladigan narsa
Whatever you want
– Siz xohlagan narsangiz
You’re so fuckin’ special
– Siz juda o’ziga xossiz
I wish I was special
– Men alohida bo’lishni xohlardim
But I’m a creep, I’m a weirdo
– Lekin men sudraluvchiman, men g’alati odamman
What the hell am I doin’ here?
– Men bu erda nima qilyapman?
I don’t belong here
– Men bu erga tegishli emasman
I don’t belong here
– Men bu erga tegishli emasman




