Sabrina Carpenter – Juno Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar



(Ooh, ah-ah, ooh)
– (Ooh, oh-oh, ooh)

Don’t have to tell your hot ass a thing
– Issiq eshagingizga bir narsani aytishingiz shart emas
Oh yeah, you just get it
– Ha, siz buni tushunasiz
Whole package, babe, I like the way you fit
– Butun paket, go’dak, menga sizning moslashishingiz yoqadi
God bless your dad’s genetics, mm, uh
– Xudo otangizning genetikasini asrasin, mm, uh

You make me wanna make you fall in love
– Siz meni sevib qolishingizni xohlaysiz
Oh, late at night, I’m thinking ’bout you, ah-ah
– Oh, kech tunda, men o’ylayapman ‘ Butning siz, ah-ah
Wanna try out my fuzzy pink handcuffs?
– Loyqa pushti Kishanlarimni sinab ko’rmoqchimisiz?
Oh, I hear you knockin’, baby, come on up
– Oh, men sizni taqillatayotganingizni eshitaman, bolam, kel

I know you want my touch for life
– Bilaman, siz mening hayotimga tegishni xohlaysiz
If you love me right, then who knows?
– Agar siz meni to’g’ri sevsangiz, unda kim biladi?
I might let you make me Juno
– Meni Juno qilishingizga ruxsat berishim mumkin
You know I just might
– Bilasizmi, men
Let you lock me down tonight
– Bugun kechqurun meni qulflashga ijozat bering
One of me is cute, but two though?
– Mendan biri yoqimli,lekin ikkitasi?
Give it to me, baby
– Menga bering, bolam
You make me wanna make you fall in love (Oh)
– Siz meni sevib qolishingizni xohlaysiz (Oh)

I showed my friends, then we high-fived (Ah-ah)
– Men do’stlarim ko’rsatdi, keyin biz yuqori fived (Ah-ah)
Sorry if you feel objectified (Yeah, ah)
– Kechirasiz, agar siz o’zingizni ob’ektiv his qilsangiz (Ha, ah)
Can’t help myself, hormones are high
– O’zimga yordam berolmayman, gormonlar yuqori
Give me more than just some butterflies
– Menga kapalaklardan ko’proq narsani bering

You make me wanna make you fall in love
– Siz meni sevib qolishingizni xohlaysiz
Oh, late at night, I’m thinking ’bout you, ah-ah
– Oh, kech tunda, men o’ylayapman ‘ Butning siz, ah-ah
Wanna try out some freaky positions?
– Ba’zi g’alati pozitsiyalarni sinab ko’rmoqchimisiz?
Have you ever tried this one?
– Siz buni sinab ko’rganmisiz?

I know you want my touch for life
– Bilaman, siz mening hayotimga tegishni xohlaysiz
If you love me right, then who knows?
– Agar siz meni to’g’ri sevsangiz, unda kim biladi?
I might let you make me Juno
– Meni Juno qilishingizga ruxsat berishim mumkin
You know I just might
– Bilasizmi, men
Let you lock me down tonight
– Bugun kechqurun meni qulflashga ijozat bering
One of me is cute, but two though?
– Mendan biri yoqimli,lekin ikkitasi?
Give it to me, baby
– Menga bering, bolam
You make me wanna make you fall in love
– Siz meni sevib qolishingizni xohlaysiz

Adore me
– Meni sev
Hold me and explore me
– Meni ushlang va meni o’rganing
Mark your territory (Ah-ah)
– Hududingizni belgilang (Ah-ah)
Tell me I’m the only, only, only, only one (Yeah, ah)
– Ayting-chi, men yagona, yagona, faqat bitta (Ha, ah)
Adore me
– Meni sev
Hold me and explore me
– Meni ushlang va meni o’rganing
I’m so fuckin’ horny
– Men juda tug’yonga ketganman
Tell me I’m the only, only, only, only one
– Ayting-chi, men yagona, yagona, yagona

– Oh
Ooh, ah
– Oh, oh

Oh, I know you want my touch for life
– Oh, bilaman, siz mening hayot uchun teginishimni xohlaysiz
If you love me right, then who knows?
– Agar siz meni to’g’ri sevsangiz, unda kim biladi?
I might let you make me Juno
– Meni Juno qilishingizga ruxsat berishim mumkin
You know I just might (Might)
– Bilasizmi, men faqat kuch (kuch)
Let you lock me down tonight
– Bugun kechqurun meni qulflashga ijozat bering
One of me is cute, but two though?
– Mendan biri yoqimli,lekin ikkitasi?
Give it to me, baby
– Menga bering, bolam
You make me wanna make you fall in love
– Siz meni sevib qolishingizni xohlaysiz

Sabrina Carpenter



