Eminem – Without Me Saesneg Lyrics & Cymru Cyfieithiadau

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Obie Trice, real name, no gimmicks
– Obie Trice, enw go iawn, dim gimmicks
– Ra—

Two trailer-park girls go round the outside
– Dwy ferch parc trelar yn mynd rownd y tu allan
Round the outside, round the outside
– Rownd y tu allan, rownd y tu allan
Two trailer-park girls go round the outside
– Dwy ferch parc trelar yn mynd rownd y tu allan
Round the outside, round the outside
– Rownd y tu allan, rownd y tu allan
Woo! (Ooh, ooh)
– Woo! (Ooh, ooh)

Guess who’s back, back again?
– Dyfalwch pwy sy’n dod eto?
Shady’s back, tell a friend
– Daisy mae-tell a friend
Guess who’s back? Guess who’s back?
– Dyfalwch pwy sydd yn ôl? Dyfalwch pwy sydd yn ôl?
Guess who’s back? Guess who’s back?
– Dyfalwch pwy sydd yn ôl? Dyfalwch pwy sydd yn ôl?
Guess who’s back? Guess who’s back?
– Dyfalwch pwy sydd yn ôl? Dyfalwch pwy sydd yn ôl?
Guess who’s back?
– Dyfalwch pwy sydd yn ôl?
(Da-da-da, da, da, da, da, da, da)
– (Da-da-da, da, da, da,da, da)
(Da-da-da, da, da, da, da)
– (Da-da-da, da, da, da)

I’ve created a monster
– I’ve drawn a monster
‘Cause nobody wants to see Marshall no more, they want Shady, I’m chopped liver
– ‘Does neb eisiau gweld Marshall ddim mwy, maen nhw eisiau Cysgod, rydw I wedi torri afu
Well, if you want Shady, this is what I’ll give ya
– If u want Shawty, i am gonna give ya
A little bit of weed mixed with some hard liquor
– Ychydig o chwyn wedi’i gymysgu â rhywfaint o ddiodydd caled
Some vodka that’ll jump-start my heart quicker
– Mae rhai fodca a fydd yn neidio-dechrau fy nghalon yn gyflymach
Than a shock when I get shocked at the hospital
– Na sioc pan gaf sioc yn yr ysbyty
By the doctor when I’m not cooperating
– Gan y meddyg pan nad wyf yn cydweithio
When I’m rockin’ the table while he’s operating (Hey)
– Pan fyddaf yn gwneud y gwaith [golygu _ golygu cod y dudalen]
You waited this long, now stop debating
– Rydych chi wedi aros mor hir, nawr stopiwch ddadlau
‘Cause I’m back, I’m on the rag and ovulating
– I am back, i am on the rag and ovulating
I know that you got a job, Ms. Cheney
– Got a job, Mrs. Mae
But your husband’s heart problem’s complicating
– Ond mae problem calon eich gŵr yn cymhlethu
So the FCC won’t let me be
– FNAF doesn’t let me be
Or let me be me, so let me see
– Neu gadewch i mi fod yn fi, felly gadewch i mi weld
They tried to shut me down on MTV
– Maen nhw’n ceisio fy nghau i lawr AR MTV
But it feels so empty without me
– Ond mae’n teimlo mor wag heb i mi
So come on and dip, bum on your lips
– Felly dewch ymlaen a dipio, bum ar eich gwefusau
Fuck that, cum on your lips and some on your tits
– Fuck bod, cum ar eich gwefusau a rhai ar eich tits
And get ready, ’cause this shit’s about to get heavy
– A bod yn barod, ‘ achos mae’r cachu yma ar fin mynd yn drwm
I just settled all my lawsuits (Fuck you, Debbie)
– I just settled all my lawsuits (yr wyf yn unig yn settled fy lawsuits)

Now, this looks like a job for me
– Mae hyn yn edrych fel swydd i mi
So everybody, just follow me
– Felly pawb, dim ond dilyn fi
‘Cause we need a little controversy
– Mae angen ychydig o ddadlau arnom
‘Cause it feels so empty without me
– Mae’n teimlo mor wag heb i mi
I said this looks like a job for me
– Dywedais fod hyn yn edrych fel swydd i mi
So everybody, just follow me
– Felly pawb, dim ond dilyn fi
‘Cause we need a little controversy
– Mae angen ychydig o ddadlau arnom
‘Cause it feels so empty without me
– Mae’n teimlo mor wag heb i mi

Little hellions, kids feeling rebellious
– Hellions bach, plant yn teimlo’n wrthryfelgar
Embarrassed, their parents still listen to Elvis
– Embaras, mae eu rhieni yn dal i wrando Ar Elvis
They start feelin’ like prisoners, helpless
– Maent yn dechrau teimlo fel carcharorion, yn ddiymadferth
‘Til someone comes along on a mission and yells, “Bitch”
– ‘Nes i rywun ddod draw ar genhadaeth a gweiddi, ” Bitch”
A visionary, vision is scary
– Gweledigaethol, gweledigaeth yn frawychus
Could start a revolution, pollutin’ the airwaves
– Gallai dechrau chwyldro, llygru ‘ y tonnau awyr
A rebel, so just let me revel and bask
– A rebel, felly dim ond gadewch i mi revel a bask
In the fact that I got everyone kissin’ my ass
– Gw mau tau gw mau tau
And it’s a disaster, such a catastrophe
– Such a catastrophe, y fath drychineb
For you to see so damn much of my ass, you asked for me?
– Ydych chi wedi gweld cymaint o luniau o fy mhlentyndod, a wnaethoch chi ofyn i mi?
Well, I’m back, da-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na
– Wel, dw i’n ôl, da-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na
Fix your bent antenna, tune it in, and then I’m gonna
– Tynnwch eich antena plygu, tiwniwch ef i mewn, ac yna rydw i’n mynd i
Enter in and up under your skin like a splinter
– Ewch i mewn ac i fyny o dan eich croen fel splinter
The center of attention, back for the winter
– Canolfan y sylw, yn ôl ar gyfer y gaeaf
I’m interesting, the best thing since wrestling
– Rwy’n ddiddorol, y peth gorau ers reslo
Infesting in your kid’s ears and nesting
– Anadlu yn eich clustiau ac anadlu
Testing, “Attention, please”
– Profi, ” Sylw, os gwelwch yn dda”
Feel the tension soon as someone mentions me
– Teimlwch y tensiwn cyn bo hir wrth i rywun sôn amdana i
Here’s my ten cents, my two cents is free
– Mae fy nwy sent yn rhad ac am ddim my two cents is free
A nuisance, who sent? You sent for me?
– Niwsans, pwy anfonodd? Ydych chi wedi anfon i mi?

Now, this looks like a job for me
– Mae hyn yn edrych fel swydd i mi
So everybody, just follow me
– Felly pawb, dim ond dilyn fi
‘Cause we need a little controversy
– Mae angen ychydig o ddadlau arnom
‘Cause it feels so empty without me
– Mae’n teimlo mor wag heb i mi
I said this looks like a job for me
– Dywedais fod hyn yn edrych fel swydd i mi
So everybody, just follow me
– Felly pawb, dim ond dilyn fi
‘Cause we need a little controversy
– Mae angen ychydig o ddadlau arnom
‘Cause it feels so empty without me
– Mae’n teimlo mor wag heb i mi

A tisket, a tasket, I’ll go tit-for-tat wit’
– A tisket, a tasket, i’ll go tit-for-tat wit’
Anybody who’s talkin’, “This shit, that shit”
– Unrhyw un sy’n siarad’, ” mae’r cachu hwn, y cachu”
Chris Kirkpatrick, you can get your ass kicked
– Kirkpatrick get yr ass kicked
Worse than them little Limp Bizkit bastards
– Better than them little Limp Bizkit bastards saesneg
And Moby? You can get stomped by Obie
– A Moby? Gallwch gael Rhagor o Wybodaeth Ar Wefan Obie
You thirty-six-year-old bald-headed fag, blow me
– 36dw i wedi blino’n lân,
You don’t know me, you’re too old, let go
– Nid ydych yn gwybod i mi, yr ydych yn rhy hen, gadewch i mi fynd
It’s over, nobody listens to techno
– Mae’n dod i ben, does neb yn gwrando ar dechnoleg
Now, let’s go, just give me the signal
– Nawr, gadewch i ni fynd, dim ond rhoi’r signal i mi
I’ll be there with a whole list full of new insults
– Byddaf yno gyda rhestr lawn o sarhad newydd
I’ve been dope, suspenseful with a pencil
– Dw i wedi cael llond bol, gyda phaned o de
Ever since Prince turned himself into a symbol
– Byth ers I’r Tywysog droi ei hun yn symbol
But, sometimes, the shit just seems
– Ond, weithiau, mae’r cachu yn ymddangos yn unig
Everybody only wants to discuss me
– Mae pawb ond eisiau trafod fi
So this must mean I’m disgusting
– Mae hyn yn golygu fy mod yn siomedig
But it’s just me, I’m just obscene (Yeah)
– Dim ond fi, dim ond anweddus ydw i (Yeah)
Though I’m not the first king of controversy
– Er nad fi yw’r brenin cyntaf o ddadlau
I am the worst thing since Elvis Presley
– Y peth gwaethaf Ers Elvis Presley
To do Black music so selfishly
– I wneud cerddoriaeth Ddu mor hunanol
And use it to get myself wealthy (Hey)
– Get myself rich (get myself rich)
There’s a concept that works
– Syniad sy’n gweithio
Twenty million other white rappers emerge
– Ugain miliwn o rapwyr gwyn eraill yn dod i’r amlwg
But no matter how many fish in the sea
– Ni waeth faint o bysgod sydd yn y môr
It’d be so empty without me
– Byddai mor wag heb i mi

Now, this looks like a job for me
– Mae hyn yn edrych fel swydd i mi
So everybody, just follow me
– Felly pawb, dim ond dilyn fi
‘Cause we need a little controversy
– Mae angen ychydig o ddadlau arnom
‘Cause it feels so empty without me
– Mae’n teimlo mor wag heb i mi
I said this looks like a job for me
– Dywedais fod hyn yn edrych fel swydd i mi
So everybody, just follow me
– Felly pawb, dim ond dilyn fi
‘Cause we need a little controversy
– Mae angen ychydig o ddadlau arnom
‘Cause it feels so empty without me
– Mae’n teimlo mor wag heb i mi

Hum, dei-dei, la-la
– Hum, dei-dei, la-la
La-la, la-la-la
– La-la, la-la-la
La-la, la-la-la
– La-la, la-la-la
La-la, la-la
– La-la, la-la
Hum, dei-dei, la-la
– Hum, dei-dei, la-la
La-la, la-la-la
– La-la, la-la-la
La-la, la-la-la
– La-la, la-la-la
La-la, la-la
– La-la, la-la
– Plant




