The Weeknd – Dancing In The Flames Sing Maca & Padusan Tutulung

Vidéo Klip


Lyrics from Live Performance & Teaser
– Lirik Saka Pagelaran Urip &Te; Teaser

Oh-oh, yeah
– Oh-oh, ya

Traffic lights while we are racin’ home
– Lampu lalu lintas nalika kita racin ‘ ngarep
Melted lights above the open road
– Lampu lebur ing ndhuwur dalan sing mbukak
I hope we make it, ’cause I’ve been chasin’
– Muga-muga kita bisa, ‘amarga aku wis chasin’
Another odyssey
– Odyssey liyané

I can’t wait to see your face
– Aku tak sabar nak tgk muka kau
Crash when we’re switching lanes
– Kacilakan nalika kita ngganti jalur
My love’s beyond the pain
– Cintaku ngluwihi rasa sakit
But if I miss the brake
– Jika aku rindu
We’re dancin’ in the flames
– Kita lagi nari ing geni
It’s indescribable
– Iku ora bisa diterangake

Traffic lights while we are racin’ home
– Lampu lalu lintas nalika kita racin ‘ ngarep
Melted lights above the open road
– Lampu lebur ing ndhuwur dalan sing mbukak
I hope we make it, ’cause I’ve been chasin’
– Muga-muga kita bisa, ‘amarga aku wis chasin’
Another odyssey
– Odyssey liyané

I can’t wait to see your face
– Aku tak sabar nak tgk muka kau
Crash when we’re switching lanes
– Kacilakan nalika kita ngganti jalur
My love’s beyond the pain
– Cintaku ngluwihi rasa sakit
But if I miss the brake
– Jika aku rindu
We’re dancin’ in the flames
– Kita lagi nari ing geni
It’s indescribable
– Iku ora bisa diterangake

The world can’t heal, they say on the radio (Oh no)
– Donya ora isa mari, wong-wong kuwi ngomong ing radhio (oh ora)
So grab the wheel, want you to be in control
– Pilih rodha, pilih monitor
We’re dodging headlights and you say, “Hold tight”
– Kita lagi dodging lampu lan sampeyan ngomong, ” Tahan nyenyet”
Another odyssey, oh
– Odyssey liyane, oh

I can’t wait to see your face
– Aku tak sabar nak tgk muka kau
Crash when we’re switching lanes
– Kacilakan nalika kita ngganti jalur
My love’s beyond the pain
– Cintaku ngluwihi rasa sakit
But if I miss the brake
– Jika aku rindu
We’re dancin’ in the flames
– Kita lagi nari ing geni
It’s indescribable
– Iku ora bisa diterangake

Ooh (Indescribable)
– Ooh (Ora Bisa Diterangake)
– Oh
Everything’s fadin’, we barely made it
– Kabeh wis ilang, kita meh ora bisa
The fire’s ragin’, but you’re so beautiful
– Cantik cantik cantik cantik cantik cantik cantik cantik cantik cantik cantik
And it’s amazin’, ’cause I can taste it
– Lan iku amazin’, ‘sabab aku bisa rasa iku
Our final odyssey, oh
– Odyssey pungkasan kita, oh

I can’t wait to see your face
– Aku tak sabar nak tgk muka kau
Crash when we’re switching lanes
– Kacilakan nalika kita ngganti jalur
My love’s beyond the pain
– Cintaku ngluwihi rasa sakit
But if I miss the brake
– Jika aku rindu
We’re dancin’ in the flames
– Kita lagi nari ing geni
So just have faith, we’re dancin’ in the flames
– Dadi mung duwe fa, kita lagi nari ‘ ing geni
It’s indescribable
– Iku ora bisa diterangake
Indescribable, ooh
– Ora bisa diterangake, ooh
– Ora bisa diterangake

The Weeknd



