Luke Combs – Doin’ This 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

Someone asked me once in an interview
– 一次面试中有人问我
“What was growing up like, where’d you go to school?”
– “你在哪里上学的?”
“And what would you do if you weren’t doin’ this?”
– “”如果你不这样做,你会怎么做?”
I’d be drivin’ my first car, an old worn-out Dodge
– 我会开我的第一辆车,一辆破旧的道奇
Tryin’ to make rent with a dead end job, just makin’ due
– 试着用一份死胡同来租房子,只是到期而已
With tips in a jar, my guitar and an old barstool
– 在一个罐子里的提示,我的吉他和一个旧的barstool

I’d have a Friday night crowd in the palm of my hand
– 我会有一个星期五晚上的人群在我的手心
Cup of brown liquor, couple buddies in a band
– 一杯棕色的酒,乐队里的几个伙伴
Singin’ them same damn songs like I am now
– 像我现在一样唱那些该死的歌
I’d be feelin’ on fire on a hardwood stage
– 我会觉得在硬木舞台上着火
Bright lights like lightning runnin’ through my veins
– 明亮的灯光像闪电一样穿过我的血管
At the Grand Ole Opry or a show in some no-name town
– 在大奥普里或某个无名小镇的表演中
I’d still be doin’ this if I wasn’t doin’ this
– 如果我不这么做,我还会这么做

I’d still be the same guy they knew back in the day
– 我还是他们以前认识的那个人
Who was burnin’ CDs just to give away
– 谁在烧Cd只是为了送人?
Payin’ his dues if I wasn’t doin’ this
– 如果我不这样做,就付他的会费
Five deep in a van, head full of steam
– 五个深在一辆货车里,满头蒸汽
Hot on the heels of my neon dreams maybe comin’ true
– 热在我的霓虹灯梦想的高跟鞋也许来真的
Livin’ this life just like I was born to do
– 过着这样的生活,就像我生来要做的那样

I’d have a Friday night crowd in the palm of my hand
– 我会有一个星期五晚上的人群在我的手心
Cup of brown liquor, couple buddies in a band
– 一杯棕色的酒,乐队里的几个伙伴
Singin’ them same damn songs like I am now
– 像我现在一样唱那些该死的歌
I’d be feelin’ on fire on a hardwood stage
– 我会觉得在硬木舞台上着火
Bright lights like lightning runnin’ through my veins
– 明亮的灯光像闪电一样穿过我的血管
At the Grand Ole Opry or a show in some no-name town
– 在大奥普里或某个无名小镇的表演中
I’d still be doin’ this if I wasn’t doin’ this
– 如果我不这么做,我还会这么做

It ain’t about the fame
– 这不是名声的问题
It ain’t about the fortune
– 这与财富无关
It ain’t about the name
– 和名字无关
It ain’t about the glory
– 这不是荣耀的问题
I guess I’m sayin’ it’s always been about
– 我想我是说它一直都是关于

Having a Friday night crowd in the palm of my hand
– 有一个星期五晚上的人群在我的手掌
Cup of brown liquor, couple buddies in a band
– 一杯棕色的酒,乐队里的几个伙伴
Singin’ them same damn songs like I am now
– 像我现在一样唱那些该死的歌
I’d be feelin’ on fire on a hardwood stage
– 我会觉得在硬木舞台上着火
Bright lights like lightning runnin’ through my veins
– 明亮的灯光像闪电一样穿过我的血管
At the Grand Ole Opry or a show in some no-name town
– 在大奥普里或某个无名小镇的表演中
I’d still be doin’ this if I wasn’t doin’ this
– 如果我不这么做,我还会这么做

Someone asked me once in an interview
– 一次面试中有人问我
“What was growing up like, where’d you go to school?”
– “你在哪里上学的?”
“And what would you do if you weren’t doin’ this?”
– “”如果你不这样做,你会怎么做?”






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