Sinéad O’Connor – Drink Before The War 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

Well, you tell us that we’re wrong
– 你告诉我们我们错了
And you tell us not to sing our song
– 你告诉我们不要唱我们的歌
Nothing we can say will make you see
– 我们说什么都不会让你看到
You got a heart of stone, you can never feel
– 你有一颗铁石心肠,你永远感觉不到

You say, “Oh, I’m not afraid, it can’t happen to me
– 你说,”哦,我不怕,它不可能发生在我身上
I’ve lived my life as a good man
– 我过着好人的生活
Oh no, you’re out of your mind, it won’t happen to me
– 哦,不,你疯了,不会发生在我身上的
‘Cause I’ve carried my weight and I’ve been a strong man”, yeah-yeah
– 因为我已经承担了我的重量,我一直是一个坚强的人”,是的-是的

But listen to the man in the liquor store
– 但听酒店里的人说
Yelling, “Anybody want a drink before the war?”
– 大喊大叫,”战前有人想喝一杯吗?”

And your parents paid you through
– 你父母付了你钱
You got a nice big car, nothing bothers you
– 你有一辆漂亮的大车,没有什么能打扰你
Somebody cut out your eyes, you refuse to see
– 有人切掉了你的眼睛,你拒绝看到
Ah, somebody cut out your heart, you refuse to feel
– 啊,有人割断了你的心,你拒绝感受

And you live in a shell
– 你住在贝壳里
You create your own hell
– 你创造了自己的地狱
You live in the past and talk about war
– 你活在过去,谈论战争
And you dig your own grave, yeah
– 你自己挖坟墓,是的
But it’s a life you can save
– 但这是你可以挽救的生命
So stop getting fussed, it’s not gonna happen
– 所以别再大惊小怪了,这不会发生的

And you’ll cry but you’ll never fall, no, no, no
– 你会哭,但你永远不会跌倒,不,不,不
You’re building a wall
– 你在筑墙
Gotta break it down, start again
– 要打破它,重新开始

No, no, no, it won’t happen to us
– 不,不,不,这不会发生在我们身上
We’ve lived our lives
– 我们过着自己的生活
Basically we’ve been good men
– 基本上我们都是好人

So stop talking of war
– 所以别说战争了
‘Cause you know we’ve heard it all before
– 因为你知道我们以前都听过
Why don’t you go out there
– 你为什么不出去呢?
And do something useful
– 做点有用的事

Oh, listen to the man in the liquor store
– 哦,听听酒店里的那个人说
He yelling, “Anybody wanna drink before the war?”
– 他大喊大叫,”战前有人想喝酒吗?”
“Anybody wanna drink before the war?”
– “战前有人想喝酒吗?”
“Anybody wanna drink before the war?”
– “战前有人想喝酒吗?”






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