Oasis – Don’t Look Back in Anger Ingliż Lirika & Malti Traduzzjonijiet

Klipp Tal-Vidjo


Slip inside the eye of your mind
– Slip ġewwa l-għajn ta’moħħok
Don’t you know you might find
– Ma tafx li tista’ssib
A better place to play?
– Post aħjar fejn tilgħab?
You said that you’d never been
– Int għedt li qatt ma kont
But all the things that you’ve seen
– Imma l-affarijiet kollha li rajt
Slowly fade away
– Fade bil-mod

So I start a revolution from my bed
– Allura nibda rivoluzzjoni mis sodda tiegħi
‘Cause you said the brains I had went to my head
– ‘kawża li għedt l-imħuħ li kont mort f’rasi
Step outside, summertime’s in bloom
– Pass barra, is-sajf jiffjorixxi
Stand up beside the fireplace
– Qum ħdejn in nar
Take that look from off your face
– Ħu dik id-dehra minn fuq wiċċek
You ain’t ever gonna burn my heart out
– Qatt m’int se taħraq qalbi

And so, Sally can wait
– U għalhekk, Sally tista’tistenna
She knows it’s too late as we’re walkin’ on by
– Hi taf li huwa tard wisq hekk kif qed nimxu’l quddiem
Her soul slides away
– Ruħha tiżżerżaq’il bogħod
But “Don’t look back in anger,” I heard you say
– Imma “tħarisx lura fir-rabja,” smajtek tgħid

Take me to the place where you go
– Ħudni fil post fejn tmur
Where nobody knows
– Fejn ħadd ma jaf
If it’s night or day
– Jekk huwa lejl jew jum
Please don’t put your life in the hands
– Jekk jogħġbok tpoġġix ħajtek f’idejk
Of a rock ‘n’ roll band
– Ta’strixxa tar-rombli’n’tal-blat
Who’ll throw it all away
– Min se jarmiha kollha

I’m gonna start a revolution from my bed
– Se nibda rivoluzzjoni mis sodda tiegħi
‘Cause you said the brains I had went to my head
– ‘kawża li għedt l-imħuħ li kont mort f’rasi
Step outside, ’cause summertime’s in bloom
– Pass barra, ‘kawża li s-sajf jiffjorixxi
Stand up beside the fireplace
– Qum ħdejn in nar
Take that look from off your face
– Ħu dik id-dehra minn fuq wiċċek
‘Cause you ain’t ever gonna burn my heart out
– ‘għaliex qatt m’int se taħraqli qalbi

And so, Sally can wait
– U għalhekk, Sally tista’tistenna
She knows it’s too late as she’s walking on by
– Hi taf li huwa tard wisq hekk kif għaddejja
My soul slides away
– Ruħi tiżżerżaq’il bogħod
But “Don’t look back in anger,” I heard you say
– Imma “tħarisx lura fir-rabja,” smajtek tgħid

So, Sally can wait
– Allura, Sally tista’tistenna
She knows it’s too late as we’re walking on by
– Hi taf li huwa tard wisq hekk kif qed nimxu
Her soul slides away
– Ruħha tiżżerżaq’il bogħod
But “Don’t look back in anger,” I heard you say
– Imma “tħarisx lura fir-rabja,” smajtek tgħid
So, Sally can wait
– Allura, Sally tista’tistenna
She knows it’s too late as she’s walking on by
– Hi taf li huwa tard wisq hekk kif għaddejja
My soul slides away
– Ruħi tiżżerżaq’il bogħod
But “Don’t look back in anger
– Imma ” tħarisx lura fir-rabja
Don’t look back in anger”
– Tħarisx lura fir-rabja”
I heard you say
– Smajt tgħid

“At least not today”
– “Mill-inqas mhux illum”




