KATSEYE – Touch Ingliż Lirika & Malti Traduzzjonijiet

Klipp Tal-Vidjo


Touch, touch, touch, touch, touch
– Tmiss, tmiss, tmiss, tmiss, tmiss, tmiss
Thought about you way too much, much, much, much, much
– Ħsibt dwarek wisq, ħafna, ħafna, ħafna, ħafna
Over, over thinking us, us, us, us, us
– Fuq, fuq ħsieb magħna, magħna, magħna, magħna, magħna
‘Cause you been so out of touch
– ‘kawża li kont daqshekk barra mill-kuntatt
You could’ve had my love, but you been so out of touch
– Stajt kellek l-imħabba tiegħi, imma kont daqshekk barra mill-kuntatt

Monday, I was dreaming ’bout ya
– It-tnejn, kont qed noħlom’bout ya
Tuesday, I was waiting near the phone
– It-tlieta, kont qed nistenna ħdejn it-telefon
Two days, wasn’t hearing from ya
– Jumejn, ma kienx smigħ minn ya
Yeah, what can I say? Oh, baby, I was getting bored
– Iva, x’nista’ngħid? Oh, tarbija, kont qed niddejjaq
Thursday, I was losing interest
– Il-ħamis, kont qed nitlef l-interess
Friday, you were out there in the cold
– Il-ġimgħa, kont hemm barra fil-kesħa
Weekend, you already missed it
– Weekend, diġà tliftha
I was moving on ’cause you were moving too slow
– Kont miexi’l quddiem’kawża li kont miexi bil mod wisq

‘Cause sometimes I’m alone
– ‘kawża kultant jien waħdi
Stare out my window
– Ħares mit tieqa tiegħi
And the moon makes you seem close tonight
– U l qamar iġiegħlek tidher viċin illejla

But you been so out of touch, touch, touch, touch, touch
– Imma int kont daqshekk barra mill-mess, mess, mess, mess, mess
Thought about you way too much, much, much, much, much
– Ħsibt dwarek wisq, ħafna, ħafna, ħafna, ħafna
Over, over thinking us, us, us, us, us
– Fuq, fuq ħsieb magħna, magħna, magħna, magħna, magħna
‘Cause you been so out of touch
– ‘kawża li kont daqshekk barra mill-kuntatt
You could’ve had my love, but you been so out of
– Stajt kellek l-imħabba tiegħi, imma int kont daqshekk barra
Touch, touch, touch, touch, touch
– Tmiss, tmiss, tmiss, tmiss, tmiss, tmiss
Thought about you way too much, much, much, much, much
– Ħsibt dwarek wisq, ħafna, ħafna, ħafna, ħafna
Yeah, you went and messed it up, up, up, up, up
– Iva, inti marru u messed up, up, up, up, up, up
‘Cause you been so out of touch
– ‘kawża li kont daqshekk barra mill-kuntatt
You could’ve had my love, but you been so out of touch
– Stajt kellek l-imħabba tiegħi, imma kont daqshekk barra mill-kuntatt

First, you’re gonna say you’re sorry
– L-ewwel, int se tgħid li jiddispjaċik
Promise you won’t do it anymore
– Wegħda li mhux se tagħmel dan aktar
Come up with a different story
– Oħroġ bi storja differenti
Yeah, what can I say, say something I ain’t heard before
– Iva, x’nista’ngħid, għid xi ħaġa li ma smajtx qabel
I’m too fun to waste my time
– Jien gost wisq biex naħli l ħin tiegħi
Too young to waste one night
– Żgħażagħ wisq biex jaħlu lejl wieħed
So here comes some good advice
– Allura hawn jiġi xi parir tajjeb
If I ever call again, don’t press ignore
– Jekk qatt nerġa’nċempel, tagħfasx injora

‘Cause sometimes I’m alone
– ‘kawża kultant jien waħdi
Stare out my window
– Ħares mit tieqa tiegħi
And the moon makes you seem close tonight (Woah)
– U l-qamar iġiegħlek tidher viċin illejla (Woah)

But you been so out of touch, touch, touch, touch, touch
– Imma int kont daqshekk barra mill-mess, mess, mess, mess, mess
Thought about you way too much, much, much, much, much
– Ħsibt dwarek wisq, ħafna, ħafna, ħafna, ħafna
Over, over thinking us, us, us, us, us
– Fuq, fuq ħsieb magħna, magħna, magħna, magħna, magħna
‘Cause you been so out of touch
– ‘kawża li kont daqshekk barra mill-kuntatt
You could’ve had my love, but you been so out of
– Stajt kellek l-imħabba tiegħi, imma int kont daqshekk barra
Touch, touch, touch, touch, touch
– Tmiss, tmiss, tmiss, tmiss, tmiss, tmiss
Thought about you way too much, much, much, much, much
– Ħsibt dwarek wisq, ħafna, ħafna, ħafna, ħafna
Yeah, you went and messed it up, up, up, up, up
– Iva, inti marru u messed up, up, up, up, up, up
‘Cause you been so out of touch
– ‘kawża li kont daqshekk barra mill-kuntatt
You could’ve had my love, but you been so out of touch
– Stajt kellek l-imħabba tiegħi, imma kont daqshekk barra mill-kuntatt




