LL COOL J – Murdergram Deux 英语 歌词 & 中文 翻译本



Do you remember first time you heard the legend in leather?
– 你还记得你第一次听到皮革的传说吗?
The career ender with the road-killer stuck to his fender
– 职业生涯与道路杀手粘在他的挡泥板上
I’m on another bender, drunk off the power
– 我在另一个弯管机上,喝醉了电源
That make a coward surrender as I devour contenders
– 当我吞噬竞争者时,这会让一个懦夫投降
Talkin’ foul of whoever, your head is ’bout to get severed
– 对谁犯规,你的头就要被割断了
Then I bounce it with pleasure, I’m pouring out Amaretto
– 然后我高兴地反弹它,我正在倾吐Amaretto
Homies, I won’t forgеt ’em, so tap the bottle and pour it
– 伙计们,我不会忘记他们的,所以轻敲瓶子倒吧
Supermodels I ignore ’em, later on it’s like porn
– 超级名模我忽略了他们,后来就像色情一样
Reincarnation of the Ripper, I give stitches and chest zippers
– 开膛手的转世,我给针脚和胸部拉链
Cinderella’s get propellered out their glass slippers
– 灰姑娘的得到推进了他们的玻璃拖鞋
Time is tickin’, giving ass whoopin’s how we keep the cash flippin’
– 时间在流逝,这是我们如何保持现金流动的

What? A supa-dupa switch up (What?)
– 什么? 一个supa-dupa开关(什么?)
I can’t understand a single word you’re saying
– 你说的我一个字都听不懂
I think you have syrup brain
– 我想你有你的大脑
‘Bout to finish you like polyurethane (Huh)
– 就像聚氨酯一样结束你(嗯)
All that molly probably sure to drain your spinal fluid from your vertebrae
– 所有这些可能肯定会从你的椎骨中排出你的脊髓液
This the Murdergram and I brought my murder game
– 这是谋杀者和我带来了我的谋杀游戏
My shit fire, that is why you log on it like Duraflame
– 我的狗屎火,这就是为什么你像Duraflame一样登录它
But as far as boulevards, I’m talking ’bout Farmers like insurance claims (Pff)
– 但就林荫大道而言,我说的是像保险索赔(Pff)这样的农民
I just blew your girl away, but she on so much blow and lean (What?)
– 我只是吹走了你的女孩,但她在这么多的打击和倾斜(什么?)
I call that fucking ho Katrina, somebody better give her a cane
– 我叫那该死的卡特里娜,最好有人给她一根拐杖

And that’s on everything (What?), she love my heavy chain
– 这是一切(什么?),她爱我的重链
My yellow diamond shining, got her whipping like lemon meringue
– 我的黄色钻石闪闪发光,让她像柠檬酥皮一样鞭打
Stripping in front of the gang, she’s slipping inside of the Range
– 在那帮人面前脱光衣服,她在射程内溜走了
Quick to go out with a bang, it’s like I threw out a grenade
– 砰的一声快速出门,就像我扔出了一枚手榴弹
Once you pull the pin, that’s when the killing will begin
– 一旦你拉动针,那就是杀戮开始的时候
You feel me pulling off your skin, I really came to get it and deliver
– 你觉得我扯掉你的皮肤,我真的来拿它并交付
Murdergrams, turn over your ambulance, thirty bullets in advance
– 杀人犯,把你的救护车翻过来,提前三十发子弹
Candlelight and crying fans, we gon’ win it by a land-slide up behind you, testing my rifle
– 烛光和哭泣的球迷,我们将赢得它的土地滑到你身后,测试我的步枪
Give blessings to my disciples, professional I’m a sniper
– 给我的弟子祝福,因为我是狙击手
Like eight miles away, me and Marshall doing murders
– 就像八英里外,我和马修在做谋杀
With dirty burners, break them down and melt them in the furnace
– 用肮脏的燃烧器,将它们分解并在炉子中熔化

Unapologetic and we’re gonna cause a headache
– 毫无歉意,我们会引起头痛的
Me and L about to set it, we about to murdergram it
– 我和我要设置它,我们要谋杀它
Anyone of y’all can get it, so you might as well forget it
– 你们任何人都能得到它,所以你们还是忘了它吧
Either way you will regret it, cemetery’s where you’re headed
– 无论哪种方式,你都会后悔,这就是你要去的地方
Come on! (Yeah)
– 来吧! (是的)

The message in the chorus, you bastards got nothing for us
– 合唱队里的信息,你们这些混蛋对我们一无所有
The overlord is the rawest
– 霸王是最少的
I ain’t talkin’ ’bout a rental car when I’m pullin’ the Taurus
– 当我拉着金牛座的时候,我不是在说租来的车
This Halloween them candy bars’ll get you killed in the forest
– 这个万圣节他们的糖果棒会让你在森林里被杀
We are lyrically lawless, stackin’ money, hoarders
– 我们是抒情的无法无天,囤积金钱,囤积
Slugs that make you forget all that slick-ass shit that you thought of
– 让你忘记你想到的那些油嘴滑舌的东西的蛞蝓
Blow your mind with the sawed off
– 用锯掉的东西吹你的心
Just when you thought it was safe, we bustin’ at you from the Wraith
– 就在你认为安全的时候,我们从幽灵那里冲你来
Then hittin’ a donut, ain’t nothin’ sweet when we come in to play
– 那就吃甜甜圈吧,我们进来玩的时候一点都不甜

When I say that you ain’t fuckin’ with moi
– 当我说你他妈的不跟莫伊在一起的时候
I do not mean kisses blew, but I got the potential to
– 我不是说亲吻被吹了,但我有潜力去
Fuckin’ flip when I’m mentioned with a penchant to (What?)
– 当我被提到喜欢(什么?)
Come back with a vengeance like Jack the Ripper
– 像开膛手杰克一样复仇回来
To rip it, just givin’ you a sample, a fuckin’ snippet (Snip it), like scissors do
– 要撕掉它,只要给你一个样本,一个该死的片段(剪掉它),就像剪刀一样
Now when I hit the booth, I think of the days of old when I was quick to fool
– 现在当我撞到摊位的时候,我想起了以前我很快就会愚弄的日子
Used to fly off the handle like a fuckin’ witch’s broom
– 以前像个该死的女巫的扫帚一样从把手上飞下来
I called it pluckin’ flowers ’cause I was so quick to pick a tool up (Click-click)
– 我把它叫做”拔花”,因为我很快就拿起了一个工具(点击-点击)
Like it’s petunias, sick medulla, but thanks to COOL J, he created a monster (What? Yeah!)
– 就像它是矮牵牛,生病的髓质,但由于酷J,他创造了一个怪物(什么? 耶!)
Spaghetti sauce and mozzarella on a tray full of pasta (What?)
– 意大利面酱和马苏里拉在一个装满意大利面的托盘上(什么?)
You got a couple of motherfuckin’ trained killers on ya (Trained kill-lasagna’s)
– 你身上有几个受过训练的杀手(受过训练的杀人千层面)
And I’m just bein’ as frank as Sinatra (Haha)
– 我就像西纳特拉一样坦率(哈哈)
When I be sayin’ that I’ma keep this shit gangster as mobsters (What?)
– 当我说我要把这个该死的流氓当作暴徒(什么?)
But when you got fanatics goin’ so crazy, they mob ya
– 但当你让狂热分子疯狂的时候,他们就会把你暴走
Lookin’ like organized crime because you can’t get ’em off ya (Mafia)
– 看起来像有组织犯罪,因为你不能让他们离开你(黑手党)
And all your motherfuckin’ enemies, they wanna off ya, like Hoffa
– 你所有的该死的敌人,他们都想离开你,就像霍法一样
And dump your body in Lake Minnetonka (Shhh)
– 把你的尸体扔到明尼通卡湖(嘘)
That’s how you know you fuckin’ saw, and you came, and you conquered
– 这就是你知道你他妈的看到了,你来了,你征服了
Veni, vidi, vici, stompin’ and makin’ ’em bonkers
– 维尼,维迪,维奇,跺脚,让他们发疯
Now women treat me like B.D.K. (Kane), the king, and they feed me grapes (Yeah)
– 现在女人对待我就像B.D.K.(凯恩),国王,他们喂我葡萄(是的)
Either way, I got more on my plate than an all you can eat buffet (Woo)
– 不管怎样,我的盘子里的东西比你能吃的自助餐还要多(呜)
So better pick a B.C. date ’cause your history is shady (Yeah, set)
– 所以最好选择一个B.C.日期,因为你的历史是阴暗的(是的,设置)
As they ’bout to set it on you like a TV tray (Haha, yup)
– 因为他们要把它像电视托盘一样放在你身上(哈哈,是的)
Man, I see the way people say I’m so evil (What?)
– 男人,我看到人们说我是如此邪恶的方式(什么?)
They fuckin’ think that Timothy McVeigh and my DNA are exactly the same
– 他们他妈的认为蒂莫西*麦克维和我的DNA完全一样
But when I leave this game (Nope)
– 但是当我离开这个游戏(不)
Things just ain’t gonna be the same (Nah)
– 事情就不一样了(不)
But it’s in need of change (Yeah), and I’m the meter maid (Haha)
– 但它需要改变(是的),我是米女仆(哈哈)
Go ahead and crack a bottle, ’cause this is E and J
– 来吧,打开一个瓶子,因为这是E和J
Meaning me and James (Yeah)
– 意思是我和詹姆斯(是的)
Got that avocado and we the sociopaths
– 拿了鳄梨,我们这些反社会分子
And we got your ho on our laps
– 我们把你的屁股弄到手了
And we’re goin’ back to Cali so she can blow on our sax
– 我们要回卡利,这样她就可以吹我们的萨克斯了

Brang-brang, brr-brr-brr-brrr, brr-brring
– 繝シ繝ォ縺ァ縺ョ縺雁抚縺蜷医o縺帙ッ縺薙■繧峨r縺碑ヲァ縺上□縺辅>缧
I don’t think so
– 我不这么认为




