Eminem – Superman Slovenščina Besedila & Slovenski Prevodi

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Mhmmm *inhales*
– Mhmmm * vdihne*
You high, baby?
– Si zadet?
Yeah, hahahaha
– Ja, hahahaha
– Ja?
Talk to me
– Govori z mano
You want me to tell you something?
– Hočeš, da ti nekaj povem?
– Uh-huh
I know what you wanna hear
– Vem, kaj hočeš slišati

‘Cause I know you want me, baby, I think I want you too
– Ker vem, da me hočeš, srček, mislim, da si tudi jaz želim tebe
I think I love you, baby, I think I love you too (Oh-ooh)
– Mislim, da te ljubim, srček, mislim, da te imam tudi jaz (Oh-ooh)
I’m here to save you, girl, come be in Shady’s world (Ooh-ooh, ooh)
– Tukaj sem, da te rešim, dekle, pridi v senčni Svet (Ooh-ooh, ooh)
I wanna grow together, let’s let our love unfurl
– Želim rasti skupaj, pustimo, da se naša ljubezen razvije
You know you want me, baby, you know I want you too
– Veš, da me hočeš, srček, veš, da te želim tudi jaz
They call me Superman, I’m here to rescue you
– Kličejo me Superman, tukaj sem, da te rešim
I wanna save you, girl, come be in Shady’s world (Ooh-ooh)
– Želim te rešiti, dekle, pridi v senčni Svet (Ooh-ooh)
Oh boy, you drive me crazy, bitch, you make me hurl
– Oh, fant, spraviš me ob pamet, prasica, spraviš me v hurl

They call me Superman
– Pravijo mi Superman
Leap tall hoes in a single bound
– Skok visok motike v eno zavezuje
I’m single now: got no ring on this finger now
– Zdaj sem Samski: zdaj nimam prstana na tem prstu
I’d never let another chick bring me down
– Nikoli ne bi pustil drugo pišče bi me dol
In a relationship; save it, bitch!
– V razmerju; shrani, prasica!
Babysit? You make me sick
– Varuška? Zaradi tebe mi je slabo
Superman ain’t savin’ shit
– Superman ne rešuje sranja
Girl, you can jump on Shady’s dick
– Dekle, lahko skoči na senčnih je kurac
Straight from the hip, cut to the chase
– Naravnost iz kolka, rezano na lov
I tell a muhfuckin’ slut to her face
– Sem povedal muhfuckin ‘ kurba, da njen obraz
Play no games, say no names
– Ne igrajte iger, ne recite imen
Ever since I broke up with what’s-her-face
– Odkar sem se razšla s tem, kar je-njen-obraz
I’m a different man, kiss my ass
– Jaz sem drugačen človek, poljubi me v rit
Kiss my lips? Bitch, why ask?
– Poljubiti moje ustnice? Prasica, zakaj sprašuješ?
Kiss my dick, get my cash?
– Poljubiti mojega tiča, dobiti moj denar?
I’d rather have you whip my ass
– Raje bi si bič mojo rit
Don’t put out? I’ll put you out
– Ne daj ven? Dal te bom ven
Won’t get out? I’ll push you out
– Ne bo ven? Potisnil te bom ven
Puss blew out, poppin’ shit
– Puss pihal ven, poppin ‘ sranje
Wouldn’t piss on fire to put you out
– Ne bi urinirati na ogenj, da si dal ven
Am I too nice? Buy you ice?
– Sem preveč prijazen? Ti kupim LED?
Bitch, if you died, wouldn’t buy you life
– Prasica, če bi umrla, ti ne bi kupila življenja
What, you tryin’ to be my new wife?
– Hočeš biti moja nova žena?
What, you Mariah? Fly through twice
– Si ti Mariah? Preletite dvakrat

But I do know one thing though
– Ampak vem eno stvar, čeprav
Bitches, they come, they go
– Psice, pridejo, gredo
Saturday through Sunday, Monday (Yeah-yeah)
– Sobota do nedelje, ponedeljek (ja-ja)
Monday through Sunday, yo
– Od ponedeljka do nedelje
Maybe I’ll love you one day
– Mogoče te bom nekega dne ljubil
Maybe we’ll someday grow
– Mogoče bomo nekoč rasli
‘Til then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin’ runway, ho
– ‘Til potem samo sit vaš Pijan rit na to prekleto vzletno-pristajalne steze, ho

‘Cause I can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ker ne morem biti tvoj Superman, ne morem biti tvoj Superman
Can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ne more biti tvoj Superman, ne more biti tvoj Superman
I can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ne morem biti tvoj Superman, ne morem biti tvoj Superman
Can’t be your Superman, your Superman, your Superman
– Ne more biti tvoj nadčlovek, tvoj nadčlovek, tvoj nadčlovek

Don’t get me wrong, I love these hoes
– Ne razumite me narobe, Ljubim te motike
It’s no secret, everybody knows
– Ni skrivnost, vsi vedo
Yeah, we fucked—bitch, so what?
– Ja, pofukali smo prasico, pa kaj?
That’s about as far as your buddy goes
– To je približno tako daleč, kot vaš prijatelj gre
We’ll be friends, I’ll call you again
– Prijatelji bomo, spet vas pokličem
I’ll chase you around every bar you attend
– Lovil te bom po vsakem baru, ki ga obiskuješ
Never know what kinda car I’ll be in
– Nikoli ne vem, v kakšnem avtu bom
We’ll see how much you’ll be partyin’ then
– Bomo videli, koliko se boste potem zabavali
You don’t want that, neither do I
– Tega nočeš, tudi jaz ne
I don’t wanna flip when I see you with guys
– Nočem flip, ko te vidim s fanti
Too much pride, between you and I
– Preveč ponosa med vami in mano
Not a jealous man, but females lie
– Ni ljubosumen moški, ampak ženske lažejo
But I guess that’s just what sluts do
– Ampak mislim, da je to samo tisto, kar sluts storiti
How could it ever be just us two?
– Kako bi lahko bila samo midva?
I’d never love you enough to trust you
– Nikoli te ne bi ljubil dovolj, da bi ti zaupal
We just met and I just fucked you
– Pravkar sva se spoznala in pravkar sem zajebal vas

But I do know one thing though
– Ampak vem eno stvar, čeprav
Bitches, they come, they go
– Psice, pridejo, gredo
Saturday through Sunday, Monday
– Sobota do nedelje, ponedeljek
Monday through Sunday, yo
– Od ponedeljka do nedelje
Maybe I’ll love you one day
– Mogoče te bom nekega dne ljubil
Maybe we’ll someday grow
– Mogoče bomo nekoč rasli
‘Til then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin’ runway, ho
– ‘Til potem samo sit vaš Pijan rit na to prekleto vzletno-pristajalne steze, ho

‘Cause I can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ker ne morem biti tvoj Superman, ne morem biti tvoj Superman
Can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ne more biti tvoj Superman, ne more biti tvoj Superman
I can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ne morem biti tvoj Superman, ne morem biti tvoj Superman
Can’t be your Superman, your Superman, your Superman
– Ne more biti tvoj nadčlovek, tvoj nadčlovek, tvoj nadčlovek
‘Cause I can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ker ne morem biti tvoj Superman, ne morem biti tvoj Superman
Can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ne more biti tvoj Superman, ne more biti tvoj Superman
I can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ne morem biti tvoj Superman, ne morem biti tvoj Superman
Can’t be your Superman, your Superman, your Superman
– Ne more biti tvoj nadčlovek, tvoj nadčlovek, tvoj nadčlovek

I know you want me, baby, I think I want you too
– Vem, da me hočeš, srček, mislim, da si tudi jaz želim tebe
I think I love you, baby, I think I love you too
– Mislim, da te ljubim, srček, mislim, da te ljubim tudi jaz
I’m here to save you, girl, come be in Shady’s world
– Tukaj sem, da te rešim, dekle, pridi v senčni Svet
I wanna grow together, let’s let our love unfurl
– Želim rasti skupaj, pustimo, da se naša ljubezen razvije
You know you want me, baby, you know I want you too
– Veš, da me hočeš, srček, veš, da te želim tudi jaz
They call me Superman, I’m here to rescue you
– Kličejo me Superman, tukaj sem, da te rešim
I wanna save you, girl, come be in Shady’s world
– Želim te rešiti, dekle, pridi v senčni Svet
Oh boy, you drive me crazy, bitch, you make me hurl
– Oh, fant, spraviš me ob pamet, prasica, spraviš me v hurl

First thing you say:
– Prva stvar, ki jo rečeš:
“I’m not fazed, I hang around big stars all day
– “Nisem prestrašen, ves dan visim okoli velikih zvezd
I don’t see what the big deal is anyway
– Ne vidim, kaj je tako ali tako velika stvar
You’re just plain old Marshall to me”
– Ti si samo navaden stari Marshall zame”
Ooh, yeah, girl, run that game
– Ooh, ja, dekle, teči to igro
“Hailie Jade, I love that name
– “Hailie Jade, Obožujem to ime
Love that tattoo, what’s that say?
– Všeč mi je ta tetovaža, kaj to pravi?
‘Rot In Pieces’, uh, that’s great”
– “Rot in Pieces”, uh, to je super”
First off, you don’t know Marshall
– Prvič, ne poznate Marshalla
At all, so don’t grow partial
– Sploh, zato ne rastejo delno
That’s ammo for my arsenal
– To je strelivo za moj arzenal
I’ll slap you off that bar stool
– Jaz bom slap vas off, da bar blatu
There goes another lawsuit
– Obstaja še ena tožba
Leave handprints all across you
– Pustite odtise rok po vsem sebi
Good Lordy, whoadie
– Ljubi Bog, kdo je
You must be gone off that water bottle
– Morate biti šli off, da steklenico vode
You want what you can’t have
– Želite tisto, česar ne morete imeti
Ooh girl, that’s too damn bad
– Ooh dekle, To je prekleto slabo
Don’t touch what you can’t grab
– Ne dotikajte se tistega, česar ne morete zgrabiti
End up with two backhands
– Na koncu z dvema backhands
Put anthrax on a Tampax
– Postavite antraks na Tampaks
And slap you ’til you can’t stand
– In slap si ‘ til ne more stati
Girl, you just blew your chance
– Dekle, Pravkar si zapravil svojo priložnost
Don’t mean to ruin your plans
– Ne mislite uničiti svojih načrtov

But I do know one thing though
– Ampak vem eno stvar, čeprav
Bitches, they come, they go
– Psice, pridejo, gredo
Saturday through Sunday, Monday
– Sobota do nedelje, ponedeljek
Monday through Sunday, yo
– Od ponedeljka do nedelje
Maybe I’ll love you one day
– Mogoče te bom nekega dne ljubil
Maybe we’ll someday grow
– Mogoče bomo nekoč rasli
‘Til then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin’ runway, ho
– ‘Til potem samo sit vaš Pijan rit na to prekleto vzletno-pristajalne steze, ho

‘Cause I can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ker ne morem biti tvoj Superman, ne morem biti tvoj Superman
Can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ne more biti tvoj Superman, ne more biti tvoj Superman
I can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ne morem biti tvoj Superman, ne morem biti tvoj Superman
Can’t be your Superman, your Superman, your Superman
– Ne more biti tvoj nadčlovek, tvoj nadčlovek, tvoj nadčlovek
‘Cause I can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ker ne morem biti tvoj Superman, ne morem biti tvoj Superman
Can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ne more biti tvoj Superman, ne more biti tvoj Superman
I can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ne morem biti tvoj Superman, ne morem biti tvoj Superman
Can’t be your Superman, your Superman, your Superman
– Ne more biti tvoj nadčlovek, tvoj nadčlovek, tvoj nadčlovek

I know you want me, baby, I think I want you too
– Vem, da me hočeš, srček, mislim, da si tudi jaz želim tebe
I think I love you, baby, I think I love you too
– Mislim, da te ljubim, srček, mislim, da te ljubim tudi jaz
I’m here to save you, girl, come be in Shady’s world
– Tukaj sem, da te rešim, dekle, pridi v senčni Svet
I wanna grow together, let’s let our love unfurl
– Želim rasti skupaj, pustimo, da se naša ljubezen razvije
You know you want me, baby, you know I want you too
– Veš, da me hočeš, srček, veš, da te želim tudi jaz
They call me Superman, I’m here to rescue you
– Kličejo me Superman, tukaj sem, da te rešim
I wanna save you, girl, come be in Shady’s world
– Želim te rešiti, dekle, pridi v senčni Svet
Oh boy, you drive me crazy, bitch, you make me hurl
– Oh, fant, spraviš me ob pamet, prasica, spraviš me v hurl

‘Cause I can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ker ne morem biti tvoj Superman, ne morem biti tvoj Superman
Can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ne more biti tvoj Superman, ne more biti tvoj Superman
I can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ne morem biti tvoj Superman, ne morem biti tvoj Superman
Can’t be your Superman, your Superman, your Superman
– Ne more biti tvoj nadčlovek, tvoj nadčlovek, tvoj nadčlovek
‘Cause I can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ker ne morem biti tvoj Superman, ne morem biti tvoj Superman
Can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ne more biti tvoj Superman, ne more biti tvoj Superman
I can’t be your Superman, can’t be your Superman
– Ne morem biti tvoj Superman, ne morem biti tvoj Superman
Can’t be your Superman, your Superman, your Superman
– Ne more biti tvoj nadčlovek, tvoj nadčlovek, tvoj nadčlovek




