Vidéo Klip
I think it’s time to watch the party die
– Jigana éta waktu pikeun lalajo pihak maot
This shit done got too wicked to apologize
– Ieu shit dipigawé meunang teuing jahat ka apologize
It’s different, get him whacked and disqualified
– Ieu béda, meunang anjeunna whacked na disqualified
We even kill the killers ’cause they like taking innocent lives
– Urang malah maéhan para pembunuh sabab maranéhna resep nyokot nyawa polos
Burn the whole village, we start over, it’s really that time
– Ngaduruk sakabéh désa, urang ngamimitian deui, éta bener waktu éta
Why reason with these niggas if they can’t see the future first?
– Naha alesan jeung niggas ieu lamun maranehna teu bisa nempo mangsa nu bakal datang kahiji?
Why argue with these clowns if the circus is well at work?
– Naha ngabantah jeung badut ieu lamun sirkus anu ogé di karya?
Just walk that man down, that’ll do everyone a solid
– Ngan leumpang lalaki nu handap, nu bakal ngalakukeun dulur padet
It’s love, but tough love sometimes gotta result in violence
– Cinta, tapi kasihan kadang-kadang harus menghadapi kekerasan
If you parade in gluttony without givin’ truth to the youth
– Lamun anjeun parade di gluttony tanpa méré bebeneran ka nonoman
The graveyard is company, just tell us what casket to choose
– Kuburan téh parusahaan, ngan ngabejaan urang naon peti pikeun milih
They party more than bitches, tell me, what are you working for?
– Maranéhanana pihak leuwih ti bitches, ngabejaan ka kuring, naon anu anjeun gawe pikeun?
They glorify scamming, you get chipped over this credit card
– Maranéhanana glorify scamming, anjeun meunang chipped leuwih kartu kiridit ieu
Influencers talk down ’cause I’m not with the basic shit
– Influencers ngobrol turun sabab kuring teu jeung shit dasar
But they don’t hate me, they hate the man that I represent
– Tapi maranéhna teu hate kuring, aranjeunna hate lalaki nu kuring ngagambarkeun
The type of man that never dickride ’cause I want a favor
– Jenis lalaki nu pernah dickride sabab kuring hayang hiji nikmat
The man that resides in patience, so where the soldiers at?
– Man anu resides di kasabaran, jadi mana prajurit di?
The one’s that lost it all and learnt to learn from that
– Nu hiji nu leungit eta sadayana sarta diajar diajar ti nu
A thirst for life, head inside a book ’cause he concerned with that
– A haus pikeun hirup, sirah jero buku ‘ sabab manéhna paduli jeung nu
Information that’ll change his life because he yearns for that
– Informasi nu bakal ngarobah hirupna sabab manéhna yearns pikeun nu
Dedication, findin’ out what’s right ’cause he can earn from that
– Dedikasi, manggihan ‘kaluar naon katuhu’ sabab bisa earn ti nu
I feel for the women that deal with the clown and nerd shit
– Kuring ngarasa pikeun awéwé anu nungkulan badut jeung nerd shit
Can’t blame them, today they ain’t really got much to work with
– Teu bisa nyalahkeun maranehna, kiwari maranehna teu bener meunang loba pikeun digawe jeung
How many bitches harder than a lot of you niggas?
– Sabaraha bitches harder ti loba anjeun niggas?
Would trade all of y’all for Nip, I can’t be proud of you niggas
– Wahhhhhhhhhhhh…. tak sabar nk tgk nuffnang ni…. hehehe
God, give me life, dear God, please give me peace
– Allah, méré kuring hirup, Dear Allah, mangga méré kuring karapihan
Dear God, please keep these lame niggas away from me
– Alhamdulillah, mangga tetep ieu niggas lame jauh ti kuring
Dear God, keep me shinin’, the fuck do they really think?
– Alhamdulillah .. sabar je lah .. ko paham ke?
Pocket-watching, you must be the police
– Saku-nonton, anjeun kudu pulisi
God, bless these words. Dear God, bless how I think
– Allah ngaberkahan kecap ieu. Alhamdulillah, berkah kumaha kuring mikir
Dear God, draw the line, they tryna confuse ’em with me
– Dear Allah, ngagambar garis, aranjeunna tryna ngabingungkeun ‘ em jeung kuring
Dear God, please forgive me, you knowin’ how hard I tried
– Alhamdulillah, mohon maaf ya, jadi tau gimana caranya
I think it’s time for me to watch the party die (Uh-huh, huh)
– Waduh jadi pengen nonton pesta nih (hehehe, hehehe)
Get ’em gone, we gon’ watch the party die (Uh-huh)
– Hahahaha … jadi pengen nonton nih … hehehe …
Send ’em home, we gon’ watch the party die
– Kirim ’em imah, urang gon’ lalajo pihak maot
I think it’s time to watch the party die
– Jigana éta waktu pikeun lalajo pihak maot
Street niggas and the corporate guys, the rappers that report the lies
– Niggas jalanan jeung guys perusahaan, rappers nu ngalaporkeun bohong
I need they families mortified
– Kuring kudu maranéhanana kulawarga mortified
We can do life without ’em, get they bodies organized, tell me if you obliged
– Urang bisa ngalakukeun hirup tanpa ‘ em, meunang aranjeunna awak dikelompokeun, ngabejaan ka kuring lamun wajib
No more pillow-talkin’, jump-startin’ neighborhood wars
– Teu aya deui bantal-talkin’, jump-startin’ perang lingkungan
Dirty-mackin’ bitches because your spirit is insecure
– Kesalahan-kesalahan-kesalahan-kesalahan-kesalahan-kesalahan-kesalahan-kesalahan
The flashy nigga with nasty decisions usin’ money as a backbone
– Negro flashy kalawan kaputusan nasty ngagunakeun duit salaku tulang tonggong a
I want his head cracked before he’s back home
– Ku ingin sirahna retak saméméh manéhna balik ka imah
The radio personality pushin’ propaganda for salary
– Kapribadian radio ngadorong propaganda pikeun gaji
Let me know when they turn up as a casualty, I want agony
– Biarlah ku tahu bila mereka jadi korban, ku ingin kesedihan
Assault, and battery, I see a new Earth
– Serangan, jeung batré, kuring ningali Bumi anyar
Filled with beautiful people makin’ humanity work
– Pinuh ku jalma geulis nyieun ‘ karya manusa
Let’s kill the followers that follow up on poppin’ mollies from
– Hayu urang maehan pengikut anu nuturkeun poppin ‘ mollies ti
The obvious degenerates that’s failing to acknowledge the
– Nu jelas degenerates nu gagal ngaku
Hope that we tryna spread, if I’m not his vote
– Mudah-mudahan urang tryna sumebar, lamun kuring teu sora-na
Then you need to bring his fuckin’ head, or film that shit in hi-res
– Mangka anjeun kudu mawa sirah fucking-na, atawa pilem nu shit di hi-res
God, give me life, dear God, please give me peace
– Allah, méré kuring hirup, Dear Allah, mangga méré kuring karapihan
Dear God, please keep these lame niggas away from me
– Alhamdulillah, mangga tetep ieu niggas lame jauh ti kuring
Dear God, keep me shinin’, the fuck do they really think?
– Alhamdulillah .. sabar je lah .. ko paham ke?
Pocket-watching, you must be the police
– Saku-nonton, anjeun kudu pulisi
God, bless these words. Dear God, bless how I think
– Allah ngaberkahan kecap ieu. Alhamdulillah, berkah kumaha kuring mikir
Dear God, draw the line, they tryna confuse ’em with me
– Dear Allah, ngagambar garis, aranjeunna tryna ngabingungkeun ‘ em jeung kuring
Dear God, please, forgive me, you knowin’ how hard I tried
– Alhamdulillah, mohon maaf ya … jadi pengen nyoba
I think it’s time for me to watch the party die
– Kuring pikir éta waktu pikeun kuring pikeun lalajo pihak maot
Sometimes I wonder what Lecrae would do
– Sakapeung kuring heran naon Anu Bakal dilakukeun Ku Lecrae
Fuck these niggas up or show ’em just what prayer do?
– Fuck ieu niggas nepi atawa némbongkeun ‘ em ngan naon solat ngalakukeun?
I want to be empathetic, my heart like Dee-1
– Abdi hoyong janten empati, haté abdi kawas Dee-1
But I will—
– Tapi ku akan—
It’s time to get these devils out the way, heavy metals on my sword
– Ieu waktu pikeun meunangkeun setan ieu kaluar jalan, logam beurat dina pedang kuring
We settle hard disputes today, the ghetto Hollywood divorce
– Urang settle sengketa teuas ayeuna, cerai ghetto Hollywood
Say hello to your future fate, the culture bred with carnivores
– Ucapkeun salam ka nasib kahareup anjeun, budaya ieu dibudidayakan ku sato karnivora
You let ’em snack, they eat your face, the signatures is bein’ forged
– Anjeun ngantep ’em snack, aranjeunna dahar beungeut anjeun, tanda tangan anu bein’ forged
They wonder why I’m not enthused to drop
– Maranéhanana heran naha kuring teu enthusiastic ka leupaskeun
The more visible you get, the more your spiritual is tried
– Beuki katingali anjeun meunang, beuki spiritual anjeun diusahakeun
It’s cynical to say I know these artists petrified
– Ieu sinis ngomong kuring nyaho seniman ieu petrified
The end result, in jail by Jezebel or drugged up full of lies
– Hasilna, di panjara Ku Jezebel atawa dibébédakeun pinuh ku bohong
Critical, I know my physical is tested all the time
– Kritis, kuring nyaho fisik mah diuji sadaya waktu
I’m pitiful, sunken place soon as I’m questionin’ my pride
– Abdi hanjelu, tempat sunken geura-giru sakumaha abdi questioning ‘ kareueus abdi
I’m seein’ ghosts, blackin’ out, relapsin’ one thought at a time
– Kuring seein ‘hantu, blackin’ kaluar, relapsin ‘ hiji pamikiran dina hiji waktu
I spare no feelings that ain’t mine, I’m in my feelings when I slide, I mean
– Kuring simpen euweuh parasaan nu teu milik, kami di parasaan mah lamun kuring ngageser, maksudna
A nigga wonder what Lecrae would do
– A nigga heran naon lecrae bakal ngalakukeun
Terrace Martin said I’m mentally with layers, true
– Terrace Martin ngomong kuring mental jeung lapisan, bener
I flood the market with my best regards, I paid your dues
– Kuring banjir pasar jeung salam pangalusna mah, kuring mayar dues anjeun
And so it’s up, if you ain’t one of ours, it’s bad news
– Tapi kalau tak salah kita, memang tak sah
My nigga Jay Estrada said I gotta burn it down to build it up
– My nigga Jay Estrada ngomong kuring kudu ngaduruk eta handap pikeun ngawangun eta nepi
That confirmation real as fuck, it ain’t too many real as us
– Konfirmasi nu nyata salaku fuck, éta teu loba teuing nyata salaku urang
Lockin’ in to what I trust, lookin’ outside
– Lockin ‘dina naon atuh percanten, pilari’ luar
The kids live tomorrow ’cause today, the party just died
– Barudak hirup isukan ‘ sabab ayeuna, pihak ngan maot