JAY-Z – Empire State of Mind Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar



– Ha

Yeah, I’m out that Brooklyn, now I’m down in Tribeca
– Ha, men Bruklindan chiqdim, endi Tribekaga tushdim
Right next to De Niro, but I’ll be hood forever
– De Nironing yonida, lekin men abadiy kaput bo’laman
I’m the new Sinatra, and since I made it here
– Men yangi Sinatra emasman, va men bu erda qilgan beri
I can make it anywhere, yeah, they love me everywhere
– Men uni har qanday joyda qila olaman, ha, ular meni hamma joyda sevadilar
I used to cop in Harlem, hola, my Dominicanos (Dímelo)
– Men Harlem politsiyachi uchun ishlatiladi, hola, mening Dominicanos (D rakkab)
Right there up on Broadway, brought me back to that McDonald’s
– Brodveyda meni o’sha McDonald’sga olib keldi
Took it to my stash spot, 560 State Street
– Mening stash joyida olib, 560 Davlat Street
Catch me in the kitchen, like a Simmons whippin’ pastry
– Meni oshxonada tuting, Simmons qamchi pishirig’i kabi
Cruisin’ down 8th Street, off-white Lexus
– Cruisin ‘ pastga 8-ko’cha, off-oq Lexus
Drivin’ so slow, but BK is from Texas
– Drivin ‘ juda sekin, lekin Bk Texasdan
Me? I’m out that Bed-Stuy, home of that boy Biggie
– Menmi? Men o’sha karavotdan chiqdim-Stuy, o’sha bola Biggining uyi
Now I live on Billboard and I brought my boys with me
– Endi men billboardda yashayman va o’g’illarimni o’zim bilan olib keldim
Say “What up?” to Ty Ty, still sippin’ Mai Tais
– Ayting ” nima? “ty Ty uchun, hali” may Tais sippin
Sittin’ courtside, Knicks and Nets give me high fives
– Sittin ‘ courtside, Knicks va Nets menga yuqori beshlikni beradi
Nigga, I be spiked out (Come on), I could trip a referee (Come on)
– Nigga, men tashqariga shitirlashi kerak (kel), men bir hakam safari mumkin (kel)
Tell by my attitude (Come on) that I’m most definitely from
– Mening munosabatim bilan ayting (keling), men aniq kelganman

In New York (Ayy, uh, yeah; aha)
– Nyu-Yorkda (Ayy, uh, ha; aha)
Concrete jungle (Yeah) where dreams are made of
– Orzular yaratilgan beton o’rmon (Ha)
There’s nothin’ you can’t do (Yeah, okay)
– Siz qila olmaydigan narsa yo’q (Ha, yaxshi)
Now you’re in New York (Aha, aha, aha; uh, yeah)
– Endi siz Nyu-Yorkdasiz (Aha, aha, aha; uh, ha)
These streets will make you feel brand-new (New)
– Bu ko’chalar sizni yangi (yangi)his qiladi
Big lights will inspire you (Come on, okay)
– Katta chiroqlar sizni ilhomlantiradi (keling, mayli)
Let’s hear it for New York (You welcome, OG; uh)
– Nyu-York uchun eshitaylik (xush kelibsiz, OG; uh)
New York (Yeah), New York (Uh, I made you hot, nigga)
– Nyu-York (Ha), Nyu-York (Uh, men sizni issiq qildim, nigga)

Catch me at the X with OG at a Yankee game
– Yanki o’yinida OG bilan xda meni ushlang
Shit, I made the Yankee hat more famous than a Yankee can
– Shit, men Yanki shlyapasini Yanki jonidan ko’ra mashhurroq qildim
You should know I bleed blue, but I ain’t a Crip though
– Siz men ko’k qon bilish kerak, lekin men-da bir Crip emas
But I got a gang of niggas walkin’ with my clique though
– Ammo mening guruhim bilan yuradigan niggalar to’dasi bor
Welcome to the meltin’ pot, corners where we sellin’ rock
– Meltin qozoniga xush kelibsiz, biz toshni sotadigan burchaklar
Afrika Bambaataa shit, home of the hip-hop
– Afrika Bambaataa shit, xip-xop uyi
Yellow cab, gypsy cab, dollar cab, holla back
– Sariq taksi, lo’li taksi, dollar taksi, holla orqaga
For foreigners, it ain’t fair, they act like they forgot how to add
– Chet elliklar uchun bu adolatli emas, ular qanday qo’shishni unutgandek harakat qilishadi
Eight million stories out there in the naked
– Yalang’och sakkiz million hikoyalar u erda
City, it’s a pity half of y’all won’t make it
– Shahar, afsuski, yarmi bunga erisha olmaydi
Me? I gotta plug Special Ed, “I Got It Made”
– Menmi? Men maxsus Ed ulang kerak, ” men u qilgan qolibdi”
If Jeezy’s payin’ LeBron, I’m payin’ Dwyane Wade
– Agar Jeezy’s payin ‘LeBron bo’lsa, men payin’ Dueyn Veydman
Three dice, Cee-lo, Three Card Monte
– Uchta zar, Cee-lo, uchta karta Monte
Labor Day Parade, rest in peace, Bob Marley
– Mehnat kuni paradi, tinchlikda dam oling, Bob Marley
Statue of Liberty, long live the World Trade (Come on, come on)
– Ozodlik haykali, yashasin Jahon savdosi (keling, keling)
Long live the king, yo (Come on), I’m from the Empire State, that’s
– Yashasin qirol, yo (keling), men imperiya davlatidanman, bu

In New York (Ayy; uh, yeah)
– Nyu-Yorkda (Ayy; uh, ha)
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of
– Orzular yaratilgan beton o’rmon
There’s nothin’ you can’t do (That boy good, okay)
– Siz qila olmaysiz (bu bola yaxshi, yaxshi)
Now you’re in New York (Uh, yeah, welcome to the bright lights, baby)
– Endi siz Nyu-Yorkdasiz (Uh, ha, yorqin chiroqlarga xush kelibsiz, bolam)
These streets will make you feel brand-new
– Bu ko’chalar sizni yangi his qiladi
Big lights will inspire you (Okay)
– Katta chiroqlar sizni ilhomlantiradi (yaxshi)
Let’s hear it for New York (Uh)
– Keling, buni Nyu-York uchun eshitaylik (Uh)
New York (Yeah), New York (Uh)
– Nyu-York (Ha), Nyu-York (Uh)

Lights is blinding, girls need blinders
– Chiroqlar ko’r, qizlarga ko’rlar kerak
Or they could step out of bounds quick, the side lines is
– Yoki ular tezda chegaradan chiqib ketishlari mumkin, yon chiziqlar
Lined with casualties who sip the life casually
– Hayotni tasodifan yutib yuboradigan qurbonlar bilan qoplangan
Then gradually become worse, don’t bite the apple, Eve
– Keyin asta-sekin yomonlashadi, olma tishlamang, Momo havo
Caught up in the in-crowd, now you’re in-style
– Olomon ichida qolib ketdingiz, endi siz uslubdasiz
Into the winter gets cold, en vogue with your skin out
– Qish sovuq oladi ichiga, chiqib teri bilan moda en
City of sin is a pity on a whim
– Gunoh shahri injiqlikka achinishdir
Good girls gone bad, the city’s filled with them
– Yaxshi qizlar yomon ketdi, shahar ular bilan to’lgan
Mami took a bus trip, now she got her bust out
– Mami avtobusda sayohat qildi, endi u byustini olib tashladi
Everybody ride her, just like a bus route
– Hamma uni xuddi avtobus yo’nalishi kabi minadi
“Hail Mary” to the city, you’re a virgin
– ” Salom Meri ” shaharga, sen bokira qizsan
And Jesus can’t save you, life starts when the church end
– Va Iso sizni qutqara olmaydi, cherkov tugashi bilan hayot boshlanadi
Came here for school, graduated to the high life
– Bu erga maktab uchun kelgan, yuqori hayotni tugatgan
Ball players, rap stars, addicted to the limelight
– To’p futbolchilar, rap yulduzlar, diqqat markazida odatlanib
MDMA (Come on) got you feelin’ like a champion (Come on)
– MDMA (keling) sizni chempion kabi his qildingiz (keling)
The city never sleeps (Come on), better slip you a Ambien
– Shahar hech qachon uxlamaydi (keling), sizga Ambien

In New York (Ayy, ow, uh, yeah)
– Nyu-Yorkda (Ayy, oh, uh, ha)
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of
– Orzular yaratilgan beton o’rmon
There’s nothin’ you can’t do (Okay)
– Siz qila olmaydigan narsa yo’q (yaxshi)
Now you’re in New York (Uh, yeah)
– Endi siz Nyu-Yorkdasiz (Uh, ha)
These streets will make you feel brand-new
– Bu ko’chalar sizni yangi his qiladi
Big lights will inspire you (Okay)
– Katta chiroqlar sizni ilhomlantiradi (yaxshi)
Let’s hear it for New York (Uh)
– Keling, buni Nyu-York uchun eshitaylik (Uh)
New York (Yeah), New York (Uh)
– Nyu-York (Ha), Nyu-York (Uh)

One hand in the air for the big city (Oh)
– Katta shahar uchun havoda bir qo’l (Oh)
Street lights, big dreams, all lookin’ pretty (Oh)
– Ko’cha chiroqlari, katta orzular, hammasi yoqimli ko’rinadi (Oh)
No place in the world that could compare (Nah)
– Dunyoda solishtiradigan joy yo’q (Nah)
Put your lighters in the air, everybody say
– Zajigalkalaringizni havoga qo’ying, deydi hamma
“Yeah, yeah” (Come on, come on)
– “Ha, ha” (keling, keling)
“Yeah, yeah” (Come on)
– “Ha, ha” (keling)

In New York (Uh, yeah, oh)
– Nyu-Yorkda (uh, ha, oh)
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of
– Orzular yaratilgan beton o’rmon
There’s nothin’ you can’t do (Okay)
– Siz qila olmaydigan narsa yo’q (yaxshi)
Now you’re in New York (Uh, yeah, yeah)
– Endi siz Nyu-Yorkdasiz (Uh, ha, ha)
These streets will make you feel brand-new
– Bu ko’chalar sizni yangi his qiladi
Big lights will inspire you (Okay)
– Katta chiroqlar sizni ilhomlantiradi (yaxshi)
Let’s hear it for New York (Uh)
– Keling, buni Nyu-York uchun eshitaylik (Uh)
New York (Yeah), New York (Uh)
– Nyu-York (Ha), Nyu-York (Uh)




