Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper – Shallow Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar



Tell me somethin’, girl
– Menga biron bir narsani ayting, qiz
Are you happy in this modern world?
– Ushbu zamonaviy dunyoda baxtlimisiz?
Or do you need more?
– Yoki sizga ko’proq kerakmi?
Is there somethin’ else you’re searchin’ for?
– Siz izlayotgan yana bir narsa bormi?

I’m fallin’
– Men yiqildim
In all the good times, I find myself longin’
– Barcha yaxshi paytlarda men o’zimni uzoq vaqt topaman
For change
– O’zgarish uchun
And, in the bad times, I fear myself
– Va yomon paytlarda men o’zimdan qo’rqaman

Tell me something, boy
– Menga bir narsa ayting, bolam
Aren’t you tired tryna fill that void?
– Siz bu bo’shliqni to’ldirishdan charchamadingizmi?
Or do you need more?
– Yoki sizga ko’proq kerakmi?
Ain’t it hard keepin’ it so hardcore?
– Bu juda qattiq emasmi?

I’m falling
– Men yiqilaman
In all the good times, I find myself longing
– Barcha yaxshi paytlarda men o’zimni sog’inaman
For change
– O’zgarish uchun
And, in the bad times, I fear myself
– Va yomon paytlarda men o’zimdan qo’rqaman

I’m off the deep end, watch as I dive in
– Men chuqur oxirida emasman, men sho’ng’iy sifatida tomosha
I’ll never meet the ground
– Men hech qachon yer bilan uchrashmayman
Crash through the surface where they can’t hurt us
– Ular bizga zarar etkaza olmaydigan sirt orqali qulab tushing
We’re far from the shallow now
– Biz hozir sayozdan uzoqdamiz

In the sha-ha, sha-hallow
– Sha-ha, sha-halluda
In the sha-ha, sha-la-la-la-low
– Sha-ha, sha-la-la-la-past
In the sha-ha, sha-hallow
– Sha-ha, sha-halluda
We’re far from the shallow now
– Biz hozir sayozdan uzoqdamiz

Oh, ha, ah, ha
– Oh, ha, oh, ha
Oh-ah, ha
– Oh-oh, ha

I’m off the deep end, watch as I dive in
– Men chuqur oxirida emasman, men sho’ng’iy sifatida tomosha
I’ll never meet the ground
– Men hech qachon yer bilan uchrashmayman
Crash through the surface where they can’t hurt us
– Ular bizga zarar etkaza olmaydigan sirt orqali qulab tushing
We’re far from the shallow now
– Biz hozir sayozdan uzoqdamiz

In the sha-ha, shallow
– Sha-ha, sayoz
In the sha-ha, sha-la-la-la-low
– Sha-ha, sha-la-la-la-past
In the sha-ha, shallow
– Sha-ha, sayoz
We’re far from the shallow now
– Biz hozir sayozdan uzoqdamiz

Lady Gaga



