Future – BRAZZIER Ingliż Lirika & Malti Traduzzjonijiet

Klipp Tal-Vidjo


– Pluto
Gon’ kick my shit, know that
– Gon’kick shit tiegħi, jafu li
Let me pop my shit (Southside), let me pop my shit
– Ħallini pop shit tiegħi (Southside), let me pop shit tiegħi

I took them cheap prices up high
– Ħadthom prezzijiet irħas għoljin
I’m really the biggest homie you got
– Jien tassew l akbar homie li sibt
I’ll fuck a rapper bitch in the whip
– I ser spalla kelba rapper fil-whip
Bought her a verse, give her a lil’ clout
– Xtratha vers, agħtiha clolu lil
Tippy-toe, tiptoe, fuckin’ this bitch on the marble
– Toe-toe, ponta tas-saqajn, fuckin ‘ din il-kelba fuq l-irħam
I got real coke, real cocaine on my collar
– Sibt kokk veru, kokaina vera fuq kullar tiegħi
She a nympho, benzo, bitch just hit the lotto
– Hija ninfa, benzo, kelba biss laqat il-lottu
Put them yellow diamonds on a black bitch, call her Mulatto
– Poġġihom djamanti sofor fuq kelba sewda, ċempelha Mulatto
Bitch drink 1940 deuce like Moscato
– Kelba tixrob 1940 deuce bħal Moscato
She the butt-naked truth and this bitch swallow
– Hija l-verità butt-mikxufa u din il-kelba tibla
Took a whole month from the day I met her and spent a million dollars
– Ħadt xahar sħiħ mill ġurnata li ltqajt magħha u qattajt miljun dollaru
I just made her ex pissed off, all the shit I bought
– Għadni kemm għamilt lill-ex tagħha mdejqa, il-ħmieġ kollu li xtrajt
I got a habit, takin’ chicks out, goin’ out the mall
– Sibt drawwa, noħroġ’flieles, immur’il barra mill-mall
I drink lean, but I’m a big dog, so I bought the bar
– Nixrob dgħif, imma jien kelb kbir, għalhekk xtrajt il – bar
Dick her down ’til her body start shakin’, she in shock
– Aqbadha’l isfel sakemm ġisimha jibda shakin’, hi xokkata
I talk drugs, I talk diamonds, I talk money, Ashallah
– Nitkellem drogi, nitkellem djamanti, nitkellem flus, Ashallah
Give you cake, happy birthday, I’ma fuck her raw
– Jagħtuk kejk, għeluq is-sena, jien spalla tagħha nej
That’s my bitch, I’m throwin’ a Rollie on her arm
– Dik hija l-kelba tiegħi, jien tarmi’rollie fuq driegħha
Turn a baddie to a boss overnight, she a star
– Dawwar baddie għal boxxla matul il-lejl, hi stilla
My lil’ bitch hittin’ them licks every day, credit card
– Lil tiegħi’kelba hittin’minnhom jilgħaq kuljum, karta ta’kreditu
Woah, woah, woah, I’m in the deep end, swimmin’ with the sharks
– Woah, woah, woah, jien fit-tarf fil-fond, għawm’mal-klieb il-baħar
Woah, woah, woah, I’m in ‘Biza, lettin’ these freaks suck my cock
– Woah, woah, woah, jien f ” Biza, lettin’dawn il-freaks jerdgħu l-vit tiegħi
My bitch stayin’ down with me, shootin’ stars, oh, Lord
– Il-kelba tiegħi tibqa ” l isfel miegħi, shootin’stilel, oh, Mulej
I take st— sticks with me and I take killers where I go
– Nieħu stikek st miegħi u nieħu qattiela fejn immur
‘Bout to go count a mil’ ticket ’til my wrist lock up
– ’bout to go għodd mil’biljett’sakemm il-polz tiegħi jissakkar
Fuck another check up every time we leave the store
– Spalla kontroll ieħor kull darba li nitilqu mill maħżen
Popped so many tags, I forgot how many cars I got
– Popped tant tags, insejt kemm karozzi sibt
Wrapped a soldier rag ’round the gun, Louis Vuitton
– Imgeżwer rag suldat ‘madwar il – pistola, Louis Vuitton

Go on and throw your gang sign up if that’s what you on
– Kompli u armi l gang tiegħek irreġistra jekk dak hu fuqek
If I fucked her more than one time, that shit hittin’ for somethin’ (That shit hittin’ for somethin’)
– Jekk i fucked tagħha aktar minn darba waħda, li shit hittin “għal xi ħaġa” (li shit hittin “għal xi ħaġa”)
Yeah, heavy sedated, intoxicated
– Iva, tqil sedat, xurbana
I’ma go crazy, I gotta go brazzier
– Jien immur miġnun, irrid immur brazzier
One in the top, one in the cut
– Wieħed fil – quċċata, wieħed fil-qatgħa
Once it’s stuck, then it’s up
– Ladarba tkun imwaħħla, allura tkun’il fuq

I get fronts and backs, Chanel bandana around the MAC, yeah
– Niġi fronti u dahar, Chanel bandana madwar il-MAC, iva
I ain’t trippin’, if you slip, you gon’ get whacked, yeah
– Jien mhux trippin’, jekk tiżloq, int se titħawwad, iva
Same nigga, before I rapped, flippin’ packs, yeah
– L-istess nigga, qabel ma rrappajt, pakketti ta’flippin, iva
Keep it cool, don’t front the mood, play the back, yeah
– Żommha friska, tiffaċċjax il-burdata, iddoqq id-dahar, iva
My niggas ain’t no construction workers, but they love playin’ with sand (Woo)
– In-niggas tiegħi mhumiex ħaddiema tal-kostruzzjoni, iżda jħobbu jilagħbu bir-ramel (Woo)
I just bust down another Rol’ and put emeralds in the band (Yeah)
– I biss bust isfel rol ieħor ‘ u poġġi żmeraldi fil-faxxa (Iva)
Touchin’ down in Wakanda, goin’ international on the ‘Gram (‘Gram)
– Tmiss’l isfel F’wakanda, goin’internazzjonali fuq il-gramma’gramma (‘)
I don’t go nowhere without my hammer, that’s not in the plan (Nope)
– Ma mmur imkien mingħajr il-martell tiegħi, dan mhux fil-pjan (Nope)
She must be hittin’ for somethin’ if I ever fucked her again
– Hija trid tkun hittin’għal xi ħaġa’jekk qatt erġajt ħassejtha
Mask on, mask off, make that purgin’ shit a trend
– Maskra fuq, maskra off, jagħmlu li purgin ” shit xejra
I’m the realest nigga she fucked, so that make the pussy a virgin again
– Jien l-realest nigga hi sess, b’tali mod li jagħmlu l-pussus verġni mill – ġdid
I send them goons lil’ deep, deep, deep, they comin’ through to spin (Slatt)
– Nibgħatilhom goons lil’fil-fond, fil-fond, fil-fond, jiġu biex iduru (Slatt)
I send them goons lil’ deep, deep, deep (Yeah), they comin’ through to— (What’s happenin’?)
– Nibgħatilhom goons lil’fil-fond, fil-fond, fil-fond (Iva), jiġu’minn— (x’qed jiġri’?)

Go on and throw your gang sign up if that’s what you on
– Kompli u armi l gang tiegħek irreġistra jekk dak hu fuqek
If I fucked her more than one time, that shit hittin’ for somethin’ (That shit hittin’ for somethin’)
– Jekk i fucked tagħha aktar minn darba waħda, li shit hittin “għal xi ħaġa” (li shit hittin “għal xi ħaġa”)
Yeah, heavy sedated, intoxicated
– Iva, tqil sedat, xurbana
I’ma go crazy, I gotta go brazzier
– Jien immur miġnun, irrid immur brazzier
One in the top, one in the cut
– Wieħed fil – quċċata, wieħed fil-qatgħa
Once it’s stuck, then it’s up
– Ladarba tkun imwaħħla, allura tkun’il fuq




