Alex Warren – Burning Down Ingelesa Hitzak & Euskara Itzulpenak



I guess you never know
– Uste dut ez duzula inoiz jakingo
Someone you think you know
– Badakizula uste duzun norbait
Can’t see the knife when you’re too close, too close
– Ezin da labana ikusi hurbilegi zaudenean
It scars forever when
– Orbainak betiko dira noiz
Someone you called a friend
– Lagun bati deitu diozu
Shows you the truth can be so cold, so cold
– Egia hain hotza eta hain hotza izan daitekeela erakusten dizu

I’d wipe the dirt of your name
– Zure izenaren zikinkeria garbituko nuke
With the shirt off my back
– Kamiseta bizkarretik kenduta
I thought that you’d do the same
– Gauza bera egingo zenuela uste nuen
But you didn’t do that
– Baina ez duzu hori egin
– (Bai)

Said I’m the one who’s wanted
– Esan zuen ni naiz nahi dudana
For all the fires you started
– Hasi dituzun sute guztiengatik
You knew the house was burning down
– Bazenekien etxea sutan zegoela
I had to get out
– Irten egin behar izan nuen
You led your saints and sinners
– Zure santuak eta bekatariak gidatu dituzu
And fed ’em lies for dinner
– Eta afaltzeko gezurretan ari dira.
You knew the house was burning down
– Bazenekien etxea sutan zegoela
And look at you now
– Eta begiratu orain

(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)
– (Oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, oi)
(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh) And look at you now
– (Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh) Eta begiratu duzu orain

How do you sleep at night?
– Nola egiten duzu lo gauez?
No one to hide behind
– Inor ez ezkutatzeko
Betrayed every alibi you had, you had
– Alibi guztiak traizionatu dituzu.
You had every chance to make amends
– Konpontzeko aukera izan duzu
Instead, you got drunk on bitterness
– Horren ordez, mozkortu egin zara
And you still claim that you’re innocent, it’s sad
– Eta errugabea zarela diozu, tristea da
That you
– Zuek

Said I’m the one who’s wanted
– Esan zuen ni naiz nahi dudana
For all the fires you started
– Hasi dituzun sute guztiengatik
You knew the house was burning down
– Bazenekien etxea sutan zegoela
I had to get out
– Irten egin behar izan nuen
You led your saints and sinners
– Zure santuak eta bekatariak gidatu dituzu
And fed ’em lies for dinner
– Eta afaltzeko gezurretan ari dira.
You knew the house was burning down
– Bazenekien etxea sutan zegoela
(And look at you now)
– (Eta begiratu orain)

Used to tell me you’d pray for me
– Niregatik otoitz egingo zenuela esaten zidaten
You were praying for my downfall
– Nire erorketaren alde otoitz egiten ari zinen
You were digging a grave for me
– Hilobi bat zulatzen ari zinen niretzat
We were sharing the same four walls
– Lau horma berdinak partekatzen genituen
Used to tell me you’d pray for me
– Niregatik otoitz egingo zenuela esaten zidaten
You were praying for my downfall
– Nire erorketaren alde otoitz egiten ari zinen
You were digging a grave for me
– Hilobi bat zulatzen ari zinen niretzat
We were sharing the same four walls
– Lau horma berdinak partekatzen genituen
And you
– Eta zu

Said I’m the one who’s wanted
– Esan zuen ni naiz nahi dudana
For all the fires you started
– Hasi dituzun sute guztiengatik
You knew the house was burning down
– Bazenekien etxea sutan zegoela
I had to get out
– Irten egin behar izan nuen
You led your saints and sinners
– Zure santuak eta bekatariak gidatu dituzu
And fed ’em lies for dinner
– Eta afaltzeko gezurretan ari dira.
You knew the house was burning down
– Bazenekien etxea sutan zegoela
(And look at you now)
– (Eta begiratu orain)

Used to tell me you’d pray for me (Pray for me)
– Niregatik otoitz egingo zenuela esaten zidaten (Otoitz egin niregatik)
You were praying for my downfall (For my downfall)
– Nire erorketaren alde otoitz egiten ari zinen (nire erorketaren Alde)
You were digging a grave for me
– Hilobi bat zulatzen ari zinen niretzat
We were sharing the same four walls
– Lau horma berdinak partekatzen genituen
Used to tell me you’d pray for me
– Niregatik otoitz egingo zenuela esaten zidaten
You were praying for my downfall
– Nire erorketaren alde otoitz egiten ari zinen
You were digging a grave for me
– Hilobi bat zulatzen ari zinen niretzat
We were sharing the same four walls
– Lau horma berdinak partekatzen genituen
And you
– Eta zu

Alex Warren



