Future – MADE MY HOE FAINT Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar



(Ain’t none harder, nigga)
– (Qiyin emas, nigga)

I just made this ho faint
– Men bu azonni hushidan ketkazdim
She ain’t even believe it was me
– U hatto bu men ekanligimga ishonmaydi
Shawty gon’ tie my shoe like a lil’ kid, so conceited lately
– Shavti Gon mening poyabzalimni lil bolasi kabi bog’lab qo’ydi, shuning uchun yaqinda mag’rur
Post a pic and let the world see it, I’m just keepin’ it P
– Picni joylashtiring va dunyo buni ko’rsin, men buni
No one on the corner put that stuff on like us (Sex)
– Burchakda hech kim biz kabi narsalar qo’yish (jins)
I got all the hitters goin’, I got a lil’ one goin’, I got all the Skittles goin’
– Men barcha hitters goin ‘bor, men bir lil’ bir goin ‘bor, men barcha Skittles goin’ bor
I just parked a new Ferrari next to a foreign, next to a new foreign
– Men yangi Ferrari-ni chet elning yonida, yangi chet elning yonida to’xtatdim
I just got the bag, made another bag, flip, nigga, I’m too O (T)
– Men faqat sumkani bor, boshqa sumkani qildi, flip, nigga ,men ham o emasman (T)
Niggas know not to never sleep on me, I’m puttin’ that stuff on
– Niggas menga hech qachon uyqu emas, balki bilaman, men bu narsalar puttin qilyapman
They think I’m sellin’ H, look at my chain, I got a few keys on (Woo)
– Ular meni sotaman deb o’ylashadi, mening zanjirimga qarang ,menda bir nechta kalit bor (Vu)
Bitch fuck around and faint, and when she see me, had that shit on (Say, dog)
– Bitch atrofida fuck va bo’sh, va u meni ko’rganda ,bu axlatni edi (demoq, it)
Flickin’ up my wrist, I’m cookin’ dope, smelled like I peed on (See)
– Bilagimni siltang, men doping pishiraman, men siygandek hidladim (qarang)
Anything I get on, put a fit on, then I shit on (Brr)
– Men olish Anything, ustiga bir amal qo’yish, keyin men shit (Brr)
Tax bracket, high skyscrapers, I can’t see y’all (Ski)
– Soliq braketi, baland osmono’par binolar, men hammasini ko’ra olmayman (chang’i)
Talkin’ dogshit, I fuck it up then put the beat on
– Talkin ‘ dogshit, men uni fuck qilaman, keyin urishni qo’yaman
Got my dogs turnin’ up, they ready to put the switch on (Brr)
– Mening itlarim o’rnidan turdi, ular kalitni yoqishga tayyor (Brr)
Got this bad bitch, she textin’ me, she ready to sit on
– Bu yomon kaltak bor, u meni textin’, u o’tirishga tayyor
Supermodels back, overseas
– Supermodellar orqaga, chet elda
Supermodels, bad lil’ freak
– Supermodellar, yomon lil ‘ freak
Super-charged, ridin’ in the ‘Ghini
– O’ta zaryadlangan, gini ichida
I’m super fly, I’m on a bad bitch lead
– Men super fly emasman, men bir yomon bitch qo’rg’oshin emasman
No one on the corner did it bigger than us
– Burchakda hech kim buni bizdan kattaroq qilmadi
No one on the corner got it litty like us
– Burchakda hech kim biz kabi litty bor
No one on the corner gettin’ a bag like us
– Burchakda hech kim biz kabi sumkani ushlamaydi
No one on the corner reppin’ murder like us (Oh, shh)
– Burchakda hech kim biz kabi qotillikni takrorlamaydi (Oh, shh)
I’m the one that got you ran down (Shh)
– Men sizni pastga tushirgan odamman (Shh)
Ain’t tellin’ these niggas to stand down (Plutoski)
– Bu zanjilar pastga turishini aytmang (Plutoski)
Got this shit in the choke, hands down
– Bo’g’ib bu axlatni bor, pastga qo’llari
Pick the brrt-brrt, ski, now it’s man down
– Brrt – brrtni tanlang, chang’i, endi u odam pastga tushdi




