The Cure – Alone Anglický Texty & Slovenský Preklad



This is the end of every song that we sing
– Toto je koniec každej piesne, ktorú spievame
The fire burned out to ash and the stars grown dim with tears
– Oheň vyhorel na popol a hviezdy stlmili slzy
Cold and afraid, the ghosts of all that we’ve been
– Chlad a strach, duchovia všetkého, čím sme boli
We toast with bitter dregs, to our emptiness
– Opekáme s horkým odpadom, do našej prázdnoty

And the birds falling out of our skies
– A vtáky padajúce z našej oblohy
And the words falling out of our minds
– A slová, ktoré nám vypadávajú z mysle
And here is to love, to all the love
– A tu je milovať, ku všetkej láske
Falling out of our lives
– Vypadnúť z našich životov
Hopes and dreams are gone
– Nádeje a sny sú preč
The end of every song
– Koniec každej piesne

And it all stops
– A všetko sa zastaví
We were always sure that we would never change
– Vždy sme si boli istí, že sa nikdy nezmeníme
And it all stops
– A všetko sa zastaví
We were always sure that we would stay the same
– Vždy sme si boli istí, že zostaneme rovnakí
But it all stops
– Ale všetko sa zastaví
And we close our eyes to sleep
– A zatvárame oči, aby sme spali
To dream a boy and girl
– Snívať chlapca a dievča
Who dream the world is nothing but a dream
– Kto sníva svet nie je nič iné ako sen

Where did it go?
– Kam to šlo?
Where did it go?
– Kam to šlo?
Broken voiced lament to call us home
– Zlomený vyjadrený nárek, aby nás zavolal domov
This is this end of every song we sing
– Toto je koniec každej piesne, ktorú spievame
Where did it go?
– Kam to šlo?
Where did it go?
– Kam to šlo?
Where did it go?
– Kam to šlo?
Where did it go?
– Kam to šlo?
Broken voiced lament to call us home
– Zlomený vyjadrený nárek, aby nás zavolal domov
This is the end of every song we sing, alone
– Toto je koniec každej piesne, ktorú spievame, sám

The Cure



