Lady Gaga – Good Morning Anglès Lletres & Català Traduccions



– Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm

Here we are together
– Aquí estem junts
I’ve loved you from afar
– T’he estimat de lluny
I’ve stayed up dreaming all night long
– M’he quedat tota la nit somiant
One day, you would have my heart
– Algun dia tindràs el meu cor
One day, she would have your heart
– Un dia, ella tindria el teu cor

Good morning, good morning
– Bon dia, bon dia
Been up the whole night through
– He estat tota la nit
Good morning, good morning to you
– Bon dia, bon dia per a tu
Good morning, good morning
– Bon dia, bon dia
It’s great to stay up late
– És fantàstic quedar-se despert fins tard
Good morning, good morning to you
– Bon dia, bon dia per a tu

When the inmates began to sleep
– Quan els presos van començar a dormir
The stars were shining bright
– Les estrelles brillaven
Now the warden’s on his way
– Ara el guardià està de camí
It’s too late to say goodnight
– És massa tard per dir bona nit

So good morning, good morning
– Així que bon dia, bon dia
Your problem soon smiles through
– El vostre problema aviat somriu
Good morning, good morning to you
– Bon dia, bon dia per a tu
Good morning, morning
– Bon dia, bon dia
Good morning, good morning
– Bon dia, bon dia

Good morning, good morning
– Bon dia, bon dia
Bang-bang, you’re black and blue
– Bang-bang, ets negre i blau
Good morning, good morning to you
– Bon dia, bon dia per a tu
(Nothin’ could be grander than to be in Louisiana)
– (Res podria ser més gran que estar A Louisiana)
In the morning, in the morning
– Al matí, al matí
You’re back behind the gate, good morning
– Has tornat darrere de la porta, bon dia
Good morning to you
– Bon dia a tu
(It might be just a zippy if you was in Mississippi)
– (Podria ser només un zippy si estiguessis A Mississipí)
When we left the movie show, the future wasn’t bright
– Quan vam sortir del programa de cinema, el futur no era brillant
But came the dawn, the show goes on, and I don’t wanna say, “Good night”
– Però va arribar l’alba, l’espectacle continua i no vull dir: “Bona nit”
So say, “Good morning, good morning”
– Així que digueu: “Bon dia, bon dia”
Rainbows are shinin’ through
– Els arcs de sant martí brillen
Good mornin’, good mornin’ to you
– Bon dia, bon dia a tu
Oh, good mornin’, good mornin’ to you (To you)
– Oh, bon dia, bon dia a tu (A tu)

Lady Gaga



