Klipp Tal-Vidjo
– Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm
Here we are together
– Hawn aħna flimkien
I’ve loved you from afar
– Ħabbejtek mill bogħod
I’ve stayed up dreaming all night long
– Bqajt noħlom il lejl kollu
One day, you would have my heart
– Ġurnata waħda, ikollok qalbi
One day, she would have your heart
– Ġurnata waħda, hi jkollha qalbek
Good morning, good morning
– Tajjeb, l-għodwa t-tajba
Been up the whole night through
– Kien il lejl kollu
Good morning, good morning to you
– Għodwa t-tajba, l-għodwa t-tajba lilek
Good morning, good morning
– Tajjeb, l-għodwa t-tajba
It’s great to stay up late
– Huwa sabiħ li tibqa’mqajjem tard
Good morning, good morning to you
– Għodwa t-tajba, l-għodwa t-tajba lilek
When the inmates began to sleep
– Meta l-priġunieri bdew jorqdu
The stars were shining bright
– L istilel kienu brillanti
Now the warden’s on his way
– Issa l-gwardjan fi triqtu
It’s too late to say goodnight
– Huwa tard wisq biex tgħid il lejl it tajjeb
So good morning, good morning
– Allura l-għodwa t-tajba, l-għodwa
Your problem soon smiles through
– Il problema tiegħek dalwaqt titbissem
Good morning, good morning to you
– Għodwa t-tajba, l-għodwa t-tajba lilek
Good morning, morning
– L-għodwa t-tajba, filgħodu
Good morning, good morning
– Tajjeb, l-għodwa t-tajba
Good morning, good morning
– Tajjeb, l-għodwa t-tajba
Bang-bang, you’re black and blue
– Bang-bang, int iswed u blu
Good morning, good morning to you
– Għodwa t-tajba, l-għodwa t-tajba lilek
(Nothin’ could be grander than to be in Louisiana)
– (Nothin’jista’jkun ikbar milli jkun F’louisiana)
In the morning, in the morning
– Filgħodu, filgħodu
You’re back behind the gate, good morning
– Int lura wara l-bieb, l-għodwa t-tajba
Good morning to you
– L-għodwa t-tajba lilek
(It might be just a zippy if you was in Mississippi)
– (Jista’jkun biss żipp jekk kont Fil-Mississippi)
When we left the movie show, the future wasn’t bright
– Meta tlaqna mill-ispettaklu tal-films, il-futur ma kienx qawwi
But came the dawn, the show goes on, and I don’t wanna say, “Good night”
– Imma daħal il-bidunett, l-ispettaklu jkompli, u ma rridx ngħid, ” lejl It-Tajjeb”
So say, “Good morning, good morning”
– Allura jgħidu, “Għodwa T-tajba, għodwa t-tajba”
Rainbows are shinin’ through
– Il-qawsalla huma shinin’through
Good mornin’, good mornin’ to you
– L-għodwa t-tajba, l-għodwa t-tajba għalik
Oh, good mornin’, good mornin’ to you (To you)
– Oh, għodwa t-tajba, għodwa t-tajba lilek (lilek)