Eminem – ’Till I Collapse Angle Lyrics & Ayisyen Tradiksyon

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(Yo, left, yo, left) ‘Cause sometimes you just feel tired
– (Yo, bò gòch, yo, bò gòch) Paske pafwa ou jis santi fatige
(Yo, left, right, left) Feel weak, and when you feel weak
– (Yo, gòch, dwat, gòch) Santi yo fèb, epi lè ou santi ou fèb
(Yo, left, yo, left) You feel like you wanna just give up
– (Yo, bò gòch, yo, bò gòch) ou santi tankou ou vle jis bay moute
(Yo, left, right, left) But you gotta search within you
– (Yo, gòch, dwat, gòch) Men Ou gen pou chèche nan ou
(Yo, left, yo, left) Try to find that inner strength and just pull that shit out of you
– (Yo, bò gòch, yo, bò gòch) Eseye Jwenn ke fòs enteryè ak jis rale ke bagay soti nan ou
(Yo, left, right, left) And get that motivation to not give up
– (Yo, gòch, dwat, gòch) Epi jwenn motivasyon sa a pa bay moute
(Yo, left, yo, left) And not be a quitter
– (Yo, bò gòch, yo, bò gòch) Epi Yo Pa yon abandone
(Yo, left, right, left) No matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse
– (Yo, gòch, dwat, gòch) Pa gen pwoblèm ki jan move ou vle jis tonbe plat sou figi ou ak tonbe

‘Til I collapse, I’m spillin’ these raps long as you feel ’em
– ‘Jiskaske mwen tonbe, mwen ap koule’ rap sa yo osi lontan ke ou santi ’em
‘Til the day that I drop, you’ll never say that I’m not killin’ ’em
– ‘Jiska jou a ke mwen tonbe, ou pa janm ap di ke mwen pa touye yo
‘Cause when I am not, then I’ma stop pennin’ ’em
– Paske lè mwen pa, lè sa a, mwen pral sispann pennin ‘ em
And I am not hip-hop and I’m just not Eminem
– E mwen pa hip-hop e mwen jis pa Eminem
Subliminal thoughts, when I’ma stop sendin’ ’em?
– Panse Subliminal, lè mwen ap sispann voye’ em?
Women are caught in webs, spin ’em and hock venom
– Fanm yo te kenbe nan webs, vire ‘ em ak pwazon hock
Adrenaline shots of penicillin could not get the illin’ to stop
– Adrenalin piki nan penisilin pa t ‘kapab jwenn ilin’ yo sispann
Amoxicillin’s just not real enough
– Amoxicillin se jis pa reyèl ase
The criminal, cop-killin’, hip-hop villain
– Kriminèl, polis-touye, hip-hop villain
A minimal swap to cop millions of Pac listeners
– Yon echanj minimòm pou polis dè milyon de pac koute
You’re comin’ with me, feel it or not
– Ou ap vini avè m’, santi li oswa ou pa
You’re gonna fear it like I showed ya the spirit of God lives in us
– Ou pral pè li tankou mwen te montre ou lespri Bondye a ap viv nan nou
You hear it a lot, lyrics to shock
– Ou tande li anpil, lyrics to shock
Is it a miracle or am I just product of pop fizzin’ up?
– Èske se yon mirak oswa mwen se jis pwodwi nan pop fizzin’ up?
Fa’ shizzle, my wizzle, this is the plot, listen up
– Fa ‘ shizzle, wizzle mwen, sa a se konplo a, koute
You bizzles forgot, Slizzle does not give a fuck
– Ou bizzles bliye, Slizzle pa bay yon fuck

‘Til the roof comes off, ’til the lights go out
– ‘Jiskaske do kay la vin koupe, ‘jiskaske limyè yo ale
‘Til my legs give out, can’t shut my mouth
– ‘Jiskaske janm mwen bay soti, pa ka fèmen bouch mwen
‘Til the smoke clears out, am I high? Perhaps
– ‘Jiskaske lafimen an klè soti, mwen wo? Petèt
I’ma rip this shit ’til my bones collapse
– Mwen pral rache sa a shit ‘ jiskaske zo mwen tonbe
‘Til the roof comes off, ’til the lights go out (‘Til the roof, until the roof)
– ‘Jiskaske do kay la vin koupe,’ jiskaske limyè yo ale (‘Jiskaske do kay la, jouk do kay la)
‘Til my legs give out, can’t shut my mouth (The roof comes off, the roof comes off)
– ‘Jiskaske janm mwen bay soti, pa ka fèmen bouch mwen (touf la vin koupe, do kay la vin koupe)
‘Til the smoke clears out, am I high? Perhaps (‘Til my legs, until my legs)
– ‘Jiskaske lafimen an klè soti, mwen wo? Petèt (‘Jiska janm mwen, jouk janm mwen)
I’ma rip this shit ’til my bones collapse (Give out from underneath me)
– Mwen pral rache sa a shit ‘jiskaske zo mwen tonbe (Bay soti anba m’)

Music is like magic, there’s a certain feelin’ you get
– Mizik se tankou majik, gen yon santiman sèten ou jwenn
When you real and you spit, and people are feelin’ your shit
– Lè ou reyèl epi ou krache, ak moun yo santi ‘ shit ou
This is your moment, and every single minute you spend
– Sa a se moman ou, ak chak minit ou pase
Tryna hold on to it, ’cause you may never get it again
– Eseye kenbe l, paske ou ka pa janm jwenn li ankò
So while you’re in it, try to get as much shit as you can
– Se konsa, pandan w ap nan li, eseye jwenn kòm anpil bagay ke ou kapab
And when your run is over, just admit when it’s at its end
– E lè kouri ou fini, jis admèt lè li nan fen li
‘Cause I’m at the end of my wits with half the shit that gets in
– Paske mwen nan fen lespri m ak mwatye nan bagay sa yo ki vin nan
I got a list, here’s the order of my list that it’s in
– Mwen te resevwa yon lis, isit la nan lòd la nan lis mwen an ke li nan
It goes: Reggie, JAY-Z, 2Pac and Biggie
– Li ale: Reggie, JAY-Z, 2pac ak Biggie
André from OutKast, Jada, Kurupt, Nas, and then me
– André Soti Nan OutKast, Jada, Kurupt, nas, ak lè sa a, m’
But in this industry I’m the cause of a lot of envy
– Men nan endistri sa a mwen se kòz anpil jalouzi
So when I’m not put on this list, the shit does not offend me
– Se konsa, lè mwen pa mete sou lis sa a, bagay la pa ofanse m’
That’s why you see me walk around like nothing’s botherin’ me
– Se poutèt sa ou wè m ‘mache alantou tankou pa gen anyen ki deranje m’
Even though half you people got a fuckin’ problem with me
– Menm si mwatye ou moun te gen yon pwoblèm fuckin ‘ avèk mwen
You hate it, but you know respect you got to give me
– Ou rayi li, men ou konnen respè ou gen pou ban m’
The press’s wet dream, like Bobby and Whitney—Nate, hit me!
– Rèv mouye laprès la, tankou Bobby ak Whitney—Nate, frape m!

‘Til the roof comes off, ’til the lights go out
– ‘Jiskaske do kay la vin koupe, ‘jiskaske limyè yo ale
‘Til my legs give out, can’t shut my mouth
– ‘Jiskaske janm mwen bay soti, pa ka fèmen bouch mwen
‘Til the smoke clears out, am I high? Perhaps
– ‘Jiskaske lafimen an klè soti, mwen wo? Petèt
I’ma rip this shit ’til my bones collapse
– Mwen pral rache sa a shit ‘ jiskaske zo mwen tonbe
‘Til the roof comes off, ’til the lights go out (‘Til the roof, until the roof)
– ‘Jiskaske do kay la vin koupe,’ jiskaske limyè yo ale (‘Jiskaske do kay la, jouk do kay la)
‘Til my legs give out, can’t shut my mouth (The roof comes off, the roof comes off)
– ‘Jiskaske janm mwen bay soti, pa ka fèmen bouch mwen (touf la vin koupe, do kay la vin koupe)
‘Til the smoke clears out, am I high? Perhaps (‘Til my legs, until my legs)
– ‘Jiskaske lafimen an klè soti, mwen wo? Petèt (‘Jiska janm mwen, jouk janm mwen)
I’ma rip this shit ’til my bones collapse (Give out from underneath me)
– Mwen pral rache sa a shit ‘jiskaske zo mwen tonbe (Bay soti anba m’)

Soon as a verse starts, I eat at an MC’s heart
– Le pli vit ke yon vèsè kòmanse, mwen manje nan kè YON MC
What is he thinking? How not to go against me, smart
– Ki sa l ap panse? Ki jan pou yo pa ale kont mwen, entelijan
And it’s absurd how people hang on every word
– Epi li absid ki jan moun pandye sou chak mo
I’ll prob’ly never get the props I feel I ever deserve
– Mwen pwal pwobableman pa janm jwenn rekòt yo mwen santi mwen janm merite
But I’ll never be served, my spot is forever reserved
– Men, mwen pap janm sèvi, plas mwen an se pou tout tan rezève
If I ever leave Earth, that would be the death of me first
– Si mwen janm kite Latè, sa ta dwe lanmò m ‘ premye
‘Cause in my heart of hearts I know nothin’ could ever be worse
– Paske nan kè m nan kè m mwen konnen pa gen anyen ki ka pi mal
That’s why I’m clever when I put together every verse
– Se poutèt sa mwen entelijan lè mwen mete ansanm chak vèsè
My thoughts are sporadic, I act like I’m an addict
– Panse m yo se sporadik, mwen aji tankou mwen se yon dejwe
I rap like I’m addicted to smack like I’m Kim Mathers
– Mwen rap tankou mwen dejwe pou frape Tankou Mwen Se Kim Mathers
But I don’t wanna go forth and back in constant battles
– Men mwen pa vle ale pi devan ak tounen nan batay konstan
The fact is I would rather sit back and bomb some rappers
– Reyalite a se mwen ta pito chita tounen ak bonm kèk rapè
So this is like a full-blown attack I’m launchin’ at ’em
– Se konsa, sa a se tankou yon atak plen-blown mwen ap lanse nan ‘ em
The track is on some battlin’ raps, who wants some static?
– Chemen an se sou kèk battlin ‘ raps, ki moun ki vle kèk estatik?
‘Cause I don’t really think that the fact that I’m Slim matters
– Paske mwen pa reyèlman panse ke lefèt ke mwen Se mens pwoblèm
A plaque and platinum status is wack if I’m not the baddest, so
– Yon plak ak platinum estati se fou si mwen pa pi mal la, se konsa

‘Til the roof comes off, ’til the lights go out
– ‘Jiskaske do kay la vin koupe, ‘jiskaske limyè yo ale
‘Til my legs give out, can’t shut my mouth
– ‘Jiskaske janm mwen bay soti, pa ka fèmen bouch mwen
‘Til the smoke clears out, am I high? Perhaps
– ‘Jiskaske lafimen an klè soti, mwen wo? Petèt
I’ma rip this shit ’til my bones collapse
– Mwen pral rache sa a shit ‘ jiskaske zo mwen tonbe
‘Til the roof comes off, ’til the lights go out (‘Til the roof, until the roof)
– ‘Jiskaske do kay la vin koupe,’ jiskaske limyè yo ale (‘Jiskaske do kay la, jouk do kay la)
‘Til my legs give out, can’t shut my mouth (The roof comes off, the roof comes off)
– ‘Jiskaske janm mwen bay soti, pa ka fèmen bouch mwen (touf la vin koupe, do kay la vin koupe)
‘Til the smoke clears out, am I high? Perhaps (‘Til my legs, until my legs)
– ‘Jiskaske lafimen an klè soti, mwen wo? Petèt (‘Jiska janm mwen, jouk janm mwen)
I’ma rip this shit ’til my bones collapse (Give out from underneath me)
– Mwen pral rache sa a shit ‘jiskaske zo mwen tonbe (Bay soti anba m’)

Until the roof, until the roof
– Jouk do kay la, jouk do kay la
The roof comes off, the roof comes off
– Twal la tonbe, do kay la tonbe
Until my legs, until my legs
– Jouk janm mwen, jouk janm mwen
Give out from underneath me, I
– Bay soti anba m’, mwen
I will not fall, I will stand tall
– Mwen pa pral tonbe, mwen pral kanpe wotè
Feels like no one can beat me
– Santi tankou pa gen moun ki ka bat m’




