Rod Wave – Jersey Numbers Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar



(Pipe that shit up, TnT)
– (Yuqoriga shit quvur, TnT)
(Ayy, JB)
– (Ayy, JB)
Yeah, yeah, uh
– Ha, ha, uh

Fell in love with my cup, it’s just me and my drank
– Mening kosamni sevib qoldim, bu faqat men va mening ichimligim
So much pain in my heart got me numb to the brain
– Yuragimdagi shuncha og’riq meni miyamga karaxt qildi
And the crackers on our bumpers, shit ain’t sweet as you think
– Va bizning bamperlarimizdagi krakerlar, siz o’ylagandek shirin emas
Loyalty for royalty, I did it all for the gang
– Royalti uchun sodiqlik, men hammasini to’da uchun qildim
Now here’s a message for the youth, it ain’t worth it
– Endi bu erda yoshlar uchun xabar, bunga loyiq emas
Niggas police, it ain’t worth it
– Niggas politsiyasi, bunga loyiq emas
Yeah, we stand on that business, fuck around, tie up a witness
– Ha, biz bu ishda turamiz, fuck atrofida, guvohni bog’laymiz
My past ain’t perfect, the judge handing out jersey numbers
– Mening o’tgan mukammal emas, hakam Jersi raqamlarini tarqatishadi
Mistakes is nothing, you live and you learn
– Xatolar hech narsa emas, siz yashaysiz va o’rganasiz
I was tryna get some sleep, so I been sipping that syrup
– Men biroz uxladim, shuning uchun men bu siropni ho’pladim
Preaching to my young niggas to lay off the pills
– Mening yosh zanjilarimga tabletkalarni tashlash uchun va’z qilish
My baby mama text my phone like, “You got some nerve”
– Mening chaqaloq mama mening telefon kabi matn, ” Agar ba’zi asab bor”
Know I come up out that bottom, I came straight from the curb
– Bilaman, men pastki qismdan chiqdim, men to’g’ridan-to’g’ri chekkadan keldim
Youngin asking me advice to get his paper mature
– Youngin menga uning qog’oz etuk olish uchun maslahat so’rab
My mouth told him chase his dream, but the younger child in me screamed
– Og’zim unga tushini ta’qib qilganini aytdi, lekin ichimdagi yosh bola qichqirdi
“Tell your big homie to front you half a bird”
– “Katta uyingizga yarim qushni oldingizga ayting”
You scared, then go to church, if you scared, them crackers’ll give you life, you life
– Siz qo’rqib, keyin cherkovga borib, agar qo’rqib bo’lsa, ularni kraker sizga hayot beraman, siz hayot
Okay, my brother back in jail, my songs leaking out, I am not alright
– Okay, orqaga qamoqda akam, mening qo’shiqlar oqish, men OK emasman
In 2018, my partner was eighteen, they gave him twenty years, twenty years
– 2018 yilda sherigim o’n sakkiz yoshda edi, ular unga yigirma yil, yigirma yil berishdi
If you eighteen with twenty, that mean he got more time than he fucking lived
– Agar yigirma bilan o’n sakkiz bo’lsa, u yashagan la’nat ko’proq vaqt bor, degani

Preaching to Lil Keed, I told him try to make it to the league, get a jersey number
– Lil Keed va’z, men uni, ligada uni amalga oshirish uchun bir Jersi qator olish uchun harakat aytgan
It ain’t nothing in these streets, but graveyards and jersey numbers, jersey numbers
– Bu ko’chalarda hech narsa emas, lekin qabristonlar va Jersi raqamlari, Jersi raqamlari
Yeah, yeah, yeah
– Ha, ha, ha
It ain’t nothing in these streets, but graveyards and jersey numbers, jersey numbers
– Bu ko’chalarda hech narsa emas, lekin qabristonlar va Jersi raqamlari, Jersi raqamlari

Bro callin’ from the jail, he said his lawyer swapped him out (Uh)
– Bro callin ‘ qamoqdan, uning advokati uni almashtirganini aytdi (Uh)
I was hollerin’ at lil’ Yayo, they gave him a dub and he did five
– Men Lil ‘ yayoda xollerin edim, ular unga dub berishdi va u beshta qildi
Still shot him with his slides on, bro institutionalized
– Hali ham uni slaydlari bilan otib tashladi, bro institutsionalizatsiya qilindi
Still killin’, inmates shanked each other, I’m just happy that he survived
– Hali killin’, mahbuslar bir-biriga shanked, men u omon, deb faqat xursandman
Pay anything to get you free, you, I’m picking sides
– Sizni ozod qilish uchun hamma narsani to’lang, siz, men tomonlarni tanlayapman
Know a couple people who bit the cheese who used to be the guys
– Ilgari yigitlar bo’lgan pishloqni tishlagan bir nechta odamlarni biling
Paid an inmate in call fare, clean your laundry, laundry
– Qo’ng’iroq tarifidagi mahbusga to’langan, kirlaringizni, kirlaringizni tozalang
Shoot away, show you how I did get a lunch tray, lunch tray
– Otib tashlang, qanday qilib tushlik tepsisini, tushlik tepsisini olganimni ko’rsating
They’ll give you a judge and I’ma judge, don’t put you in the gang
– Ular sizga sudya berishadi va men sudya, sizni to’daga kiritmang
They be treating us like a jeweler, can’t wait to put us in some chains
– Ular bizga zargar kabi munosabatda bo’lishadi, bizni zanjirband qilishni kutishmaydi
On FaceTime with lil’ TJ, say his mama was actin’ strange (She was actin’ strange)
– Lil’ TJ bilan FaceTime-da, uning onasi g’alati edi (u g’alati edi)
Said his brother turned his back since he been in, I felt his pain (Felt his pain)
– U edi, chunki uning ukasi orqasiga o’girilib dedi, men uning og’riq his(uning og’riq his)
Seen a gangster go to jail and fuck a sissy
– Ko’rgan gangster qamoqqa borish va bir sissy fuck
He wouldn’t control himself, the first day out, I was back to sipping
– U o’zini nazorat qila olmadi, birinchi kuni men ho’plashga qaytdim
Niggas tell me, “Don’t get high,” I should try and make a living
– Niggas menga ayting, ” yuqori olish qilmang,” men harakat va tirikchilik qilish kerak
But I tell ’em I’m a hustler and I’d rather make a killing
– Lekin men bir hustler emasman em aytib va men asosan bir qotillik qilish edim

Preaching to Lil Keed, I told him try to make it to the league, get a jersey number (Yeah)
– Lil Keedga va’z qilib, men unga ligaga chiqishga harakat qiling, forma raqamini oling (Ha)
It ain’t nothing in these streets (Yeah, yeah), but graveyards and jersey numbers (Yeah), jersey numbers
– Bu ko’chalarda hech narsa yo’q (Ha, ha), lekin qabristonlar va Jersi raqamlari (Ha), Jersi raqamlari
Yeah, yeah, yeah (Yeah)
– Ha, ha, ha (Ha)
It ain’t nothing in these streets, but graveyards and jersey numbers, jersey numbers
– Bu ko’chalarda hech narsa emas, lekin qabristonlar va Jersi raqamlari, Jersi raqamlari
– Uh

Rod Wave



